View Full Version : Military Rifles
- .310 Martini Cadet
- Just got back from the gunsmiths
- Reforming .284Win. brass for the K-31; Lee "soupcan&quo
- SOG Is out of K31's
- Blending In
- UN at work
- Got sucked in the Swiss/ UN was a April Fools Joke
- New to me P-17, or is that M1917 Enfield?
- ......Oh Yippee! I get to shoot a 340 Weatherby next Tuesday
- A blown up low number Springfield
- a303
- Lyman #446110 in .43 Mauser
- Argy Mauser loads
- Rooski brass ?
- The story of a Brazilian Comblain, part 1
- The story of a Brazilian Comblain, part 2
- The story of a Brazilian Comblain, part 3
- The story of a Brazilian Comblain, part 4
- NoDrill target sights for your 03A3
- No.5-Mk1.....
- '03-a3......( as oppose to an a303)
- Cast in FAL?
- 91 Mauser Stripper Clips
- Jap Arisaka
- OT, so shortly: I got it.
- Removing the K-31 front sight
- Sizing 284 to 7.5 Swiss with a Lee Hand Press
- No4 Sniper (?) rifle
- First shots with my K31
- Anyone have any loads for cast bullets and Unique for the 7.5x55 Swiss?
- My new (to me) M1917 Enfield
- Ah, the good old days: Mosins
- Ah, the good old days: Some Swedes and a MAS
- Krag question
- Ah, the good old days: Mausers 1 and 2
- CMP Guns
- Military Cast Bullet Shoot In Sioux City
- CMP order for Remington 03A3 going in mail Wednesday
- 96 Mauser
- 1903 barrel
- Finn 91/30 Mosin-nagant
- Aperture sights for the K-31
- A very short Mauser
- Swiss Rifles
- Teflon Coated Lead Boolits.
- German Mauser Guru
- 1000 Rounds of 7.62 NATO Brass.....
- Buckshot..and others Website for yall
- StarMetal...can ya hear me?
- K31 Cast bolits load
- K31 rifle-carbines at Big 5
- Swiss 1911
- K31 rifle-carbines at Big 5
- No.4Mk1 help
- 260 Remington, Cast, 45 2.1's Help
- Siamese Mauser
- A Krag Quandry
- 8x56R Cast Bullet Data
- Buckshot's 8mm Boolit
- Picked up my K-31 Tuesday. Photos........
- Musings on the #4 and Garand
- Converting 93/1916 Mauser to 7.62x39 or 45acp
- Argentine Mauser 1891- Mdl 95
- A303
- Another 7.62 Mauser
- 6.5 Birthday rifle
- Darrell's Scout Mounts
- shootin' my k-31 with darrell mount...
- Mauser question for the cognoscenti
- Romanian 22rf trainer
- Springfield M1903
- CB's with 2 8x57mm Infantry long rifles
- romanian heavy bbl trainer
- The French 7.5x54 cartridge and where did all those French milsurps go?
- Arisaka Success Finally!
- MAS36 conversion to 45-70
- M96 Mauser and NEW #4 Mk2 possibly available
- Sizing for the strait[sic.]-pull Swiss K-31???
- Okay Guys, what do I have here?
- 1909 Argentine Carbine
- K31 Report
- Some serious work with the 6.5
- New load for the 03A3
- Anyone load CB in 762-39 ?
- Argentine mauser barrel woes
- Yugoslavian 24/47 K98 Mauser
- 03-a3...good news...follow up
- Help with Swiss
- Need help with Stealth rifle
- 30-40 cast shooter
- surplus powder
- 7383 powder
- The K98 strikes back
- 7.35x51
- Ptrd?
- Yugoslavian 24/47 K98 Mauser part 2
- Shooting the 6.5 Kurtz
- got two more....k 98's
- Parker Hale 1903A3
- I suppose I'll have to get an Israeli Mauser now.
- Alladin's HBC in the Krag.............
- 7.5 Swiss Wadcutter.............
- new rifle questions
- Holy cats! A $625 M1917 Eddystone!
- Scout mount for m39 (with two pics)
- 6.5 Swede Carbine
- M1 carbine reliability
- Krag problem, need help!!
- Lead boolits in 6.5 Swede.
- Redfield SMLE 4 receiver sight adapter
- Have C&R. Now I'm Dangerous...
- Trapdoor Springfield
- Israeli Mauser
- M39, boolits at 50 meters, moose test with boolits...
- Info on a #4
- Quick - do I need a Redfield 70KT for my Krag?
