View Full Version : Helping Hands
- RCBS Cast Bullet Manual #1
- The goal.
- CVA 50 Caplock to a good kid.
- Lyman O-mag press
- When I Get To Casting My Own
- Lee`safety powder scale & prefect powder measure
- New reloader 308 Winchester package
- 30 cal aluminum gaschecks-free!
- Lee loaders for the beginner.
- .32 win lee loader
- Brass for Beginners
- .357 Aluminum Gas Checks
- ABC 's of Reloading Fourth Edition
- Cast Bullet Guide
- Another for the beginners give-a-way
- leather 1911 ccw holster
- This Forum Really Has Good Members
- 9mm brass
- Lead for a newbie.
- Something for the new caster
- Single Cavity Molds
- 223 and 30/06 sizer dies
- As the saying goes.......
- 30-30 starter package
- SC Lee mold 309-200 GC
- RCBS 505 Scale
- .243 Win bullets to a good home (teen w/parent only)
- 100 pieces .40 cal brass clean mixed head stamp
- SFRB of .40 mixed head stamp brass
- 7.62x54r brass
- Lee scale for some one in need of one
- Home Made Laundry Detergent
- 25 - .40 Cal, S&W Brass, to help get a Noobe Started
- Got a buddy that needs a helping hand
- We Receved a New Book, THANK YOU, (but son tossed the return addy, Ronald, Thanks)
- 9 x 19 Brass (small offer but 1x)
- Joe Brennans' Cast Bullets for the Beginner and Expert CDROM
- Lee 4/20 Melter
- A one inch micrometer.
- I will Be Offline Untill Next Month
- BrassMagnet has some Brass - .223 WSSM and 300 WSM
- Vol. #2 P.O. Ackley book
- Looking for usable Win 94 forend
- bore slugging "kit" for someone who knows how to use it :)
- Handgun range brass for "Pearl of Wisdom" (ALL WELCOME)
- Tasco Model 885SGMC Mount / 1" Rings
- BrassMagnet has some Brass - 7mm Rem Ultra Mag
- Sparkz, Box-O-Boolits, 38/357, 45ACP, .44 Spl/Mag
- Thank you! 9mm success. Lube to one struggling.
- BrassMagnet has some extra Lyman/RCBS sizing dies and Lyman Top Punches
- .358 Boolits for someone startin' out!
- A few items that need a good home
- Lee Auto Disk Sets
- BrassMagnet has extra Lyman Top Punches- #203, #344, #360, #424, #430 & #449
- BrassMagnet has some Brass - 280 Rem
- RCBS Lube
- looking for help
- Trying to help a young man!
- Teaching a left handed twelve year old
- BrassMagnet has lots of extra Lyman Top Punches- #360, #424, #430 & #449
- New to casting
- SFRB 40 S&W Brass for Brass Magnet's kindness
- BrassMagnet has lots of extra Lyman Top Punches- #360 & #424
- need some help
- YotaTRD4x4 has 7mm weatherby mag brass and projectiles
- YotaTRD4x4 has talley lightweight med rings for rem 700
- Does anybody have a messed up high power scope?
- Where's George? Yotatrd4x4 posted WTB .308 brass. I sent George with some brass
- Another barrel slugging kit to someone who needs it.
- BrassMagnet has lots of extra Lyman Top Punches- #360
- Need 8X57mm dies and a few cast boolits
- 13 year old could use some 8x57 brass
- All Points Bulletin! Be on the lookout for George! George ran off with my stuff!
- which guy makes the ss tools for smelting
- RCBS .30-06 dies
- Brass Magnets Where's George box has been here and is leaving.
- Free mold for newbie or needy - 125gr LEE 357 flat point, 6cav with handles
- one SFRB full of 10:1 alloy for free, I'll pay shipping.
- Student of the Boolit.
- Free to a good "New Reloader" home
- Holster for 6" revolver
- .22LRs for kids, for lead
- George was here
- Tasco scope
- Lee Cutter with ball grip
- Lee hand press
- Lyman Ram Prime
- Lee .311 sizer
- Well George made a pit stop
- Vhs reloading tapes
- Lee cutter and three case length gauges
- Lee Cutter with ball grip again
- George was here!!!! I saw him!!!!
- 38 special up for grabs
- Can anyone identify these Screw in Shell Holders
- Tips and advice
- For the new/mentored/or limited funds reloader a gently used RCBS 5-0-2 scale
- I need a couple of pieces of equipment for a new reloader, and I don't have them
- Circle the Wagons, George is Coming!
- Beefing up security....
- Call the law
- Beg, Borrow or Steal a few 175gr 7mm bullets
- George, No! We have to stop meeting like this! People are getting suspicious!
- RPU Brass needs a good home
- Some extra brass
- Thanks kfarm!
- Starrett No. 230 for a new caster
- Lee saftey powder scale
- Need a .224 sizing favor
- George and BrassMagnet one in the same?
- how much is to much
- "Jefferson" needed a pen, found to be runnin with George
- .357 H&I (Lyman Size die)
- George if you get this
- .30-06 Dies, Used, may be scratched and rusty
- In need of 45 acp mold
- some 38spcl and 30-30 brass to a needy home.
