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  1. If it aint broke dont fix it.
  2. Hunting deer with WW 45-70
  3. Lyman Devastator hollow point moulds
  4. Moving Down
  5. Cast Bullet in 358 win
  6. End of Bullseye/begining of steak
  7. Commercial or Home Spun ?
  8. Best bullet formula for hunting Deer
  9. 32-20 Werks as Good now as 1873
  10. Hollow Points on deer
  11. 338 Mag bullet Quandry
  12. 338 Mag and bullet selection problem
  13. First CB kill
  14. round nose or big meplat
  15. The other white meat
  16. hunting season is almost on us
  17. 405 Win again
  18. .30/30 lead for deer
  19. Choices
  20. Foot Pounds of Energy???
  21. killed something today with a castboolit
  22. Was'nt with a CB but
  23. 250cast in the whelen
  24. Meet Number 26
  25. Pistola Hunting in MO
  26. 30 Soupcan in 30-30 or 30 Herrett 4 deer
  27. Deer and Cast Boolit
  28. Boar Hunting in Tex
  29. Marlin .45 Colt and whitetail
  30. grandson gets another
  31. Awful accuracy
  32. I got a BIG one today
  33. 311440
  34. .358 Winchester works again!
  35. Gotta Love Those Pre-Expanded Boolits!
  36. Son got his deer, not cast O/T
  37. Do I Qualify??
  38. May get to shoot all my favorites this year
  39. Personal distance record with cast
  40. 320REAL and 100 gr ffg
  41. Son-In-Law scored this AM
  42. Holding my breath
  43. Not cast bullet hunting, but a fair sized black bear
  44. Another convert
  45. Deer season in the morning
  46. Your Opinions on Hanging Game?
  47. I like 40 - 1 in the 44 on deer
  48. Attention Caribou Hunters
  49. Del Rio,Tx 8 pt
  50. Nice Georgia buck
  51. Effect of .44 on Moose
  52. need help
  53. Cast bullet kill today
  54. Hunting Cannons
  55. Last Years Buffalo
  56. 35 whelen on game.
  57. Hunting in South Africa-
  58. Buffalo with cast boolit today
  59. Deer with Soupcan in 30-30
  60. What's next in developing this boolit for hunting?
  61. Moose butchering equipment
  62. 2005 Moose Hunt
  63. Cow Buffalo with Cast
  64. 308 cast is a deer killer
  65. 32 Short Colt - Squirrel Slayer
  66. Cast Bullet Whitetail in 2005
  67. First cast Bullet Deer
  68. 6 Point with 330 grain HP
  69. My First Deer with a 30-30
  70. Marlin 336SC's and Whitetail
  71. Ranch Dog's 2005 Whitetails
  72. What Hunts Lined Up For 2006
  73. Big Hog
  74. 30 Luger draws first blood
  75. First Blood - TLC460-425-RF
  76. the fever has hit me (pixs)
  77. .357 for whitetail deer
  78. It's all Ranch Dogs Fault
  79. lowest CB .30 vel. for hunting?
  80. 338 federal for hunting....
  81. cast .308 + 1700 fps = very dead goat.
  82. "Poor Man's Zebra", 7mm.s and .308s.
  83. Bear stopper alloy
  84. .38/44 loads for Texas Deer
  85. Shot size for the .444
  86. Marlin meets moose makes meat
  87. The Moose Hunting Saga
  88. Roosevelt/Browning Classic Firearms Hunting Club
  89. eBay At Its Best... You Guys Have Got To Read This Ad!!!!
  90. meat buck and buffalo classic
  91. Oh Man...
  92. Outta here for elk and mulies
  93. Group buy 45 boolit makes meat
  94. Wild Boar
  95. Varinting with TLC460-350-RFB
  96. .44 Mag for elk?
  97. The 9.3 x 62 Goes Hunting.......
  98. Encore rifle (20") barrel in 500 S&W.
  99. I'm BACK
  100. what bullets are you hunting with this year
  101. Deer Kill with 44 Ranch Dog
  102. Beartooth bullets for Hunting?
  103. Guess What....
  104. The difference between Hunting and Killing
  105. looking for advise
  106. Cast Bullets, "too powerful for deer"
  107. Homemade Deer Lure
  108. My Elk Hunt
  109. cast boolit maketh much meat
  110. First Deer of the year w/Cast
  111. Little Lee 30 Cal Soup Can and Deer
  112. Gonna deer hunt for 1st time this year
  113. Finally started hunting.
  114. deer with NEI cast bullet
  115. Which 30 Cal 150 Gr CGC for deer
  116. Hog/deer double
  117. CB and mule deer
  118. Short Season
  119. got my first deer today
  120. Texas Whitetail with 444 and Lee TLC432-285-RF
  121. Sign of things to come?
  122. Catshooter 45 takes another
  123. Lee C-358-180 makes meat..Nov.15.06
  124. if you had a choice
  125. Pheasant and Duck Hunting in South Dakota
  126. 7.65 Arg makes venison
  127. Pretty Pig
  128. My Marlin 336D Is Ready...
  129. 22 Bator draws first blood.
