View Full Version : Special Projects
Pages :
- Mauser rear sight
- Cross slide/ compound tables
- Happy Hunting Grounds
- Some lathe jewelery and a hollow pointer
- Lee Custom Mould Archive
- Buckshot!!
- Hey Buckshot!!!
- CNC conversion of my lathe/mill
- Surplus Powder Testing
- Ed's Red
- Groupie Gas Checks
- A useful conversion site
- project gun need help
- Not As Good A Gelitan Block
- MYKROM scope bases???
- Finally got my lathe rack finished
- Another use for a pocket
- first CNC gun part
- No big deal, I just thought it was cool
- What twist ??
- single action cylinder info?
- .25 Hornet
- Mdl '94 Proj
- New Question: 7mmx357
- Beer Can Canon
- making primer inert
- Progress on 30 Luger 1911
- question for Fin, hornet brass
- My Suppressed 308 Project : Which Boolit To Use?
- Herter's No.3 press last one to utilize swager auto eject system
- poor mans merit device
- Ed's Red Oops
- Can an Arbor press make revolver grip emblems
- New Project
- 30'06 @ 200 by the 17th
- Two Bullets in One Cartridge?
- Mould Diameter Enlargement
- Lathemeisters: How to Hollowpoint?
- New Lathe is on the way
- Lathe work. Parts and junk to get a Comblain shooting
- Colt Police Positive
- Ho-made carbide insert holders
- Truing a faceplate, getting ready to monkey with a mould
- Short Action Savage/Stevens 7mm-08
- How hard is it to rebore a barrel?
- Putting a little zip in the 9.3X72R????
- Join me in making a Krag reciever removal nut. A REAL learning episode. Part 1
- Join me in making a Krag reciever removal nut. A REAL learning episode. Part 2
- Large steady rest
- 35 remington rifle
- AR15 Bolt/Carrier Weight
- Lee pot + thermocouple
- Mineral sprits & paraffin for gun storage?
- MFH Pictures
- Gas Checks
- Just some fooling around. A sizer die being born.
- cleaning used shot?
- Nose punch blanks for sizer
- homemade vickerman die
- trajectory question
- Hydraulic ram
- Size of custom resizing die?
- 1908 Brazilian 7x57 Carbine and Scoped Yugo SKS
- Trueing a 3 jaw chuck, ¾"bore?
- Buffer
- BP loads for all brass shot shells
- 22 caliber gaschecks from large rifle primers
- Heavy 32ACP load anyone?
- Annealing cases with hot lead
- Rifling depth
- CHeap beeswax?
- Outer's Foul Out Opinions Wanted
- Shooting off a lock
- indoor/outdoor shooting range
- What I've made since Monday
- Buckshot take a look at this
- You guys ever think of doing one of these
- Found a package deal- Buckshot
- modifying a Lee minne ball mould
- Buckshot..the Swage Up Die For You
- Lee hardness tester microscope holder
- Unsafe conversion?
- Interchangable chambers
- Buckshot...
- For You Machinist Out There
- 50-70 Smokeless loads
- HELP! Need a engraving machine
- I produced something!!!!
- need help with new boolit lube idea...
- Re cutting a Lee mold
- Help with Lee alox lube
- tried my own lube, what did I do?
- You Gunsmith Machinist Might Really Like This
- Special Loads for the .45-70
- Shotshells
- More help with homebrew lube
- m1 barrel
- Johnson wax?
- How to make Stock Weights
- boolit lube success .... I think
- solid vaseline as a bullet lube?
- Remington or Winchester ?
- Hey Buckshot!! Martini Help!!!
- Trapdoor Dilemma
- I can finally utilize an old chuck
- Beeswax- The saga continues...
- StarChecks
- Long Range and Accuracy Gun
- Pistol Range Construction
- RCBS lube/sizer tip
- Leading in New Chamber
- Tiny proj. but would like opinions
- Custom ruger 77 22 k HORNET (SUGGESTIONS)
- 5/8X30 TPI (Lyman 310) Die
- Hey Rick, can you build me one these?
- Sticky Lube
- Antler Mount _thnx Carpetman
- 2000 lbs of Bee's Wax
- Hey Buckshot..I'm mad at you........
