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  1. Home Sweet Home to be!
  2. I'm in...
  3. Ok I'm here, cooking metal today
  4. I'm Here
  5. RCBS #82080 [44-250-K] vs. RCBS #82044 [44-250-KT]
  6. Cowboy Match
  7. I got lucky on Ebay..
  8. Proof is in the Pudding...
  9. 38-55 bullet
  10. BFR .475 Linebaugh
  11. A REAL time saver
  12. Heat Treat Verus Air Cooled - 45/70's
  13. Lil ' Gun and 357 magnum with cast boolits Felix lube too
  14. Cut my rejects by a factor of 4 at least
  15. Are 4 cavity lyman 454190's available?
  16. Speed Cassting
  17. Pointed Bullet in Straight Wall Cartridges??
  18. Bullet weight consistantly doing the Bruce Lee
  19. Leaded bore!!!!
  20. 22 Centerfire anyone?
  21. What exactly is a "custom" to Lee ??
  22. RCBS 7mm 145 SIL and Gas Check Issue???????
  23. Just for fun- Cast Boolit carry loads
  24. What is your favorite .38 Wadcutter bullet?
  25. From the pot to the field
  26. testing the custom lee 357- 180 gc bullet
  27. Poured some lead today
  28. Ok I got the mould working.
  29. Mold Handles
  30. 4 cavity molds
  31. Bubblegum Bullet Lube
  32. 38 cal hollow based wad-cutter question
  33. A Hearty Thanks
  35. Ballistic coeff and sectional density of cast
  36. Lee 358-158-RF
  37. Mold for a 44spl.?
  38. Gun show mould
  39. Powder Weight
  40. WC-844 vs ACCURATE 2520...
  41. Cooler is Better
  42. Oh Boy!
  43. Ideal Tools
  44. Missing Member
  45. Feeding and the BD45
  46. All this AA2200 . . . . Whats a soul to do?
  47. lynotype ?
  48. Shooters.com Refugee Checking In!
  49. 16 grains of 2400 powder
  50. So, what's wrong with the 311413
  51. Tin & Wheel Weights
  52. .475 BFR LBT WFN, 392 gr. boolit
  53. confused!!!!!!
  54. Slingshots?
  55. Lube help/advise
  56. Saeco #58
  57. Greetings, and a question! (or 3 or 4......)
  58. Colt New Frontier and cast bullets
  59. Gettin' the lube out
  60. 311284 lyman
  61. .357 Herrett Revisited:
  62. Good clean lead......lots of it!!!
  63. will a cast shoot with a jacketed?
  64. Boolit for older .44 Ruger Deerfield rifle.
  65. Time to branch out...any advice
  66. Favorite powder for the 44 special
  67. 311440 In 7.62x39
  68. My time.......Casting
  69. Holy Smokes!!!!
  70. Bullit Keyholing?
  71. 7mm & cast bullets
  72. 5744 Powder
  73. Crimp for cast bullets
  74. Lead shot from a carnival
  75. polishing iron
  76. Lee liquid Alox dip
  77. A Question? or 2
  78. Dacron Wadding - How much?
  79. 25 cal. Cast bullets
  80. I'm a killer. Pic Attached
  81. 32-20 TC rifle or pistol
  82. No More Williams' Beeswax....this year, anyway
  83. Imperfect bullets and Resizing
  84. Lyman 454424 .45 colt
  85. Help ID SAECO 3 holer, designer? handles?
  86. 45/90 - new chamber 3031
  87. 30 caliber PB bullets
  88. Favorite powder for the 44mag with 250 SWC
  89. Culling Criteria
  90. off topic, Dating Remington 7 1/2 primers?
  91. 44Man questions on super accuracy
  92. Wheel Weight melt
  93. 6mm bullet?
  94. Anyone cast 311 365? any luck? none here!
  95. Beeswax Refining
  96. time for some light chit chat - what is your oldest Mould actual and design.
