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  1. Cast Boolits is Responsive
  2. Speed of surplus powders
  3. Accurate 2520 surplus
  4. Wc860?
  5. Milsurp WC820 (FAST) and the 357 Mag
  6. Imr 7383
  7. WC852 slow or is it?
  8. 7383 reduced load techniques?
  9. Which surplus powder is right for me?
  10. Link to military powders
  11. Significant users' observations on powders?
  12. Any quirks noted with the milsurps?
  13. Powder at Bartlett's. WC844 in short supply
  14. Oops
  15. WC860 in 308
  16. SURP 4895 in 22-250 with castd
  17. AA-2230-c
  18. Promo
  19. H205 data needed
  20. 45/70
  21. List of surplus powder dealers
  22. Were can I find Milsurp powder..?
  23. Surplus BLC-2?
  24. Who uses XMP-5744??
  25. 3032 Data Powder
  26. Food for thought. At least for lovers of surplus!
  27. Shipping powder by a individual question
  28. Look'in for AA#2200
  29. WC844 or WC846??
  30. Surplus IMR4895 appearance
  31. surplus powder for 44-40 and 45 colt
  32. WC 820 in 30 Carbine RBH
  33. Powder type in LC '67 '06 Garand rounds?
  34. Muzzle flash?
  35. H870 data for WC860?
  36. H414
  37. Most useful surplus powders
  38. Surplus in 8x57 Mauser
  39. 41 magnum powders
  40. ? about 5010
  41. Wc-680
  42. substitute for PSA
  43. US 869 powder
  44. HS-6 & WIN-540
  45. Aa 2520
  46. WC872 & 338 WM
  47. Nm-04
  48. surplus powder in 6.5 x 55 m96?
  49. 7383 & SKS
  50. surplus powders for .44 mag
  51. WC860 in 8mm
  52. 7383 in 375 JDJ, Pretty Good
  53. IMR 3031 Question
  54. Impressed with WC820 in 30-30
  55. 311291 with 4831 and R25
  56. Winchester Powders (?)
  57. Today at the range .....
  58. Which surp for 7 Mag & j-bullets?
  59. I've recently heard ...
  60. Surplus Turk + surplus 4895
  61. Hi-Tech Out of WC680
  62. WC820 in the 44
  63. Increased WC820 loads in 30-30
  64. WC844 vs. H335
  65. Some successes with WC 846....
  66. Brown Package Warrior
  67. Surprise at the range
  68. Has anyone used WC820 in 45LC with..
  69. Surplus Powder
  70. surplus for 45 ACP?
  71. Possible Group buy (North TX or Southern OK)on Surplus Powder?
  72. Surplus 30-06 powder
  73. wc 852
  74. Old Powder
  75. Milsurp in the .375 H&H?
  76. 4759 powder ?
  77. Is there a 2400 surplus substitute
  78. Accurate Data Powder 86 ?
  79. 860 / 872 in 30-06?
  80. Powder stability
  81. WC-860 for jacketed bullets
  82. 38 special powder
  83. Imr 8208
  84. Data 86
  85. Surplus powder
  86. determining burning rate?
  87. 7383 is Dirty!
  88. 375 H & H w/ WC-846.....
  89. WC 852 is back!
  90. 5010 Powder
  91. Powder ? H&G 68 bullet
  92. Aa2330-c ?
  93. 860 in the 308
  94. Vectan A0
  95. Ok...2230-c ?
  96. surplus at Powder Valley
  97. surplus at Powder Valley
  98. Barlett's #105
  99. WC 820n and WC 680
  100. getting ready to order powder
  101. WC820n loads?
  102. Data #74 Powder
  103. Riddle me this, boolit man (primers and WC820)
  104. Data 68?
  105. WC 820 help
  106. AA 2520 Surp
  107. Dangerous thoughts
  108. Where do you find this surplus powder?
  109. WC-852 lot info wanted
  110. M9 Powder / 7.65ARG
  111. OT-WC846 with FLGC question
  112. 105 powder info
  113. WC820 observation
  114. WC820 in 223?
  115. Surplus Powder sources
  116. Help Needed W/ Loads For /06 Based Case
  117. NEED HELP W/ LOADS FOR 7MM & 300w mAGS.
  118. Need Help W/ 44,357 & 38special Loads
  119. Wc860 & 45-70
  120. Imr7383
  121. Wc846
  122. Dan Wesson 445 SM and surplus SR4759
  123. Tell Me What I Don't Want To Hear
  124. WC-820 and 7-TCU
  125. Old BL-C
  126. WC-860 help--New or Pulldown?
  127. Help with W231
  128. AA2200 with cast bullets
  129. Fast Lot IMR 4895
  130. Powder Blending
  131. Dp68
  132. wc 820 in 357 maximum?