- .50-70 Case Trimmer
- SSK barrel for TC Carbine
- scored a weilder
- Making a Push through size die
- Target Stand
- Know what I want?
- A push thru sizer question
- 458 what twist
- New Project.........
- building a brass catcher
- Romanian 1956 cugir trainer
- Enlarging Boolit Sizing Die
- Buckshot's nose punch blanks
- Ka-Bar Design
- Fit for the King....
- BUMPING-UP Bullet Size
- Busy 3 days....
- Mauser project
- Building a Roaster
- Flat Belting
- First Cuts
- Coehorn Mortar Projectile
- hard lube in cold weather...
- Taking the leap with my 45....
- Cut rifled Encore barrel ???
- Need base mounting pics of Lube Sizers
- pressure test question
- 1895 Chilean Mauser scout mount
- NEF 445 Super Mag - a success story reaches it peak
- Hardness tester project
- Latest Project..
- Project Encore
- Pistol rack help
- Polishing actions
- Rhineland Arms 45 ACP/ 45 WM kits
- .22 Mini whisper idea
- Homemade SP101 Grip Panels
- My "new" project.....
- How to Clean Up a Barrel
- I need to open up a case sizing die.
- Moving My Ingots
- Measuring 5 groove Bbls.
- Opening up/rethreading dieholes in a turret toolhead
- just wondering, can a 8x57 case
- Case trimming attachment
- linebgored cylinder
- Almost ready
- Interesting HP mould
- 500 S&W "long" brass
- Home made lubri-sizer
- A fixer upper powder measure
- .45-70 Shot?
- Another interesting HP
- 12V Generator W/ Briggs & Stratton Engine
- Belt Size Thread Is Moved
- Bullet Feeder
- Defect Corrected on Dipper
- Chambering conversion
- Holdin her down
- Feel the need for 40 cal
- home made lead sled/sort of
- 500 S&W Encore now a shooter! :)
- 6.5 Grendel
- 458WM in 98 Mauser action
- Mauser receiver sights?
- Mold Modification Help
- Outer's "Foul Out"?
- Small action thread
- Loading Data Compilation
- Pepsi can alcohol stove
- New project rifle in my head. Need input.
- Wire inlay
- New Tunnelpoint Shotgun Slug
- Project help!
- ballistic gelatin
- Whats a good mold for a 375 H&H?
- Buckshot What da ya think of this HP mold
- Modified .22 Rimfire Penetration Tests
- loading data
- Jon-e hand Warmer Usage
- Seating gas checks...
- 45-70 chamber & bullet configuration
- What to do with this Smokeless RB Action
- Well, that didn't work...
- stupid question about scopes
- alternate to chambercast
- Need Info.
- A cast Zink project , Maybe
- Raw lead
- restoring a stock
- .35 Whelen FC die
- mold modification
- lightfield like reloads, anyone know how to make them?
- Aboga Milling Machine
- Just aquired a '87 Dodge Dakota 4x4
- Convert a Hornady bullet puller to work in your lathe
- Wax bullets
- fire lapping a Krag bore
- Boolit Trap
- Recurve Bows
- Bed extender
- soft lead = hard bullets
- "Gas-check" coatings
- Sinker Moulds?
- Make your own Targets out of Scrap Metal
- ar 15 barrel dimensions
- dk17hmr hot glue bullets update
- Civil War relic
- Casting hot glue boolits
- Suppressors..., legal ones
- .41 long Colt Crimper dies?
- Cases for Obsolete Chamberings
- Hot Lead & Blazing Stogies Manly Men's Rec Center now open
- Gluelits casting procedure
- Need Formula or Data for Ballistic Bore Friction
- NAGS R&D is down!
- NAGS R&D team
- Looking for input on silencer how-to books
- Make them shoot again.
- Anyone be willing?
- Lubing Gluelits
- glue stick group buy
- gluelit lube mixture
- Fire forming new brass
- Tool Gloat!!!!!!!
- Project possibility
- My Harbor Freight mini-lathe got tired of turning.
- Leather holster is too soft compared to what they use to make them
- Paper Targets
- Gluelit target/trap
- New Old lathe, worth keeping?
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