View Full Version : Deep Theological Discussion

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  1. Creation vs. Creationism
  2. Welcome to the place to discuss your deep ideas
  3. Theology forum
  4. An Infinite, Loving God
  5. So why is it.
  6. Jesus says, buy a sword?
  7. Got An Answer
  8. Pondering Independence Day
  9. Considering Repentance
  10. Faith
  11. For thought and meditation
  12. Denominational Issues
  13. To quick to the scratch
  14. Intercession
  15. Appeal for Peace
  16. Matthew 16:18 Peter the rock?
  17. Prodigal Son Contemporized
  18. Do we have room for overt sinners in our Churches?
  19. Concerning Education
  20. Why Moses and Elijah?
  21. How to discuss theology effectively!
  22. I am blessed? Are you blessed? I want to be blessed more!
  23. Do you suppose you are immune?
  24. Balum
  25. The conversion of an atheist by his own efforts!
  26. Do you fully agree with your church's doctrine?
  27. Does God really answer all PRAYERS
  28. AED..arrested emotional development
  29. Judgement
  30. Abraham's Journey of Faith
  31. Born in Sin, or conceived in sin
  32. Heaven vs Heavens
  33. Satan, Evil Spirits, and Devils
  34. The World, Jesus and How We Live
  35. Happy Reformation Day
  36. Do you give 10% to your church?
  37. Where are you at? Pt.2
  38. Prodigal Son Explained
  39. When are you done?
  40. Strength of your faith
  41. Talk to me about faith
  42. Father, forgive them
  43. Judgmentalism
  44. Fear or lack of it
  45. Did Moses change GOD's mind ?
  46. I hesitate to post this, but...
  47. I hesitate to post this, but...
  48. God hardens hearts?
  49. Does scripture insist on a physical Second Coming?
  50. How would you respond?
  51. Hypothetical question.
  52. 1st Timothy 3 and the calling of elders
  53. Why no church besides Sunday mornings?
  54. Asking for your thoughts: John 3
  55. Is eternal life given only to believers?
  56. Thoughts on the lake... rev. 21 v 8
  57. Selfishness/fear as religious motivation
  58. Large interfaith meeting in Dubai
  59. Can one be faithful without quoting scripture?
  60. Got banned on a Christian site; end times and Christian leftists?
  61. Inspired
  62. Question on John 3:3
  63. 2nd question on John 3:3
  64. Question on John 3 v 5,6
  65. Resurrection Day
  66. Why are the only good Muslims, moderate Muslims?
  67. In the beginning....
  68. Divorce and suicide
  69. How do you choose what parts to follow?
  70. Honoring the fallen
  71. Independence, and The King!
  72. The Paradigm
  73. Beware of those quoting scripture.
  74. How many realize?
  75. Why faith is so difficult....Cain murders Able
  76. The Bible.... Myth, Real, or Both?
  77. Perspective from athiests/agnostics
  78. Consider ....Temperance
  79. Monumental: In Search of America's National Treasures
  80. I'm a pagan too
  81. Thanks to all the sensible ones.
  82. Where do they come from?
  83. Luke 12:49-53
  84. Two species of humanity
  85. A Man Who Explains God and Christ
  86. The or A, True Conversion Experience
  87. God created evil
  88. Is the sacrifice of Jesus over rated?
  89. Blaise Pascal
  90. Remember the Prophecy
  91. Mixed Metaphor
  92. Open Theism
  93. why belief in God matters to kids....
  94. I like this... Interview
  95. The people who accept Jesus
  96. Just when was the Christ born?
  97. When is a lie a sin
  98. Homosexuality and God
  99. Is there fishing in Heaven
  100. What Soil Type are You
  101. Interesting Biblical passage
  102. "The most important question?"
  103. Simplicity and willfulness
  104. Between 65 And Death
  105. I know that most of us here are Theists
  106. Meaning of being born of the Spirit of God
  107. Does it matter?
  108. Evangelism?
  109. Your church has a message for you
  110. What is it???
  111. The Holy Ghost
  112. On what day of the week did the Crucifixion of Jesus take place?
  113. COVID-19 & Easter Services
  114. After the Resurrection - The next 40 days
  115. Do you believe in Karma
  116. Why Have Church Assemblies?
  117. "Talking" to God
  118. Is the word of God absolute????
  119. The Gospel according to Luke
  120. When did/will the new covenant begin?
  121. The battle between good and evil
  122. Moral rant
  123. The death penalty
  124. You will find no evil in God, just as you will find no ice cream in a rock.
  125. Demons, Ghosts and Paranormal activity
  126. "What is the gospel?
  127. "Christ died for our sins"..............
  128. "Is Jesus THE Christ?"
