View Full Version : Shot Guns
- 2.5" 12ga VS 2.75" 20ga
- New Section! “Shot Guns”
- 20 ga Hammergun
- The best pump shotgun
- Shotgun wood
- Looking for semi-autos with extended mags
- Revelation pump action
- How to have a thread moved to this section
- I haven't a clue......
- Winchester 101 Value
- Any WW Greener owners out there?
- H&R Buck 162 sight
- Screw in Adjustable Choke by TruGlow Looking for.
- Slam-fire vs Nonslam-fire Ithaca 37
- Remington 870 replacement barrels
- Winchoke
- Winchester 59
- Carlson's Shell Catcher
- What I did to my Shotguns
- Winchester 1912 20 ga
- Mossberg Silver Reserve O/U help
- Winchester 1897 Experts, question for you
- 2 1/2 Inch 12 Ga
- My unused shorty
- Gebr Adamy Suhl Germany SxS
- MEC 1/2 oz. #502 bar?
- 50's era wingmaster at lgs.
- Nitro Hunter
- Old Belgian Double
- Couple of odd shells
- Manual request
- a free "score" of shot
- Hausemanns 7/2-4/22
- Re0ak doesn't have shotgun shell boxes.
- Hit a personal best
- !2 ga round ball mold
- **** remington gun store website warning ****
- Adjusting a Cutts Compensator
- Remington 1889 10 gauge
- Mossberg 930 Extractor?
- Looking at old Mossberg
- 12 gauge reloads
- Cost to Reload 12 ga
- Eastern Arms sxs 16ga
- Any Love for the S&W 1000 Autoloader
- Henry single shot 45-70 load pressure
- Were there any smokeless 8 gauges?
- Current Used Worth of a Mec JR Mark V
- New Shotty…
- First sxs
- CBC brass 12ga shell load?
- Did I cause this?
- 12ga barrel rubber stoppers
- new life to an old gal
- Mixed shot sizes
- 20ga reloading supplies--does ANYONE have them in stock?
- Where to find a stock?
- savage stevens 94k hammer
- Cooking up a new 20ga load part 2
- 10 gauge loads.
- A square roll crimp.
- Load Data for 20ga 3/4 and 7/8oz using WSF
- Is anybody powder-coating Foster slugs?
- cracker shells for 12 ga
- Burgess Folding Shotgun
- White glue for roll crimps?
- waxed hulls
- A potential source for 10 gauge once fired hulls
- W. Richard dbl, sxs hammer shotgun.
- How tight should RB in Wad be? 20ga and .575
- Picked this up for roll crimping today!
- Help on a Winchester Model 59 (Win-Lite) Shotgun
- comparing Tar 12 MP to the Lynx LH 12 both SDS imports
- Question for the Humpback experts
- 12 GA HERCO and 1/38 oz of bismuth
- TriStar TT-15 Sporting
- Focus
- Bubba's Truck Gun
- Liner inside the hull
- Muzzle energy of shotgun loads
- Conditioning paper hulls
- ultra light 12 ga loads???
- 410 side-by-side question
- Husqvarna Double Parts
- Look at the pretty thing I found for cheap!
- when to dump paper hulls
- Stoeger Condor basic model 12 ga over under any good?
- Cutting Down 12GA 2-3/4 Hulls To Make Mini Trap Loads
- H&R 1900,1905,1908 1915 shotgun
- 870 remington ejector??
- Need some help with the production date of this S&W Model 3000
- Hulls vs Speed
- My new 410 Slugs.
- Norinco 1887
- A5 production history
- What The Heck Is The Thread On A British Bisley/Parker-Hale Shotgun Cleaning Rod?!
- Marlin 1898 Feed Issues
- A Shotgun is my recommended "only" homestead gun.
- New Federal paper wad
- Sweet 16
- Revelation shotgun
- Newest acquisition Winchester Model 12 in 20 Gauge
- Advice on reloading the .410
- Steel Shot and older guns?
- Stack Barrel ID help
- Winchester Mod. 20 parts?
- Help with Stevens - Savage SxS .410 Shotgun
- Tractor and Truck Mossberg
- Turkeys, turkeys, turkeys
- Pietta coach gun
- Lee Shot Mold Size
- Hatsan Escort is a clone of... Complete the sentence
- Fold Crimp versus Roll Crimp
- Old Shells. How To Tell If Shouldn't Use?
- What happened to Stener Mk7?
- Help with Mossberg 500
- Vintage Shotgun Load?
- Remington Mod 17 20ga.
- Super X .410 shells
- 410 hulls
- Savage/Fox fore end question
- Mossberg 220
- Pitted Bore… safe?
