View Full Version : Lead and Lead Alloys
- Babbitt
- Found some new ingot moulds at Wally World
- Soldering past flux
- Score!
- Lead scrounging tools
- w-w ?
- NO wheel weights BUT...
- Price of this good?
- What do I have here?
- Mystery Metal?
- Lead Exposure
- Zinc wheel weights, again
- Composition of Bell Wiping Solder?
- First weekly pail of ww's
- Looking for lead supply
- What do I have?
- Lead Removal Solution
- Rimfire bullet alloy?
- Foundry type metal
- Tin,
- where to get antimony
- Lead Shot in your Alloy
- How do you get free or low cost wheel weights?
- adding hardend shot to lead
- What is it?
- Lead + Lino blend?
- Lead find!!!
- Breathing Proctection/Lead Smelting and casting.
- WW cast weight variation
- Lead Flashing, now what?
- ignot pans shapes
- Labeling ingots?
- What's the next big source of lead?
- useable lead?
- fluxing questions
- Levels of leading
- BH when you add grass
- Mystery Alloy?
- Hammer mold alloy??
- Is this what zinc does?
- Melted wheel weights look grainny?
- the lead turned blue
- Need some info on some ingots
- I was stupid , did I hurt my mix ?
- Lead shortage
- Solder?
- flux
- Batteries and lead
- Zinc Contamination Concerns
- best pb speed method
- WW's, a new twist
- WW sorting ????
- ZINC wheelweights ???
- what to flux with
- Linotype value/cost
- Bullet Metal
- Bullet Metal 2
- What metals will alloy with lead?
- Smelting large quantity of indoor range lead?
- Pic of my very first EVIL Zinc wheel weight
- Lead Wheel weights soon to be obsolete
- Recyclers are lying
- Lead collecting, a sickness.
- Copper Contamination
- Where do you find lead????
- Don't laugh, newbies first smelt
- Cerro safe near disaster
- Newbe lead question.
- Tin & lead on Ebay
- Zinc ww's not worst-MUST READ!!
- 24,600 LBS lead in Anniston, AL
- wheelweights
- Range Lead questions
- Seeking tin? How 'bout babbit?
- Why Car Batteries Are Dangerous
- Ya takes what ya can gets...
- Wheel weights to be banned in CA
- unbelievable!
- Batery terminal, safe or not?
- Blue/purple/gold skim ?
- dropping lead in your pot?
- alloys
- Pewter Shooter?
- pricing scrap lead
- school me on tin
- pay attention while smelting
- BHN of lead, tin, antimony
- ww alloying
- How to use pure lead
- Making it harder!!!
- Current Price for WWs???
- Addiction sign #1: 5 gal pail in the car
- The Lead Tsunami
- tin in roof flashing
- Are ingots hazardous?
- Hardening 1,200lbs of lead
- 6% antimonial lead
- Heat treating stick on WW.
- First Ingots
- Chilled shot?
- Smelting?
- Lee 10% tin alloy?
- WW's Vs Lyman #2 on game
- What does Tin Look like in a ingot????
- Does anyone make fishing sinkers?
- almost free wheel weights
- WW's Really a danger?
- Inexpensive thermometer
- 50/50 Solder?
- WW and tin,,,again...
- ANOTHER WW Question
- A Wheel Weight Story ---
- Newbie Smelting Concerns
- HUGE lead find
- Uber-Noober "Soft Lead" question
- king-kooker for smelting? will this work well?
- Super light bullets, help what do I have?
- where can i find arsnic?
- What is this?
- 95/5 vs. 50/50
- Tape weight sorting
- Does it really work?
- WW, insurance companies & Hazmat
- Wheel weights
- Need stick-on lead in Phoenix Ats, etcrea?
- is 74% of usable lead normal?
- Lead
- lead from ww
- Safety matches as flux and antimony additive?
- Markings on wheel weights???
- Pure soft lead + Wheel weights
- Woe and Intrigue: Thick Brown Dross
- What tha..... ???? Hardness ???
- value of pure lead?
- Flux question
- Duplicating WW
- 99% pure lead question.
- Highest priced WWs ever!
- Score WWs
- The Ultimate score!
- Alloying Boolits... For harder castings...
- Lyman #2 composition - which one?
- Rx Container lead?
- Respirator while smelting WW?
- Lead acquisition forum suggestion
- got my first wheel weights today
- Use for Zinc wheelweights
- How much Antimony
- first score
- What type pot for melting?
- Not another pure lead question!!
- Can't use WW to cast Bullets. Will Damage GUN
- question about wheel weights...
- Craigslist ad: Funny
- "The Word" from Les Schwab
- Curious: Hardness testing question
- Cast iron dutch oven w/ hot plate
- Bad lead or just to cold?
- Newb Ingot Question
- finding lead
- Pipe Lead alloying?
- WW question from new member?
- The Best Flat Tire I Ever Had!
- WW discount!
- How much do you pay for WWs?
- How Much Does a Bucket of WW weigh and other questions?
- Stick-on Wheel weights
- Getting crazy out there about lead prices.
- Yesterday's smelting report.
- antimony
- Weight of a bucket of range scrap
- CLEANING LEAD - Need some advise - thx
- The Easter Zinc Coup
- WW vs. Tin to Lead Ratio
- Value of Range Scrap?- Jackets etc
- lead flux
- Heat source for smelting
- Smelt these WW or use them straight
- Boolit recycling target box
- boatload of lead ?
- Which type of lead to stock up on?
- linotype/monotype question
- Picked up a bargin today
- Question about lead
- Range lead
- Alloy Suggestions?
- I think I hit the mother load!
- fluxing while smelting... how important is it?
- Help Me With Heat Treating -- Please?
- French Recipe Alloy?
- Indoor Range Scrap
- Smelting, Melting, Reducing or Cleaning
- buying wheel weights, pure lead, solder
- WW at recycler
- Range lead- worth it?
- Lead to Lino for 11
- Water quenching?
- Lead turning colors....???
- Help with alloy
- Lead Pipe
- first time
- lead pipe?
- My Very First Made Ingots
- what hardness for velocity
- % of tin needed?
- indoor range lead score!
- WW, AC, H2O Quenched, W/Tin & W/O
- I tried Lyman #2 and I like it
- Alloy hardness chart?
- wheel weights
- Alloy Recommendation
- Using lead from a battery factory
- Using a permanent marker to identify ingots?
- several new guy questions...
- Need some help figuring out to make a good alloy
- formula for alloy?
- Yesterday was a great day!!!
- Has anyone came across these particular wheel weights?
- strange lead find
- Environmental, Health Groups Ask EPA To Ban Manufacture of Lead Wheel Weights
- Why 50/50 solder?
- Tin & Antimony ?
- Which Alloy?
- acid core solder/ how much tin?
- Lead, WW's, Tin, Antinomy Cheater's Chart?
- Smelting pot...???
- Any easy way to identify ZINC wheel weights to more easily separate them?
- new to casting question
- cast from ore?
- Newb question - Have I screwed myself?
- Found some Lead
- Melting/casting please
- Help need on mixing alloys
- Raising BHN from 6
- Bhn 50/50
- Hello guys and a quick question
- Lee lead hardness tester
- Truck WWs
- Lead water pipe advice please...
- What went wrong with my smelt?
- Best Way to Clean Wheel Weights?
- clip on vs stick on ww
- Pure lead in a 45-70?
- Asking for lead
- Limited, but another lead source
- Range lead - A problem??
- Pewter Bullets @ high velocity??
- Newbie alloy question
- Lost my WW source.
- Codes on WWs
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