  133. Data 86
  134. Surplus & Ultra-Mags?
  135. Can anyone help me identify these powders please?
  136. 860 Or 872
  137. looking for loads for wc820 powder
  138. What surplus powder for .32WS
  139. Nm-04
  140. bad news for me!
  141. Surp in .45-70
  142. 860 on sale
  143. Name that Powder
  144. Wc 860 & The 220 Swift ?
  145. 2230c???
  146. Widener' Surplus Powder
  147. 445 Super Mag and AA5744
  148. Has Bullseye Changed????
  149. I Done It Again
  150. Federal Primers
  151. which powder for 308?
  152. Win 785 Powder
  153. Anyone try the data68 powder? 30-30 especially?
  154. 7x57 ack imp
  155. Win 748
  156. Lead vs Jacket Loads differences
  157. Rvo "surplus 30-06" Powder
  158. Ok, help me out with burning rate
  159. IMR 4895 and WC860 in 30-30
  160. Looking for a source for WC-844...
  161. 5010 or wc860 in .300 RUM ???
  162. Did some work (teeny tiny bit) with some IMR4475
  163. 450 ak help, please
  164. More pulldown burn rate results
  165. WW 680 ball powder
  166. Dp 68
  167. Aa 8700
  168. 105
  169. Rcbs 158 Gc & Wc820
  170. Mixed powders
  171. Milsurp for big bores...?
  172. H108
  173. Primers for WC820
  174. Dp 85
  175. Wideners 860 on sale
  176. Source for WC846
  177. duplexing
  178. Enlarging the flash hole
  179. Talon Mfg
  180. WC820 (virgin) Lot #47277
  181. Surplus 4895 in the 45-70
  182. What load data for smp-4895
  183. Hi-Tech web site down?
  184. WC-872 Loads in a 45-70 Gatling Gun
  185. Grafs" Surplus pistol powder
  186. Accurate Data Powder
  187. Interesting DP85 experience
  188. Wc820----45/70
  189. Is 820 really aa#9 ?
  190. SR4759 clone
  191. Norma 205
  192. Dp 68
  193. making up a powder order
  194. RVO powder type
  195. And the winner is WC860
  196. Yard Sale Powder
  197. Wc 680
  198. data 74 on sale
  199. Data 74 or 68 in 308 J-word?
  200. powder for cast bullets
  201. IMR7383/223Rem
  202. 74 vs 846
  203. Data 74 going fast!
  204. WC-860 (Widners SMP860) in .300RemUltMag
  205. 860 in 8X57mm
  206. Srb-118
  207. WCC-860 dirty & slow but it shoots
  208. New Surp 4895
  209. Pull down powder from 7.65 Argentine
  210. Kudos to Hi-Tech
  211. powder and load sujestion 7.62x39
  212. wc860 in 44mag, 5 inch barrel
  213. 869 or 872 ?
  214. Hs-6 (wc 540)
  215. 860 for 356 winchester
  216. 7383 & 180gr Jword in 7.5X55
  217. 7383 in 7.62X54R
  218. Whats IMR5010 used for, other than 50BMG?
  219. .300RemUltMag w/860 and 150gr J-boolit
  220. Need help picking out a powder for .223
  221. Anybody near Athens Georgia interested in a group buy?
  222. question
  223. IMR-7383 chronograph data
  224. Which 844-846
  225. wc846
  226. ordering some surplus powder, want a little advice
  227. 7383 & temperature
  228. Which is a good
  229. New guy questions
  230. powder storage
  231. Old powders ?
  232. 5010 instead of 7383?
  233. CMR 100 Powder
  234. WC 820 in 358 Win. ??
  235. 820 in other rifle cartridges?
  236. Anyone using AA Data 86???
  237. price of milsurp pull down powder
  238. Bartlett #102???
  239. 7383 in 8X57mm Jword loads
  240. Sr4759
  241. Surplus Powder Data/Load Development
  242. Anyone have this lot and already worked up loads?
  243. "New" jugs of surplus-Comments on Lot #'s ?
  244. surplus wc860
  245. WC846, Magnum or standard small rifle primers?
  246. Source of DP ??
  247. Midway has Ramshot TAC on sale for $9.99/lb.
  248. Win 452 AA Powder
  249. WC-860 in the .270 Winchester
  250. 473aa