- Creation vs. Creationism
- Welcome to the place to discuss your deep ideas
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- An Infinite, Loving God
- So why is it.
- Jesus says, buy a sword?
- Got An Answer
- Pondering Independence Day
- Considering Repentance
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- For thought and meditation
- Denominational Issues
- To quick to the scratch
- Intercession
- Appeal for Peace
- Matthew 16:18 Peter the rock?
- Prodigal Son Contemporized
- Do we have room for overt sinners in our Churches?
- Concerning Education
- Why Moses and Elijah?
- How to discuss theology effectively!
- I am blessed? Are you blessed? I want to be blessed more!
- Do you suppose you are immune?
- Balum
- The conversion of an atheist by his own efforts!
- Do you fully agree with your church's doctrine?
- Does God really answer all PRAYERS
- AED..arrested emotional development
- Judgement
- Abraham's Journey of Faith
- Born in Sin, or conceived in sin
- Heaven vs Heavens
- Satan, Evil Spirits, and Devils
- The World, Jesus and How We Live
- Happy Reformation Day
- Do you give 10% to your church?
- Where are you at? Pt.2
- Prodigal Son Explained
- When are you done?
- Strength of your faith
- Talk to me about faith
- Father, forgive them
- Judgmentalism
- Fear or lack of it
- Did Moses change GOD's mind ?
- I hesitate to post this, but...
- I hesitate to post this, but...
- God hardens hearts?
- Does scripture insist on a physical Second Coming?
- How would you respond?
- Hypothetical question.
- 1st Timothy 3 and the calling of elders
- Why no church besides Sunday mornings?
- Asking for your thoughts: John 3
- Is eternal life given only to believers?
- Thoughts on the lake... rev. 21 v 8
- Selfishness/fear as religious motivation
- Large interfaith meeting in Dubai
- Can one be faithful without quoting scripture?
- Got banned on a Christian site; end times and Christian leftists?
- Inspired
- Question on John 3:3
- 2nd question on John 3:3
- Question on John 3 v 5,6
- Resurrection Day
- Why are the only good Muslims, moderate Muslims?
- In the beginning....
- Divorce and suicide
- How do you choose what parts to follow?
- Honoring the fallen
- Independence, and The King!
- The Paradigm
- Beware of those quoting scripture.
- How many realize?
- Why faith is so difficult....Cain murders Able
- The Bible.... Myth, Real, or Both?
- Perspective from athiests/agnostics
- Consider ....Temperance
- Monumental: In Search of America's National Treasures
- I'm a pagan too
- Thanks to all the sensible ones.
- Where do they come from?
- Luke 12:49-53
- Two species of humanity
- A Man Who Explains God and Christ
- The or A, True Conversion Experience
- God created evil
- Is the sacrifice of Jesus over rated?
- Blaise Pascal
- Remember the Prophecy
- Mixed Metaphor
- Open Theism
- why belief in God matters to kids....
- I like this... Interview
- The people who accept Jesus
- Just when was the Christ born?
- When is a lie a sin
- Homosexuality and God
- Is there fishing in Heaven
- What Soil Type are You
- Interesting Biblical passage
- "The most important question?"
- Simplicity and willfulness
- Between 65 And Death
- I know that most of us here are Theists
- Meaning of being born of the Spirit of God
- Does it matter?
- Evangelism?
- Your church has a message for you
- What is it???
- The Holy Ghost
- On what day of the week did the Crucifixion of Jesus take place?
- COVID-19 & Easter Services
- After the Resurrection - The next 40 days
- Do you believe in Karma
- Why Have Church Assemblies?
- "Talking" to God
- Is the word of God absolute????
- The Gospel according to Luke
- When did/will the new covenant begin?
- The battle between good and evil
- Moral rant
- The death penalty
- You will find no evil in God, just as you will find no ice cream in a rock.
- Demons, Ghosts and Paranormal activity
- "What is the gospel?
- "Christ died for our sins"..............
- "Is Jesus THE Christ?"
- "Did Jesus Rise from the Grave?"