- In the Market for a Side x Side
- Mossberg 500 Rifled barrel with Rifled Slugs
- Need help (Springfield 39A/Stevens 54A)
- Best Bluing Shop Recommendations
- Ithica M37 12guage 28" vent rib
- saw new 870 yesterday
- Shotgun Binge
- Stevens 301 ejector to extractor
- A good waterfowl gun?
- Winchester sxp sale
- Beretta A300 Patrol
- Substitute #4 buck for birdshot in 20 gauge?
- Source for obsolete sxs parts?
- markings on roll crimp on old ammo
- New Lee #1 buckshot mold..........
- I own one of Jack O'Connor's shotguns. Maybe.
- Muzzleloader primers
- Installing a Pro lifter on Beretta A300 Ultima Patrol & 1301 Shotguns
- Browning Cynergy
- Ballisticproducts have .410 3"& 2 1/2 hulls in stock
- What's going on in my 870 barrel?
- savage 720 745 a- 5 clone
- square roll crimp
- Tru-glo Titan adjustable 12ga choke
- Belgian SxS Proof Marks?
- Lefever 12 ga SxS
- Beater 20 gauge slug project
- what choke setting?
- Slug gun fooling around
- H&R Topper? 088, fix ir sell
- .410 single barrel
- Re Crimp on Hulls
- MEC question
- TSS Reputable Sellers
- Got a new 28G o/u, looking for a economy loading solution.
- T-42 Active wads in other shells?
- Seen any Winchester 209 Primers?
- Lightfield Commander slugs
- Need Some Help on 20 gauge Model 11 Remington concerning the stock
- Date of manufacture on 28 gauge Wingmaster.
- Briley Choke Inquiry
- London Double Identification
- Wanting to install a more modern Bead on my shotgun
- 12 ga. L.C. Smith
- ordered me a high dollar shotgun
- FINALLY took my $30 shotgun to a trap field...
- MP .729 Shotgun mold-What wad?
- Remington 1889 10gauge
- Just ordered some 410 2.5" brass and 9.3 x 74R rifle brass
- Rossi 410
- Youth shotgun recommendations.
- GForce 410 Huckleberry Lever Action shothgun
- how to price barrels
- Chaszel barrel inserts
- Barn guns
- Adventures in barrel threading for a choke
- Blue Line Pump - Remington 870 Clone
- Coles Custom Beretta 680 series trigger conversion
- Anyone used SAR USA shotgun ammo
- 20 GA High Power Nitro Express Loads - ROUND BALL & BOOLITS
- Remington Model 17 Help
- Casting Lee 12 ga Slugs
- 12 gauge Tree Trimmer.
- 410 brass rifle fire in 410 bore
- 2-1/2" Shotshells
- new old stock Remington barrels
- Suggestions for an accurate slug gun.
- 158 Topper in 410
- Vihtavouri Powder Data
- Vintage shotshells
- What caliber for a Sharps?
- 12ga vs. 20ga recoil--why the difference?
- 12 gauge/bore heavy/paradox slugs- possibly blackpowder
- barrel length
- I found my Best Farm Shotgun.
- Hartford Adjustomatic Choke
- 410 Reloads?
- Marlin 98 Shotgun
- MEC 400 crimp parts
- Antique 14ga Shotgun
- 410 Again?
- 410 Buckshot loads?
- Fiocchi 3" 410 Hull HELP!
- Brand new 16 gauge
- Can you reduce the action release spring on a SXS?
- Need help diagnosing my browning gold 10 gauge issue
- Browning Serail Number
- 16 gauge help please
- Glenfield Model 50
- ermox shotgun
- New old tool
- Winchester Model 12
- Any leads on .410 hulls?
- Made a cushion wad cutter today for 10 gauge hulls…what do you think?
- Questions on using plastic shot cups with real black powder
- Wad slitting questions for long range turkey patterns.
- PSA: Making 410 Brass Shells
- Article about loading. 410 buckshot.
- Garage sale score today.
- My new old SKB 200E
- Plastic gunstock woes, I guess?
- Safe Loads.
- Lee Auto Disk For Shot
- Perfect Pattern powder, first go around
- a boy asked, and I didn't know
- Took the kid out trap shooting
- Somebody who knows
- BUCKSHOT: Fact VS. Fiction.
- Savage got it right with the Model 24.
- New - Old double-barrel question
- We need a Farm/House gun?
- Why, oh why do they do this??
- MEC Powder Bushing question;
- 16 ga a passive quest that has matured .
- ID Federal 20 ga Hulls
- light 410 loads??
- 3 1/2 in 10 gauge
- Sabot loading
- Remington Model 11?
- 0000 Buckshot?
- Shooting new AR style shotgun
- Problem with 1897 Winchester shotgun???????
- .410+Laser Sight+000 Buck= Armadillo Medicine
- Colt 1878 sxs hammer
- When All Else Fails, Give me a 12 Gauge.
- 10 gauge
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