  129. "Did Jesus Rise from the Grave?"
  130. The Land of Nod and the origin of the different Races
  131. Are we living in the end times?
  132. Are you ready for the Rapture?
  133. Who did you feed today?
  134. A New Earth?
  135. What have you accomplished? What will be your legacy on Earth?
  136. Is your church like this?
  137. 7-mindful-quotes-by-confucius
  138. All Sin the Same
  139. The age old question
  140. Fruits of the spirit
  141. Do you believe in hell?
  142. Do you know who said theses things?
  143. WOW! Actor Jim Caviezel GOES OFF on Milquetoast Christian Leaders and Cancel Culture
  144. Is the soul of man eternal?
  145. Do you believe our current political polarization is spiritual?
  146. On the various Baptist congregations
  147. Does God provide blessings to countries of good faith?
  148. Does God expect us to be charitable?
  149. Something to consider - religion vs Christianity
  150. Interesting book I'm reading
  151. predestination
  152. lets see some action on this page.
  153. Justice, Mercy, and Grace
  154. Are you ready for the Anti-christ?
  155. "Ask and you will receive".....
  156. Playbook for "End times" right from the Lords lips
  157. eternal life...
  158. Desires of the heart
  159. Prayer requests
  160. When it's hard to trust the Lord
  161. Will we be next target of Big Tech?
  162. The Apocrypha
  163. Question on being born of the Spirit
  164. A matter of faith
  165. The Devil in mass production
  166. Nostradamus
  167. A Song that touches your heart...
  168. The Word is sufficient
  169. God, the killer
  170. Birth of the Spirit of God; i.e. , born again...
  171. Opinions needed
  172. Is Texas where the GREAT REVIVAL is to start?
  173. Personal demons
  174. The Harbinger books
  175. Interviews with Father Malachi
  176. god created man and the universe
  177. The AntiChrist
  178. Thank You
  179. Prophetic Dreams
  180. Triptych Architecture
  181. giants in those days (genesis 6.4)
  182. The Third Day
  183. Reincarnation
  184. Joining Of The Sticks
  185. Is Volodymyr Zelenskyy the Anti-Christ?
  186. Can God ask too much?
  187. Thousand year Reign of Christ
  188. The spiritual resurrection and the physical resurrection of John 5 and Rev 20
  189. A Short Treatise on the Nature of Truth
  190. An added thought on the 1000 year Reign of Christ
  191. When Did This Idea of a Rapture Come From?
  192. The NEW Jerusalem
  193. Things To Ponder
  194. Are you a Christian First?
  195. Two Witnesses
  196. Are we chosen to be Christians?
  197. In Big Matters And In Small Things
  198. Judges
  199. God’s testing
  200. Hallowed Be Thy Name
  201. 2 Timothy 4:1-5
  202. Prophecy Central
  203. Do you pray?
  204. Are You Free, a Slave, or a Servant?
  205. Coincidence - or not?
  206. September 11th Or The 29th ?
  207. 9000 Year Old City Found Near Jerusalem
  208. Dr. Thomas Horn
  209. Euthanasia....
  210. Gobekli Tepe
  211. Pastor a Homeless Man In Front Of His Own Church?!
  212. Is the TV show, "The Good Place" blasphemous?
  213. How merciful is God?
  214. Cutoff for the rapture.
  215. Will the USA be judged for its rebellion?
  216. The Millennium
  217. The Book of Life...When is your name entered or Blotted out?
  218. Tithing
  219. The authority of Jesus Christ
  220. Is This the Beginning of the Battle of Gog and Magog?
  221. Christian, Jew, and what's a Zionist?
  222. Holy War Du Jour
  223. The First Earth Age, The Rebellion, The Flood
  224. Just throwing this out there
  225. The Book of Life
  226. The Movie "Nefarious"
  227. Creeds & Statements Of Faith
  228. Have you ever been involved with a sure miracle?
  229. Prime Time TV
  230. The 6 pointed star by OJ Graham
  231. The Song Of Moses
  232. Sabbath Rest
  233. Matthew 27:52-53?
  234. What day is passover?
  235. Some Lighthearted Thought?
  236. The Genealogy of Jesus Christ
  237. Rightly Dividing
  238. and so...
  239. The 144,000
  240. Persecution
  241. Blessings
  242. Romans 8:20-21
  243. Love is Between Our Souls
  244. Exodus 34:6-7 & Numbers 14:18
  245. Using the Torah as an analogy for my own life.
  246. To Persist in Walking with the LORD.
  247. Zechariah chapter 11
  248. 1 Chron 16:29
  249. To Be Careful
  250. Episcopalian Bishop Lectures Trump From The Pulpit