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  1. Welcome to the Chapel
  2. I had a good day
  3. Challenging Times
  4. Been a long week...
  5. Free computer Bible
  6. I am really concerned............
  7. Daylight savings time!
  8. Sunday Morning
  9. A little meat to chew on.
  10. How do you pray for a Brother
  11. Feeling tired
  12. Got a letter from my Dad...
  13. Remember My Son & All Of Us
  14. Complaint before the Board
  15. Son lost job?
  16. God's mysterious ways on my final day in the hospital
  17. laughter tears and hope
  18. My Mom back in the hospital
  19. My brother and pancreatitis
  20. He is Risen !
  21. Easter wish
  22. Lifting up
  23. Silly Rabbit
  24. Interstate 64, Morehead Kentucky
  25. We lost our daughter 4/1/13
  26. Please pray, My sisters Very sick,,
  27. God's Provision and Help
  28. A Hiding Place
  29. My daughter's sick friend
  30. Would like ya'll to say a prayer for my mother.
  31. Just wanted to thank God.
  32. My Father in Law is in need of prayers
  33. Pray for my friend
  34. I need some Bible 101
  35. Watching out for me
  36. Aunt needs prayer
  37. I am Thankful
  38. Lost a friend yesterday
  39. one year anniversary.....
  40. Please pray for my nephew
  41. Prayers needed for Daughter
  42. Those that are weak
  43. Say a little prayer for me...
  44. Prayers for MIL
  45. Colonascopy
  46. Wife has to have chemo and radiation for 6 months
  47. The life-long fight of our lives....
  48. Brother
  49. Add me to your prayer list please.
  50. D-Day Vet and Wife Under Attack
  51. Prayer request for firefighters.
  52. Breaking newa on nephew Don!
  53. Friend from another Board
  54. Member Malcolm's wife passes
  55. Job Prayer Request
  56. Chris Kyle Toombstone.
  57. 500th Post
  58. I knew I was in the right place
  59. Grandpa's Hands
  60. Co-worker needs prayer
  61. Peaceful passage.
  62. I could really use some prayers right now.
  63. Please say a prayer for my daughter.
  64. Lost a good friend today.
  65. Friend with ALS
  66. 4th time around
  67. Lost a baby today
  68. Need a little prayer
  69. My friend Tony
  70. For my Dad
  71. Only in a small town
  72. Prayers needed for Gods guidance
  73. My wifes grandmother passed away this morning.
  74. I could use some shoring up.
  75. Praise report!
  76. Prayer needed for preemie baby
  77. prayers needed
  78. Words for my brother
  79. Prayers needed..
  80. Prayers for our Friend 686
  81. Please Say a prayer and keep my friend and his family in your thoughts.
  82. Was Jesus Redeemed?
  83. Tough week, but victorious!
  84. Myu Dog is ill.
  85. confused
  86. Judges and 1 Samuel
  87. Nephew's wife needs prayer
  88. Prayers needed for knee surgery
  89. My friend and neighbor
  90. Killed in Action
  91. Son's job interview
  92. Magic Bank Account
  93. Those who rely only on spell check ...
  94. Prayer request
  95. Cast Boolits Forum Members
  96. mom just passed at 5:50
  97. The Lord is testing me
  98. Join me in thanking God for answering a prayer
  99. The final inspection
  100. My dog shown in my avtar, Belle , died yesterday.
  101. Prayer Works!!!!!
  102. Prayers for my Dad
  103. Praise report!!!
  104. Hello Lord it's me....
  105. Merry Christmas all you casters
  106. Buddy
  107. Say a word for the Mrs.
  108. Knee Surgery this afternoon at 5 pm
  109. A Bible
  110. Happy new year !!
  111. My prayer
  112. What the future holds?
  113. 2013 Good Bye !!
