View Full Version : Vintage Gun Books

  1. Additional or parallel forum ti this one
  2. Alvin Linden Vol.1,2,3
  3. Classics of the American Shooting Field
  4. Colt (reference) Books
  5. Miniature Arms & Auction catalog 1924
  6. Arms and Ammunition Manual. 1952 Jack O'Conner
  7. Popular Handguns from 1957
  8. Hunters Encyclopedia from 1948
  9. "The Long Shooters"
  10. Howe modern gunsmith 1st edition set found
  11. United States Rifles and Machine Guns
  12. In The Beginning......
  13. Shooting Times
  14. A Bit Different
  15. Hunting and Fishing magazine
  16. Guns Mag 1955 thru 1968 downloadable
  17. Looking for 4th Edition De Haas book
  18. Old Stoeger Shooter's Bible Catalogs
  19. Old Hunting Book bought at a local library
  20. Sixgun Cartridges & Loads by Elmer Keith 1936
  21. American Handgunner Classic Issues 1976 thru two issues 1989
  22. Precision Shooting Magazine
  23. The Home Guide to Cartridge Conversions
  24. Remington 141 Assembly/Disassembly Instructions needed
  25. Unknown gunwriter
  26. home gunsmithing digest
  27. Civil war book recommendations
  28. buffalo hunters
  29. American .22 Rimfire Boxes (Buttweiler 1990)
  30. Dollar well spent?
  31. Signed by Bill Jordan?
  32. The Guns of John Moses Browning
  33. Good find at my local Goodwill
  34. "Hell I was there" by Elmer Keith
  35. Samworth Books....
  36. Elmer Keith's SIXGUNS question
  37. I have an almost complete set of Stoegers catalogs.
  38. Handloader Magazines
  39. Down sizing my library
  40. thinning reference accumulation -
  41. Complete Guide to Handloading
  42. Need Handlaoder Magazine Issue Information
  43. “Restoring and Shooting the Antique Single Shot Rifle”
  44. Something about srh
  45. Finally… Brave and Other Stories by Steve Matthes back in my library
  46. Old Handloader magazines in factory binders