- The Land of Nod and the origin of the different Races
- Are we living in the end times?
- Are you ready for the Rapture?
- Who did you feed today?
- A New Earth?
- What have you accomplished? What will be your legacy on Earth?
- Is your church like this?
- 7-mindful-quotes-by-confucius
- All Sin the Same
- The age old question
- Fruits of the spirit
- Do you believe in hell?
- Do you know who said theses things?
- WOW! Actor Jim Caviezel GOES OFF on Milquetoast Christian Leaders and Cancel Culture
- Is the soul of man eternal?
- Do you believe our current political polarization is spiritual?
- On the various Baptist congregations
- Does God provide blessings to countries of good faith?
- Does God expect us to be charitable?
- Something to consider - religion vs Christianity
- Interesting book I'm reading
- predestination
- lets see some action on this page.
- Justice, Mercy, and Grace
- Are you ready for the Anti-christ?
- "Ask and you will receive".....
- Playbook for "End times" right from the Lords lips
- eternal life...
- Desires of the heart
- Prayer requests
- When it's hard to trust the Lord
- Will we be next target of Big Tech?
- The Apocrypha
- Question on being born of the Spirit
- A matter of faith
- The Devil in mass production
- Nostradamus
- A Song that touches your heart...
- The Word is sufficient
- God, the killer
- Birth of the Spirit of God; i.e. , born again...
- Opinions needed
- Is Texas where the GREAT REVIVAL is to start?
- Personal demons
- The Harbinger books
- Interviews with Father Malachi
- god created man and the universe
- The AntiChrist
- Thank You
- Prophetic Dreams
- Triptych Architecture
- giants in those days (genesis 6.4)
- The Third Day
- Reincarnation
- Joining Of The Sticks
- Is Volodymyr Zelenskyy the Anti-Christ?
- Can God ask too much?
- Thousand year Reign of Christ
- The spiritual resurrection and the physical resurrection of John 5 and Rev 20
- A Short Treatise on the Nature of Truth
- An added thought on the 1000 year Reign of Christ
- When Did This Idea of a Rapture Come From?
- The NEW Jerusalem
- Things To Ponder
- Are you a Christian First?
- Two Witnesses
- Are we chosen to be Christians?
- In Big Matters And In Small Things
- Judges
- God’s testing
- Hallowed Be Thy Name
- 2 Timothy 4:1-5
- Prophecy Central
- Do you pray?
- Are You Free, a Slave, or a Servant?
- Coincidence - or not?
- September 11th Or The 29th ?
- 9000 Year Old City Found Near Jerusalem
- Dr. Thomas Horn
- Euthanasia....
- Gobekli Tepe
- Pastor a Homeless Man In Front Of His Own Church?!
- Is the TV show, "The Good Place" blasphemous?
- How merciful is God?
- Cutoff for the rapture.
- Will the USA be judged for its rebellion?
- The Millennium
- The Book of Life...When is your name entered or Blotted out?
- Tithing
- The authority of Jesus Christ
- Is This the Beginning of the Battle of Gog and Magog?
- Christian, Jew, and what's a Zionist?
- Holy War Du Jour
- The First Earth Age, The Rebellion, The Flood
- Just throwing this out there
- The Book of Life
- The Movie "Nefarious"
- Creeds & Statements Of Faith
- Have you ever been involved with a sure miracle?
- Prime Time TV
- The 6 pointed star by OJ Graham
- The Song Of Moses
- Sabbath Rest
- Matthew 27:52-53?
- What day is passover?
- Some Lighthearted Thought?
- The Genealogy of Jesus Christ
- Rightly Dividing
- and so...
- The 144,000
- Persecution
- Blessings
- Romans 8:20-21
- Love is Between Our Souls
- Exodus 34:6-7 & Numbers 14:18
- Using the Torah as an analogy for my own life.
- To Persist in Walking with the LORD.
- Zechariah chapter 11
- 1 Chron 16:29
- To Be Careful
- Episcopalian Bishop Lectures Trump From The Pulpit