  114. A coworkers wife
  115. Casting to get over the loss of a family member.
  116. Prayers needed
  117. Having a tough time dealing with this
  118. There's a heavenly phone directory? You gotta hear this story of mine! LOL!
  119. Need some family advice
  120. about my brother
  121. prayers for a friend
  122. Praise report - my son John
  123. My mom
  124. My faith is being tested.
  125. Prayers please
  126. What would Jesus do?
  127. Prayer for a job
  128. Wife having cardiac bypass
  129. So proud I must witness!
  130. International church-building!
  131. We had a fire!
  132. I could use some prayers if you got any extras
  133. Guess it's time to ask for a few extra prayers...
  134. Prayers for my dad
  135. Prayers for my son
  136. Pray for my Uncle with bone cancer
  137. Need your prayers
  138. Prayers for my best friend
  139. Revival
  140. my little buddy
  141. Felix needs your prayers
  142. Two Prayer Requests
  143. Prayer needs for our pastor
  144. Prayer request for Daughter....
  145. Lost my dad tonight
  146. Been a rough one, this week has....
  147. Could use the power of prayers again...
  148. He is risen!
  149. My Mother
  150. My wife's aunt and cousin
  151. I guess I could use some prayer
  152. Prayers needed
  153. News best posted here
  154. I could really use some thoughts and prayers for myself and family
  155. in the hospital
  156. 'Strawhat' stuck in the eye
  157. Wife's Thyroid Surgery Friday Afternoon
  158. Critical condition child needs prayers,
  159. This is Powerful - Watch it , let me know what you think.
  160. Dog people and any one with compasion Please pray for Daphne.
  161. Those prayers must be working, Keep em' coming.....
  162. I could use a little lifting up
  163. job prospects
  164. Prayers for my wife (Cricket)
  165. RickinTN's father needs prayer
  166. Please Say A Prayer For My Daughter Who Just Deployed
  167. could use prayer
  168. Prayers Please
  169. My daughter accepted Jesus tonight
  170. WE all need your Prayers
  171. Prayers for a friend
  172. Prayer for Me, my wife and our home.
  173. The Lord was looking out for my folks...
  174. one pf a kind
  175. A good way to start a morning........
  176. Asking for prayers for Newtire
  177. Daughter In-Law Has Stage 4 Cancer
  178. 9 Month Old Son in Hospital
  179. Prayers my brothers and sisters
  180. A great human interest story
  181. Please remember my friend
  182. Do you know how it feels ?
  183. My Brother
  184. My Father died today.
  185. Prayer for me, my wife and our situation.
  186. Never Forgot Our Fallen Troops, A Tribute, Please watch and Remember
  187. I didn't really know where to post this.
  188. My family desires your prayers
  189. Prayer Request
  190. Very Difficult Day
  191. Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Iraq and Syria
  192. Mom is passing
  193. Pray for my Uncle who is in his last days with bone cancer
  194. Prayers for Member Shoor6br hospitalized with infected foot
  195. Prayers, smoke, good thoughts would be appreciated.
  196. NCTC Softball Team
  197. Prayer for all on the forum ?
  198. Applying for Disability
  199. Isaiah 1:22,25 Fluxing in Bible times!
  200. Always somebody else....
  201. First post
  202. Prayer for the forum and prayer list
  203. Whats your favorite hymn"s ?
  204. Would like to provide the prayer for the forum for next week ?
  205. Classic sermon by S M Lockwood
  206. Prayers for my friend and his family.
  207. Heart Cath Tomorrow
  208. Prayer for the forum tomorrow (Sunday 10 26 14 )
  209. We could sure use prayers
  210. Prayer for sunday 11- 2- 14
  211. Stevie
  212. Prayer for my Niece
  213. lost my papaw, please pray for my family and me
  214. Prayer for the forum ? 11 / 9 / 14
  215. Please pray , lost mamaw today 10 days from papaw
  216. Today's Youth
  217. Ok guys !....................christmas carols !!
  218. Godfather recovering in the hospital
  219. Attention on deck
  220. Prayers For my Daughter
  221. Please say one for mom.
  222. We plan our lives like we think we are in charge.
  223. Bad news
  224. Prayers for my daughter in the Sandbox and all of our men and women in uniform
  225. Merry and Blessed Christmas
  226. Prayer
  227. Don't really know how to title this.
  228. Good news but bad news on friday
  229. Need prayers
  230. Your Prayers and Help Are Needed.
  231. God rocks !
  232. Prayers requested
  233. A fallen Brother and a family in pain.
  234. prayers for zephaniah
  235. Pray for my sister
  236. I need your prayers.
  237. Psalm 23
  238. I need a pastor to contact me please
  239. MIL valve replacement
  240. Prayer request
  241. Report on daughter Kim
  242. Prayer's for my sister.
  243. WW 2 Bible ?
  244. Update on my status.
  245. Our world is falling apart
  246. Sad day for me, I need the team.
  247. Could use some prayers
  248. Newtire needs some prayers
  249. Hard Week. Truck totaled, mother passed
  250. My Week Gets Worse