View Full Version : Vintage Boxes - Gear, Shell, Case, Primer

  1. Remington 30 Rem
  2. 250 Savage / 22 Hornet
  3. Western 12 Gauge 2 3/4 Case
  4. Mixed Lot
  5. Mixed Batch some old some not so old
  6. Old Stuff
  7. A few of many
  8. Primer tin
  9. Shot tin
  10. Cleaning kit New in Box
  11. 16 g. paper, full box
  12. Various rounds and primers all full
  13. C-I-L Shot Shell Wad Box
  14. Old ammo and powder given to me
  15. From my "oldies" shelf
  16. More from "oldies shelf"
  17. And another one
  18. A classic
  19. old ammo box`s
  20. My vintage component bullets
  21. Old Boxes - Dominion / Western / Savage / Sears / Remington
  22. Herters Bullets
  23. Lyman Ideal Stuff
  24. Hoppes Counter Display circa 1941
  25. AHHHH, the Joys of cheap ammo
  26. My very first CF ammo purchase ever!
  27. Empties on Display
  28. Little Round Cans
  29. Primer boxes
  30. Some old primer tins...
  31. Old percussion cap tins
  32. Cladaloy Machine cast 35gr
  33. Old primers in wooden trays
  34. Bang and Boom..........
  35. 43 Egyptian Blank Ammo
  36. Going through some old boxes
  37. 257 Bullets
  38. The Term : RING a (Paper) shotshell ??
  39. Old primer
  40. Vintage ammo boxes worth?
  41. Lyman Ideal Tin and Box
  42. Really rare box of cast bullets!
  43. No two alike?
  44. A blast from the past
  45. Vintage Big Bore
  46. old rem-umc 270
  47. Days of Old - When Prices were Bold - Centennial 308 Winchester Box
  48. ID on a military web pouch, if possible
  49. Old boxes?
  50. 1930's vintage .38 spl and long colt
  51. Savage Arms .35 Rem Boxes
  52. Savage Arms .35 Rem Boxes
  53. Not rare but neat notes! 35rem
  54. Primer find today
  55. some of my old primer tin collection
  56. Old WCC primers
  57. Some pics of a partial lot of my 22 collection
  58. 'vintage'
  59. Old Peters Shotgun Shells
  60. Blast from the past CCI Primers
  61. Primers and container that I've never seen before. Anyone?
  62. Old vintage cartridge and primer boxes
  63. Vintage Winchester Staynless Primers
  64. peep sight?
  65. Old stuff I've kept over the years
  66. Ideal Reloading Tools
  67. Winchester Second 44WCF Box -Repro
  68. Nosler Partition from when they were in Ashland
  69. Some old primers
  70. More old primers
  71. Primer in wood tray
  72. Keep old lyman 310 boxes?
  73. "Vintage" Boxes I have accumulated.
  74. H&D Folsom arms cartridge box
  75. The small cans in the collection
  76. Vintage Primers
  77. Some Old Stuff
  78. Annual Garage Sale at the Baptist Church
  79. Vintage Primers
  80. pictures of vintage ammo boxes
  81. Old stuff in the shop
  82. CCI 1109 Shotgun Primers
  83. Sears 30-06 ammo
  84. #57 Primers
  85. "AGA" peep sight
  86. Can you identify these?
  87. Old primers
  88. It's electrifing............
  89. Some nice old Primers
  90. Bustible Bullseyes
  91. ancient primers
  92. Berdan Primers
  93. CIL brass 38 new in box, from 1960s
  94. What is the best way to remove price stickers from an old cartridge box?
  95. Anyone know if this box is worth anything?
  96. Vintage Primers
  97. Vintage Primers
  98. Vintage ammo box.
  99. Some old primers
  100. Another "What is it?" thread
  101. boxes, boxes & more...
