View Full Version : Swaging
Pages :
- Herter's press on eBay
- looking for .41 bullet swaging supplies
- How wide or deep should a hollow base be...
- Reloading press swage die set
- Buckshot, check this out on bullet swager auto ejector
- Lee press bullet swaging ejector apparatus
- Swaging a lead bullet to take a gascheck
- Pictures on swaging a non-gascheck bullet to accept GC
- Looking at a gift horse
- Swage way to go ?
- Bullet Swage
- Modify mold or swage bullet nose ?
- bumping up bullet size Part 1
- Improvements to swage press
- Swaging
- Swaged Grease Groove Bullets
- swage question, or several
- Mightiest single stage press?
- swaging 22 bullets. lee clasic cast?
- Swage/size????
- Swaging Press
- IDEAL Core Moulds
- Swageing stuff
- Corbin Bullet Swaging Company?
- Got my bolt turned into a custom swage die but???
- Want to get started in bullet swaging
- I like the new forum!
- Swaging and swaging.
- Lee Classic cast & swaging
- Swageing a .426 gas check to larger diameter
- looking for auto press
- Swaging with a RC.
- Unusual jacket/core sources
- Wondering about swaging .223
- Paper patch hammer swager
- annealing cores?
- Swaging press options….
- Dumb deed and a valuable lesson :-)
- Looking for Bear mountain swage press
- flat base flange chamfer
- help me figure out what I have
- Hollywood pres for swedging
- Thanks Buckshot & Swagerman
- core mould
- Core mould and complete 2 die sawge set.
- hydraulic swaging press on e bay
- Home Fabricated Lead core cutters????
- Calling all Swage Heads
- CH4D dies: difference between #101 and #105 dies
- What calibers do you swage for?
- Screaming deal. Solid carbide, insert type boring bars
- Bumping up little boolits to bigger boolits
- A few of the swaged 375's patched
- Herter's shell holders and things...
- Got a 38-55 loaded :-)
- Herters jackets
- Punches and Dies
- Quality of various swage die makers?
- What do I have
- for you machinists
- Newb Swager
- 22 rimfire bullets start to finish
- How they work?
- swaging breakthrough, at least for us
- Herter's Super O Maximum strange Ram???
- New swagger question
- Found an old CH Swagamatic
- a "lead free" thought
- Made a die to alter to a bore rider type slug
- .375, .458, and .51 Caliber Swaging
- polishing the finished bullets
- How to clean corroded jackets?
- Got a third of a 5gal bucket of 22LR brass tonight.
- First test with .22 RF jacketed bullets
- 20 ton hydraulic press?????
- Can a .22 LR be used for anything else?
- 22 Rf Case Size
- Drill bit questions
- 25 caliber bullet from rimfire case
- Swaging Gear on ebay
- How hard ?
- Help With Durometer Conversion, Please!
- What do I need to swage .22 cases into condums?
- swaging 40 s&w cases?
- Stupid Question: What are these die sizes for?
- free dies
- Yay, it worked
- Just placed an order for CH4D #101 dies
- Yay, it sorta worked.
- Now what do I do with this stuff???
- Automatic bullet swager die ejectors
- Which size Lee sizer to order for 32-40
- Idea for 22rf jacket maker die
- Where do you get your lead wire?
- For for a special swaged bullet
- Drill Rod Question
- Rcbs Lube A Matic
- 264 jackets wanted
- Lead cores
- 223 die to make .357 jackets
- cases for 45lc bullets?
- Made a swage/bump die for a regular press
- Need help IDing a Herter swaging die.
- Automatic bullet swager die ejector up date
- WTB: C-H Swag-O-Matic .30 Plinker Die Set
- Bought a verticle swaging press need ID
- Lead wire
- Swaging Lube Discovery?
- .458 jackets from copper tubing?
- Fowler Bullets - business for sale
- I need 1 1/2"x12thd all thrd
- What Company Makes Commerical Bullet Swaging Machines ?
- Ejection pin size?
- Can you draw down a .357 to .355 easily.
- Pennies From Heaven
- .22 LR brass/ cheap
- what type of steel to use
- Just wondering
- Are drawings or CAD available for dies
- Can anyone identify this press?