- Nagant
- Help with ID Please
- My Favorite Argie
- Surplus Rifles
- Keepers and Loosers
- First rounds fired from my 6.5 Swede
- M93 Spanish Mauser
- M94 swedish mauser
- MAS 36 and the 7.5x54 French round, opinions please!
- New Magazine
- m-39 finn load success
- got at gun show
- My K-31 had a butt-tag :D
- Cast in 6.5 carcano ...
- New Spanish FR-8 Mauser
- Too many rifles not enough time lol...
- Please help identify Lee Enfields.
- The other swiss rifles
- Mk4No1 sights.
- 1891 Argentine Mauser Antique?
- MODIFICATION to the Darrell Harrison m39 mount installation
- Krag info
- 7.62 x 54 brass ?
- S&B 303 Brass
- 8mm Krag ammo?
- The Israeli Mauser is back and it's been butchered!
- M1A Arrived Today
- Gewehr 1888s for sale
- Arisaka Success
- Timney military trigger?
- Enfield #4 carbine 45 acp
- Martini Sporter project
- Got me a neat little rifle yesterday.
- Sks
- Bayonets
- Lebel Questions
- 1874 Brazilian contract Comblain carbine
- 7.5x55 Dies
- profesional sorta opinions wanted
- Swiss K-31 shooters
- M93 Spanish Mauser 7x57 barrel
- 7.7 Arisaka
- Need some Help!!
- Birch Run Gun Show trophies
- Need help identifying a bayonet
- 03 Springfield Turned-Down bolt handle question
- 7.65 Arg Mauser
- Need help---303
- Buckshot: Kinda of familiar looking.
- Update: M93 Spanish Mauser 7x57 barrel
- I fell prey to a Finnish beauty
- Rifle parts
- 8mm/303 wildcat or whatdahay
- My First Semi-auto Rifle
- Early Rock Island '03
- Wed afternoon in the sandpit
- Sweeds
- Mauser actions
- Argentine Mauser
- cast bullets for russian 7.62x54
- Savage Enfields
- 7.5 Swiss Brass
- Carcano Round#3
- The Turk that should have been, and actually WAS! Part 1
- Latest Military Caliber Craze
- 1938 Turk Mauser
- Model 1896/11 conversion update
- A New Source for 7.5 Swiss Brass/Ammo
- T38
- Mauser replacement stocks
- Big 5 has #4 MkI's on sale.............
- Buckshot...rear Sights
- Swede Draws Blood
- Bllind Hog Finds Acorn at Big Reno Gun Show
- 1917 303 British? and a WW 1917
- 7.5x55 cast bullets
- Primers seated below flush
- On the trip to Sydney to pick up a cowboy shottie.......
- A nifty E-Bay deal. Must have slipped past them :D
- Just bought three kinds of 98K Mausers
- Speaking of made up carbines ............
- What's it like where you live?
- Gun Show finds!
- 98-48
- 03-38 turk truck gun
- In The Dog House
- Rebarrel Moisin Nagant 91/30
- Krag carbine stock
- SKS Finally Scoped
- Finished Brazilian Mannlicher Carbine
- lee enfields
- Turkish Mauser screws won't budge
- Venting the M1 gas plug for straight pull operation.
- "Un-Bubbarizing" a 91 Arg Rifle & Blueing
- Savage No. 4 Mk I (.303Br.) Questions
- 91 Argentine question
- 2 free Mausers
- 1891 argentine mauser
- reforming 30-06 brass to 6.5 x 55
- T-99 and Jungle Carbine
- A free Snider Carbine
- Christmas Turk
- Chambering question.
- Antique military rifles
- Un-Bubbaizing an 03
- BUCKSHOT Look at this.
- Milsurp Distrbutors
- Krag Sight?
- Mauser safety question
- Holy smoke! $$$ For a Mauser triggerguard
- The "Intermediate length" 24/47 Mauser Action
- 1895 mauser
- 91/30
- SMLE #2 Lee Enfield fixed - range report
- After corrosive ammo?
- Looking For 1st Mil Surp
- Nearly new Turk
- Lebel
- A Mauser?
- 7.5 Swiss
- 7.62x39 Quandry
- Brazilian 1908 Carbine
- Tech Sights - Reciever Mounted Peep Sights for SKS
- Converting brass
- Choosing the rifle
- 1912 ex dragoon
- 348/40 Krag?
- Arisaka in .358 Win?
- T99 chamber cast
- Bolt gun for 45-70
- 1891 arg mauser project
- Triggers
- Turk Mauser article
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