- Additional or parallel forum ti this one
- Alvin Linden Vol.1,2,3
- Classics of the American Shooting Field
- Colt (reference) Books
- Miniature Arms & Auction catalog 1924
- Arms and Ammunition Manual. 1952 Jack O'Conner
- Popular Handguns from 1957
- Hunters Encyclopedia from 1948
- "The Long Shooters"
- Howe modern gunsmith 1st edition set found
- United States Rifles and Machine Guns
- In The Beginning......
- Shooting Times
- A Bit Different
- Hunting and Fishing magazine
- Guns Mag 1955 thru 1968 downloadable
- Looking for 4th Edition De Haas book
- Old Stoeger Shooter's Bible Catalogs
- Old Hunting Book bought at a local library
- Sixgun Cartridges & Loads by Elmer Keith 1936
- American Handgunner Classic Issues 1976 thru two issues 1989
- Precision Shooting Magazine
- The Home Guide to Cartridge Conversions
- Remington 141 Assembly/Disassembly Instructions needed
- Unknown gunwriter
- home gunsmithing digest
- Civil war book recommendations
- buffalo hunters
- American .22 Rimfire Boxes (Buttweiler 1990)
- Dollar well spent?
- Signed by Bill Jordan?
- The Guns of John Moses Browning
- Good find at my local Goodwill
- "Hell I was there" by Elmer Keith
- Samworth Books....
- Elmer Keith's SIXGUNS question
- I have an almost complete set of Stoegers catalogs.
- Handloader Magazines
- Down sizing my library
- thinning reference accumulation -
- Complete Guide to Handloading
- Need Handlaoder Magazine Issue Information
- “Restoring and Shooting the Antique Single Shot Rifle”
- Something about srh
- Finally… Brave and Other Stories by Steve Matthes back in my library
- Old Handloader magazines in factory binders