I started to move taxable savings to our Roth's as soon as I could after thy first let you covert your IRA's. For now I am just going to draw from my IRA rollover from my 401-K and just use the Roth for some of the bigger one time payments like p-tax's and home/car insuance. For now we are trying to keep ajusted gross income down till we are both on Medicare for our ACA health care subsidie . That will be 16 months for her and 28 months for me. After that we will look in to pulling more out of the taxable IRA and move some to the Roths.
After thy passed the Secure Act it changed alot of the estate planing that people had done. After thy got rid of the strech IRA option thy are now recommending that you move as much as you can to your Roth's ( one for you and one for your wife ). The money you leve will still have to be pulled out over ten years but the funds from your Roth's will not be taxable, funds from taxable accounts will allso have to be pulled out over ten years but will have to be clamed as taxable income witch could put them in to a higher tax bracket for ten years.