  102. Large caliber ammo box...................
  103. Gas checks in metsl cans & cloth bags
  104. Wooden US Cartridge Black Shell box
  105. Old Norma 30-06 180 grain match bullets
  106. How old is this Hoppe’s No 9 bottle?
  107. Found some old tins
  108. Sisk j-words, one still sealed
  109. Old Sillywett cartridge
  110. DIY old style ammo boxes
  111. Vintage Winchester reloading bullet box age
  112. Are any of these actual vintage or just kinda old....?
  113. 7.92 cases 1942,43 and 44
  114. A Little Walk Down Memory Lane
  115. Winchester Western
  116. Winchester Staynless 8mm Mauser
  117. wooden Dupont Smokeless Powder shipping box
  118. Winchester brass
  119. Curry brand rifle bullets
  120. Federal 200 Small Rifle Primers
  121. 44-40 Winchester Boxes
  122. 30-40 Krag Ammo box! Free for the taking! What a plum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  123. Western No. 1 1/2 Primers
  124. Oval vs Flat Primers
  125. Lee enfield 303 Magazine
  126. Old .22 ammo box
  127. Finally emptied a can of Unique
  128. Kind of cool for Marlin fans
  129. Vintage Remington primers id
  130. Several very old Primer Boxes (with primers in them)
  131. It's a Bid, It's a Plane, no...it's a 38-44-40
  132. Primers
  133. Daisy BB Packaging
  134. Grandma and the Daisy Red Ryder
  135. Vintage Kennedy bros arms holster ID help
  136. smith and wesson model 59 box
  137. Winchester No.4 shotgun primers 1907
  138. Two Green/Yellow Rem 12ga boxes
  139. When every field was a trap field
  140. Western 38 S&W
  141. Alcan Flite-Max boxes and wads
  142. One thing about the Gov. they put dates on everything.
  143. GI Solvent
  144. I wish our ammo boxes were like this again!
  145. Hornady GC Tin
  146. Old primers ?
  147. top of gun safe
  148. Free: Winchester .380 box
  149. Fitz anmo safe
  150. Alcohol powered fan
  151. Finally, a full box
  152. Remington #2 Copper Primers
  153. Old Remington Primers.
  154. Pinfire shells
  155. Some old primers and percussion caps
  156. Old Remington Peter's 45-70
  157. Gosh I am old, so are these vintage?
  158. Vintage Remington 308 125gr jacketed bullets
  159. Estate sale score . Included 41 rounds!
  160. Wooden Ammo Flats
  161. Love the hand me downs ..
  162. Vintage Primers Collectible?
  163. Vintage, yes or no?
  164. Heretr's 264 mag brass
  165. Researching the Primer Timeline for the 44-40
  166. THE source for pricing
  167. What rifle are these mags for?
  168. Ammo Box Display
  169. Vintage Hornady and Speer 6.5mm Bullet Boxes - Age?
  170. Shot Shell Boxes
  171. Others Reloads...
  172. S&w / alcan primers
  173. vintage primers
  174. My Faux Frankford Arsenal 1878 ammo boxes
  175. Rifle ammo boxes
  176. Ideal Gas Checks.... Collectors item or just use them?
  177. Not "vintage" boxes yet--but someday will be.
  178. Old Speer Box
  179. Wspm
  180. Vintage CCI Shotshell primers
  181. had to drive wife to estate sale last Saturday -
  182. Canvas shot bags
  183. Gun Safe Top
  184. What do I have...
  185. Vintage brass
  186. WRA spl tool
  187. Does Anyone Collect Old Bullet Boxes
  188. Western 38 S&W Specialty Cartridges
  189. Antique Store Crate Find
  190. Couple of Older 222 Remington Boxes
  191. What are these (nj)
  192. Vintage Winchestr Primers
  193. Vintage primers. Hard to believe condition considering the age of some of these.
  194. Vintage Box of CCI #550 Primers
  195. Any Custom print/graphic People here ?
  196. Western super match 45 automatic
  197. Price Check at the Ammo Counter
  198. "US ARMY CAPS" tin. Any history on this?
  199. 1941 Du Pont Wooden Dynamite Box
  200. Ancient primers win 255
  201. Old ammo box
  202. Need help with identification