View Full Version : Shot Loads For Pistols

  1. handgun shot shell recipes ?
  2. Revolver shot loads that WORK!
  3. Making 45acp shotshells (My Way)
  4. Bird shot loads for revolvers
  5. Homemade 45 acp shotshell die
  6. Making shot shells out of brass vs. Speer shot shell capsules.
  7. 45 Colt Shotshells
  8. 308 brass into 45 ACP shotshell
  9. Making .38 special shotshells?
  10. Loading Speer shot shell capsules
  11. Shot loads for revolvers - from Philip Sharpe 1937 book
  12. .460 S&W case, in a .45 Colt S/A, (Shot Load)
  13. 380 shot shells
  14. 50 cal shot loads
  15. 38-40 (38 WCF) shotshells for 1873.
  16. Working on 44 shotshells using 445 Supermag. couple quesitons
  17. Shot count Speer capsules
  18. How I do it.
  19. Shotshells for 357 magnum
  20. 45 ACP revolver loads
  21. Need info on shotshell die
  22. 45 colt load
  23. Wadcutter shotshell load?
  24. Tis the Season
  25. Stretching that 44 mag case
  26. Shot Loads for Rifles?
  27. 38/357Mag from 357Max brass.
  28. 45LC Shotloads from 460 S&W Mag brass
  29. Gelatin shot capsules
  30. Sparrows in the Barn
  31. 45 Colt Shotshell Load Data
  32. .44 caliber shotshell without glue
  33. Dedicated 1911 shot shell barrel......
  34. Diamondback in the yard
  35. Realist range of Pistol shotshells ?
  36. Any difference Copper or Al gas checks
  37. Paper parch 410 000 buck loads
  38. VECTAN GM3 9mm Reloading data
  39. Junk Yard Dog Loads
  40. shot shells for 480 Ruger
  41. I stumbled today. 44 mag shot loads saga continues
  42. 45 ACP shotshell results.
  43. #12 shot
  44. .444 cases for .45 Colt shotloads
  45. Mustard Seed? Buckshot? 38 special
  46. 357 Magnum airspace??
  47. Wad or no wad for 45 acp shotshells?
  48. smaller caliber brass for wad or over shot
  49. nagant revolver
  50. 45LC Shotshells for 303 British???
  51. Best Way to Cut Down Cases
  52. Loading Speer Shot Capsules
  53. 22 LR Capsules for Shot Shells
  54. 45 A.R. shotshell
  55. Circle Fly wads
  56. Any 9mm Shot Loads
  57. Care to share some 44 Magnum shotshell successes
  58. Bees....again
  59. Shotloads for 45 ACP revolver
  60. Marlin 444 Brass 410
  61. H&R, break action in .44XL
  62. Latest shot shell ramblings
  63. 38-55 shot shells
  64. 357 mag shotshells from 357 MAX no. 2
  65. Powder charges for 38 spc loads
  66. Cornmeal loads for a 38/357, needing a recipe.
  67. 38 special Speer capsules with #2 shot.
  68. Alliant Powder Pro 300-MP in 9mm
  69. Mixed loads #12 and #9 shot
  70. 357 mag buck and swc.
  71. Canning wax bullets?
  72. Universal powder compression
  73. Handgun Shot Loads.
  74. RCBS .45 ACP Shotshell dies. Finally got a complete set.
  75. 40 cal shot shells using 10mm brass?
  76. Wax paper tube as wad?
  77. Internal Diameter of Magtech .410 brass shells
  78. speer capsule question
  79. 45 ACP Shotshell question
  80. Not bees but Asian Hornets
  81. Walnut Shell Shot Loads
  82. 30-06 for .45 Colt
  83. Shot shells for 45 Colt.
  84. 9mm shot shells
  85. My 410 bore brass case loads so far
  86. 357 maximum brass for snake/rat loads?
  87. Need either 38 or 380 Shot Shells Now....
  88. .32 S&W Long- Shot loads for the Pipsqueak
  89. 357 case in 38 special revolver
  90. .45 Caliber ACP Shotshell Loads...
  91. 38 s&w
  92. 45-70 shot loads
  93. 460 S&W Shot Shell using .444 Marlin Brass
  94. Shot Shell Loads For Contender
  95. Marbles Game Getter loads
  96. Stretching the case
  97. More questions re: .357 Maximum brass for shotshell loads.
  98. Copper wire load
  99. RCBS .45 ACP shot form die
  100. Carpenter Bee Load
  101. Diablo pistol thoughts
  102. 45 ACP Revolver Shotshell Load Question
  103. Well, these worked, . . .
  104. 460 cases for 45 Colt shot loads
  105. 45 auto shot-powders
  106. Affordable custom sizer die ???
  107. 45 auto shot shell LOADERS
  108. 357 hot-shot handloads?
  109. 38 Spcl. Shotshells - CCI vs "Home made"
  110. Easy .41 magnum shotshells
  111. 9mm glaser safety slugs for barn varmints?
  112. Gelatin pill capsules for 44 Mag
  113. Where to Buy Small Quantities of Small Shot?
  114. Mixed Small Shot Sizes for Snakes and Rats?
  115. 380 pistol shotshell loads
  116. Do 45ACP Shot Shells Only Work In 1911??
  117. 9mm shotshell
  118. 45acp shot shell trim die dim's
  119. Speer #13 manual with shotload data
  120. Looking for ideas for homemade snake rounds
  121. Something other then gas checks?
  122. No. 12 shot
  123. .50 Beowulf shotshell?
  124. Buckshot in .38 special
  125. speer shotcups
  126. Crimping 45acp shotshells- help
  127. Steel BB's in shot capsules
  128. Winchester 244 vs 231 loads
  129. 32 ACP win 244 chrono results
  130. Shooting for 1/2 Ounce in .38 cal: How Far Down the Bore?
  131. Win 244 powder + Colt 45 250 gr chrono vs Fiocchi Cowboy
  132. 357 rem max brass for 357 mag shotshells
  133. Shot Shells for 45 ACP
  134. Epoxy resin and shot
  135. CCI 9mm shot loads
  136. 38-357 rat shot loads
  137. Thanks for 444 to .410 shot shell help
  138. Resizing 357 Maximum for 357 magnum shot loads.
  139. Anyone done S&W 500 shots he'll loads
  140. .45acp reload
  141. 44 mag load
  142. Compressed pistol load
  143. Lubing shot with Ben's Liquid Lube, or similar.
  144. 10mm to 40 S&W Shotshell
  145. Stupid Shot Load Questions
  146. 357 Max stacked wadcutters looking for your thoughts
  147. What size is shot "dust" and where can I get it
  148. Normal extraction?
  149. Tokarev Shot Loads?
  150. Loading for the 45 acp revolver
  151. Anyone ever try shotloads in cap and ball BP loads?
  152. What Die for a Good Roll Crimp on 38/357 Magnum Brass?
  153. 1 less rattlesnake!
  154. Blank crimp insert.
  155. Starting with the .44
  156. Snake Loads
  157. rat shot for a ...... rat
  158. Public Service Announcement: Over Shot Card Material
  159. Wasp Rice Shot Loads: .38/.45LC
  160. New material speer 38 special shot capsules
  161. Looking for help or advice for wad and overshot card for 45 LC.
  162. .41 Magnum Shot Loads Made (Fairly) Easy from 30-30 Brass
  163. #9 shot in a J-frame snubby
  164. 9mm shot loads anyone??
  165. 45ACP Shot Loads
  166. .45 ACP shot shells for a revolver
  167. Ignition?