  130. 357 coyote
  131. Springfield 840E and cast= deer
  132. Little Alberta Whitetail
  133. I shot an eight pointer today! He nearly ended me
  134. Deer camp with some pics...
  135. New Member, sharing a few Hunting Pics with cast roundball
  136. He got another one
  137. One more for the freezer
  138. Hollow Point Deer
  139. I Don't Know If This Qualifies....BUT
  140. First Elk!!
  141. First Cast Bullet Deer
  142. First cast bullet deer
  143. Cast Boolet Deer
  144. Hunting season's over and no deer again
  145. 1st White Tail ML deer
  146. Have You Shot A Game Animal With A RD TLC Boolit?
  147. 2006 season so far....
  148. Cast Boolit Barrel
  149. Elk harvest with Lee Custom 375-260 FPGC
  150. Another RD Boolit the TLC379-210-RF Smacks a Doe
  151. Soft bullet 35 Whelen
  152. Stupid... just plain stupid
  153. 311291
  154. my first deer whith cast bullet
  155. Game/Boolit/Velocity "effectiveness" poll
  156. Hunting 2006 with Cast
  157. Truncated cone point rifle bullet
  158. Alloy for elk?
  159. Attacking Bear doesn't care for Cabelas
  160. Do you like the grey wolf?
  161. What kind of expansion
  162. Rabbit hunting
  163. Off Topic Marten
  164. Ice Fishing again
  165. Backyard Moose
  166. Lynx
  167. PM IV Hog Hunt...
  168. Noob questions.....
  169. What I did on my birthday
  170. Public land hog hunting in DFW area?
  171. Keith bullets, flat nosed or not flat
  172. Well not exactly hunting
  173. Help!!! Hog Hunting Plans Feel Through.
  174. Whitetail and cast bullets
  175. Hunting private land
  176. Texas Hog hunt success
  177. Minimum starch for deer to 70 yards or so?
  178. Hunting
  179. Remember the "Sniping in Afghanistan" video?
  180. 7.62 x 39 for deer
  181. A little braggin...
  182. 38+p for CLOSE range deer?
  183. CETME for deer
  184. Bator 35-250 and "long range" sucess
  185. 35 Wellen on ground hogs
  186. Your thoughts please
  187. Does this count?
  188. Griond Hogs and Cast boolits
  189. TLC432-265-RF Scores Black Bear
  190. TC Encore Pistol-2 mini pigs with 1 shot
  191. Help!!!!!
  192. This little piggy...
  193. Hogs & Deer in Tennessee?
  194. Grandson gets a hog
  195. First blood!
  196. MT ELk tags
  197. 6.5x55 enough for whitetail with a CB
  198. NC Hogs
  199. Suggestions requested for young hunter
  200. is my reasoning ok
  201. Paper patch a 44 mag?
  202. question about hog hunting and trichinosis
  203. hunting with ruger frontier rifle in .358
  204. Small game with a 38?
  205. The Hawkeye Strikes
  206. Every time I do this, I wonder why--HUNTING AGAIN
  207. Looking for hunting access in MT
  208. we got one
  209. Bou's and Black Powder
  210. 180 gr bullet...lots of ?'s
  211. Antelope season 07
  212. Caliber Selection
  213. Was Hanging Treestands Today
  214. Sika Permits
  215. Favorite deer boolits
  216. Leaving in AM for CO & Elk
  217. Hunting with the Oregon Trails Laser Cast?
  218. What BHN is recommended for deer?
  219. 356 Winchester/Saeco 352 makes meat
  220. First Day Buck
  221. First game with Lyman 358315 HP and 357 Maximum
  222. Big brother gets buck
  223. Squirrel pellet gun?
  224. irons or glass?
  225. Deer Loads
  226. Moose with a 45-70 Marlin
  227. GP-100 makes meat!
  228. 405 or 375?
  229. Wolf Attacks Here -It s is crazy!
  230. 7pt whitetail with TC Encore 480 Ruger-420gr WFNGC
  231. Ranch Dog 350 gr 1800+FPS Marlin Guide in SS
  232. Buchshots 308 HP scores venison
  233. 2 days and a wake up
  234. Feral Pig Down for the count
  235. Anyone deer hunting in Ohio?
  236. Friend Says Goodby
  237. Elk-5: Hunters-0
  238. 405 whitetail
  239. 270saa and the skunk
  240. C358-180RF makes Meat
  241. .44 Devastator scores on deer
  242. 375 group buy works
  243. Nostalgia Trip
  244. New member intro and hunting trip
  245. First CB Deer
  246. Bisley .44 makes meat
  247. .348 gets another one
  248. Model 94 with 160 gr
  249. Smoothbore deer today
  250. Chalk another up to the 429421