- Want 22 bullets from 22 lr brass
- Enco lathes, all thread
- As an addition to the earlier identification thread
- Bleeder hole size
- lead wire
- WTB tools to make 22 bullets from 22 lr cases
- Swaging Equipment
- Good Swaging Article in June Handloader
- MHG bullets ?
- got that lathe today
- sas mity mite swage press
- Where's that Oil burner link???
- jackets for 40 S&W
- What to do with a bucket of .38 spl. bullets
- Questions about Enco Codes
- Pb wire extrusion
- Received A Swaging Setup...
- Swaging Starting Info.
- Hollow point nose punch agony
- Karma bits
- Bump up in size?
- Is there such a thing as 20:1 Lead Swaging Wire?
- what is this thing?
- Random thought
- home made lead wire
- wire cutter
- ??'s for buckshot or__?
- Biehler and Astles swaging die instructions
- Lubrication grooves in swaged lead bullets?
- Richard corbin feedback?
- dies made for lead wire
- New? idea for swage die
- Rookie
- Swaging cartridge heads down.
- Sizeing Q
- Thinking about buying the C&H #101 die set...
- Jacket making Need help
- Idea for hydraulic swaging press
- Newbie question on sizing cast bullets
- corbin core moulds
- Reloading/ Swaging Press
- Shooters accessory supply dies
- Can you make jackets from aluminum cans?
- a day too late
- Starting out
- Pure lead price?
- New member
- Lee top punches
- Bullet jackets from fired 209 primers?
- swage dies?
- Aluminum foil?
- Any Interest in Lead wire?
- While I am here,
- half-jackets
- New to Swaging
- Metal-forming rollers?
- 22 Mag Brass for 6MM Jackets
- Ch #105 swaging die
- Swaging stuff on another site
- Herters swaging dies
- 3/4 C-H Jackets...
- Where to buy jackets...
- Swaging Airgun Pellets
- WTB swaging equipment
- Semi-Automatic Swaging Machine-Hydraulic Question
- A favor from Swag-o-Matic owners needed
- Going to buy swaging dies this week!
- swaging dies and presses
- lead wire alternitive ??
- .22 swaging dies
- primers for half jackets
- Herter 9 Ton Swaging Press
- WTB Rimfire jacket dies
- Swaging dies on the way...
- Got em, tried them now ????
- Oops.
- Swaging Die Design -- Do I have this right?
- herters 224 die
- c&h swage o matic spare parts altered tio standard reloading press set up
- I'm new to this section. What the heck is swagging?
- Swaging costs
- How complicated/detailed can swaged bullets be?
- Anybody have a picture of corbins lead wire extruder?
- Swaging Buckshot????
- Swaging 38's
- Bulletsmith's forum?
- .355 Swaging project
- 38 caliber jackets from 30 cal Carbine
- Corbin Shotgun Slugs
- Any one in the northwest willing to Help?
- 40 cal. jacketed bullets gor 40-65 win.
- Most interesting...
- Pictures of 30 cal CH Hollow Point Bullets?
- swaging remington 458 405 gr bullets
- bullet drawings
- 40 s&w to 44 boolits?
- Gearin up and almost ready to go.....
- using pistol brass for a .308 jacket
- making jackets
- 224 22lr boolit pics
- easy case trimmer
- Aluminum core
- .338 vld
- Turning down the case....RE: .40 to .44
- lube for swaging lead cores
- PP Max BHN
- $20 core swage die idea
- Computer Question (Concerning Swaging)
- Boy--do I feel stupid!! Kind-of
- Anyone try to make a glaser?
- Quick run thru swaging process please.
- Making .22 jackets HELP!
- A head's up
- Corbin .22 jackets??????
- nickel plated jackets?
- Blackmon or Corbin dies for 22RF to .224?
- .45 Jackets from both 9mm and .40 S&W
- 45acp, 45lc and 45-70 bullets from acp cases??
- The 429-40S&W
- Swaging .375 to 9.3mm
- harvey prot-x-bore
- 22 jacket die
- cannalure yes or no?
- weight sorted 40S&W
- can i use a std press for swaging ?
- anticipation and preparation
- cleaning Bullets?
- Notched jackets!!!!
- The DUMBEST question ever ask, buy a person that has reloaded as long as I have!
- size of hollow point
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