  97. 7 BR cast data
  98. Using Lyman#358430 in 35 Remington
  99. Pure Lead in the .416 Rigby
  100. Felix, Enlighten Me
  101. Does anyone know of a 4 or 6 hole 9 mm mold?
  102. Sizing time !
  103. Cartridge Question
  104. 25-20
  105. Finally!
  106. New Powder New Powder
  107. Barnes New Cast Jacketed Bullet
  108. WC-852 lot A-230 SL-7254
  109. Barnes Banded Bullet
  110. For those intrested
  111. Cast bullet loads for SKS.
  112. keith style 41 mag boolit mould
  113. Saeco 432
  114. Seating and crimping Wide for caliber boolits
  115. Tumbling Loaded Ammo
  116. Just How Many Rounds Have You Fired
  117. Tuesday at the range 4 - 26 - 05
  118. Lee TL with "normal" sizin and lubin
  119. .32 mag ruger leading
  120. old smith target model .38
  121. Calling Bullshead
  122. Hit the mother load
  123. Imr 4831
  124. Headspace Differences in Three .30-06 Rifles
  125. new guy...help needed
  126. WC 820 . . . Your experiences . . .
  127. This Is Strange.
  128. Lead Alloy-Hard but not brittle
  129. New Guy Questions
  130. Bullet cataloged wieght vs. real weight???
  131. New Member
  132. First shot woes
  133. Working with fillers.
  134. Need load help for the Swedish Mauser 6.5 170 grain
  135. UNIVERSAL clays is great
  136. New Member and New to Cast Boolits
  137. Storing cast bullets
  138. 6.5 practice cast bullet
  139. favorite powder for the .45acp
  140. Of Goofy Lube, FWFL, Fillers, and a Dirty Rifle
  141. The scale revisited.
  142. Notice of intent to snipe Ebay mold!
  143. Deep DooDoo !!!!
  144. Fun at 200 yd's.
  145. Longshot in small bores
  146. Lubes
  147. Any DVDs or videos available on bullet casting?
  148. Felix Maybe New Lube
  149. Certain Lee & Lyman CB's in the .44mag.
  150. C&B revolver
  151. Gallery loads for 44 Spl
  152. .45-70 and plain bases
  153. Groundhogs 0 Saeco #58 1
  154. .41 Special
  155. Fresh start with 35 Whelen
  156. ATT 30/06 casters
  157. Lee boolit sizer,is that good enough?
  158. dropping boolits in water from the mold?
  159. I did it!
  160. Accurate #2 surplus
  161. Favorite primers?
  162. Beagleing Boolits
  163. Wc 852
  164. very happy with the results with cast boolits
  165. Any one casting for the 375 hawk?
  166. Gas cutting/ Melting bases
  167. First Cast Bullets!!!
  168. 6 cavity mould
  169. Question from a new member on a 44 mag
  170. Tried my "Beagled" Saeco RG-4 @ 50 yds.
  171. Lachmiller mold
  172. Lubesizer
  173. BruceB, if you want that mould back,
  174. 45-70 Contender what boolit?
  175. Round balls in .45/70
  176. Crimps, I feel like making more noise.
  178. Ranger Rick's 720gr .458
  179. Ten cavity moulds
  180. Recipe for hard lube
  181. BBL temp and lube??
  182. Surplus powders(Again)
  183. my cast boolit groups went sour
  184. Case Length Shortening Myth Or Reality
  185. Brass Scrounging ?
  186. Misfire Today
  187. 6.5mm Cast bullets for Sale?
  188. Is there such a thing as "scrap tin"?
  189. nasty surprise
  190. Is there a surefire way to identify Tin?
  191. Things that make ya go Hmmmmmm..........
  192. cast in 30-30 ack imp
  193. Adding Silver to the mix...
  194. zinc question
  195. with first attempt -but....
  196. 115 grain lead bullet load for 8x56R
  197. Very shiny stuff??
  198. Penetration/Expansion tests
  199. 2400 for cast 22-250?
  200. Mid-South specialty Moulds
  201. Any testing facilities?
  202. Trying out my new round ball mold
  203. A long story (Confession?)
  204. Bullet mold values
  205. Powder Storage Question?
  206. Top punch?
  207. 35 Whelen- 250 grain boolits
  208. Wanting to cast; Will this lead work?
  209. Mold Identification numbers
  210. Range scrap
  211. Prolly a stuped question....
  212. Law of Supply and Demand (due to the war )
  213. Best .45 LC moulds?
  214. Why do you cast ?
  215. .38's in a .357?
  216. Lee C312-155-2R 6 Hole Buy
  217. Powder for 243 project help
  218. Starmetal
  219. 7mm Bore Rider designs
  220. 434-250 group buy taking orders
  221. Oh, Thanks very #@*&%$* much......
  222. Is this a good price ?
  223. Bullet base mold fillout???
  224. Ballisti-cast # 643
  225. 180gr Lee cast boolit shooting better than the Cast Performance boolit
  226. Warped molds?
  227. 41 Mag mold "undersize"?
  228. thanks leftoverdj and johnh
  229. Lucky Find
  230. Help! Looking For Hard to Find Nose Punches!
  231. 25-35
  232. your favorite lubes ????
  233. LYMAZ ingot mold
  234. Midwest Castingfest ?
  235. A couple of new 7MM molds
  236. Felix Lube/Oils not mixing
  237. Cast Boolit design for high velocity
  238. Lyman 429215
  239. Labels
  240. 35 Remington Cast Loads
  241. Tuesday at the range ............ Tomorrow
  242. Powder + card wad + PSB + boolit in 45-70
  243. Tell me about cast boolits in the 243 Win.
  244. 6 Cavity moulds make a LOT of boolits
  245. When sawdust isn't handy...
  246. For Sale List
  247. Wow!!!!
  248. Looking for Lithi Bee lube...
  249. Marlin 1894 .44 Mag.
  250. NEI Moulds