- Gunlaw in different States
- George and my wife
- PIF-sfrb lead
- Can anyone help me ID these shellholders?
- For Those Who Could Really Use Some Brass
- Lee #5 Shell holder
- WTB Lee Reloading 1st addition
- That George, at it again!
- Rangefinder's kits and books
- I think I mighta got him!!!
- Beware, Beware!!!
- George strikes again!
- Need casting help in SE Kansas
- 2 bags of New Would like 223 WSSM brass
- RCBS .284 Win FL dies or RCBS .284 SB FL dies
- MEC 10 Gauge conversions for Size Master or Super Sizer
- Santa or George?
- Can you identify these items?
- I have some strange RCBS dies and I need info. 6.5x57, 7x64 Bren, 7.65 B M
- Merry Christmas
- For new casters or reloaders
- Merry Christmas - part 2
- Have Young Shooter in Need of Encore Base and Rings
- What was I thinking?
- Eagle 30/06 dies and brass
- Merry Christmas - Magnum reloading dies sets wanted under the Christmas tree
- I must not have been thinking clearly!
- Merry Christmas - part 3
- Merry Christmas - part 4
- Where to download all stickies?
- Stuck a Case Lately? - Bonanza Stuck Case Remover Kits
- RCBS NIB Die Sets - Precision Mic - X-Sizer
- How do you know if you have seen this George guy
- Does anybody need some 6.5x47 Lapua
- Helping Another Newbie to Reloading Can use 8MM Dies
- I'll be out and about tonight - Merry Christmas
- I got a visit from Santa and George...
- Small lead block
- RCBS Trim Pro shell holders
- Lee SC C324-175-1R
- Basic Handloading Book
- Student of the Boolit: Its To Cold and To Much Brass!
- Brassmagnet helps- again!
- Just thought I would ask a ? 357 crimp die.
- Reduced targets for short range shooting
- need some powder coated boolits
- Looking for some stuff
- Need a rear sight for a T/C Hawken .50
- Uh Oh! I did it again! I might be in trouble! Some Lee Muzzle Loader Moulds
- Uh Oh! I did it again! I might be in trouble! Some Unknown Round Ball Moulds
- Elk Ridge 4H Club
- Uh Oh! I did it again! I might be in trouble! Some Lyman Muzzle Loader Moulds
- Pretty much complete .38 reloading set up, free to a worthy cause
- loading block
- help me start a cartrige collection
- Uh Oh! I did it again! I might be in trouble! Some unknown stuff & incomplete dies
- Lee Pro 1000 shell plate 45 win mag
- Need priming tool and scale
- big thank you.
- In need of a Stevens 94 buttstock
- Thanks Brass Magnet
- i need a lee safety prime
- Anyone in NEED of this 9.3X74R brass?
- Anyone in NEED of this 8X56RS brass?
- Anyone want some 38 Special Brass?
- Anyone NEED a set of 300 Win Mag Dies
- Anyone in NEED of this 44 Colt brass?
- What to do with Rusty Stuff?
- .45lc brass
- 7.65 Argintine brass and boolits
- In need of a single 460 smith case
- In need of a .223 Rem sizer
- For someone who can use or needs it.
- Well here is MY I need
- Brown and Sharpe Bench Mic
- George visited!
- Looking for a casting mentor in the NW, FL area
- A limited number of die sets will be available soon.
- 4H Kid thank you
- RCBS 10.75 x 68 FL dies
- Need help restarting
- 125 Count 5.7 x 28 Brass
- New caster looking for old equipment
- I want to start casting boolits
- short trimmed 45-70 brass
- Frozone
- A limited number of die sets are available
- hello & apartment casting tips
- Cut down 223 brass
- I caught George in my Garage!
- Welcome to new member "wrongway" and my offer of free cast boolits
- Loading hand Books
- .223 case length gauge wanted
- A very small I need
- Shell holders
- Why?
- Shell stuck
- .45 ACP SP to good home
- Needed Thermometer
- oddball brass that I have
- Handgun Powder
- Looking for a good used 9mm die
- Casting Thermometer?
- 2 tins of percussion caps and some various nipples.
- 1911 sear spring
- I need some Hornady XTP Bullets
- molds
- Posting an article or video
- I have some lead that needs a home
- excess range brass
- Only Thunder 2-Zero and Jr. are eligible for this special drawing
- 30 Free 22 lr brass
- cant post in certain areas
- Coming back and Hello
- Happy Easter
- Parts for who needs em.
- Little bit of brass and some dies.
- New Lee mold for new caster.
- Additional DVD Library
- Any paper patching books?
- 270 Win 1x fired for someone in need
- Am I an ***???
- BrassMagnets casting 2 DVD library AMT7 loan out fwd thread.
- Additional DVD circulating library
- New circulating disc of reading material. Not a video
- BrassMagnet moving DVD library...
- BrassMagnet moving DVD library set 4
- What do I have here?
- To knee or not to knee?
- BrassMagnet DVD Library Set 4 Round 2
- Brassmagnet traveling DVD set 2 up
- Paying back some Thanks: .45ACP components
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