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Thread: Has anyone tried the carnivore diet?

  1. #21
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    Sounds like a diet for someone like me with gout. Been told to leave red meat alone.

  2. #22
    Boolit Master pmer's Avatar
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    Seems to me that keto is a little too strict as a long term diet. The body needs some carbs, our brain is the our biggest consumer of glucose. I can loose weight if I can stay under 150 grams of carbs and eat less than about 1800 calories a day. Ive used a couple calorie counting apps on my phone to get a idea of what I'm putting in my body.

    If you are in a mood to lose weight you have to look at your life style, when you eat, why you eat etc. Or a lot of times the weight will come back. I learned I have to watch my night time snacking and stay away from almost anything with corn syrup and overly processed foods.

    At home we used to have Monday night diet meetings where we'd talk about diet and watch a couple YouTube videos. You have to weed through some of it but try searching something like "what does sugar do to my body" or upside down food pyramid.
    Oh great, another thread that makes me spend money.

  3. #23
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    If you go in the store, you may notice that all the healthy foods are arranged around the outside. Produce, seafood, meat, dairy, etc. All the processed food is in the center aisles. High fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated vegetable oils, yuck yuck yuck. Read the labels, avoid anything hydrogenated. I got where I don't even need glasses to read the fine print in the ingredients if it takes up half the package to list all the **** in there, put it back. If the ingredients is a small paragraph, it's probably good for you.

    Ritz Crackers = bad. Fig Newtons = VERY bad.

    Here is a comparison I did with Ritz Crackers and Late July Crackers, same taste, same results cooking with either one. First thing you notice is the size of the ingredients list, second thing you notice is all the **** in the Ritz.

    I can use my phone, right there in the store aisle to search for a healthy alternative to anything you see on the shelves. Most times Google will come up with a hit that you can find right there while you are in the store.
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  4. #24
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    I eat fatty meats b/c I had radiation all to my neck that got my taste buds, saliva glands, epiglottis, it jacked my throat all outta wack and I can't swallow lean meats, it needs to be loose and fatty and it will go right down. Consequently I avoid chicken breast, eye of pork chops, sometimes I have to give the gf a meaty part of a BBQ rib because it's too lean and chewy.

    When I was in wallyworld last night I carefully looked over the seafood counter, avoiding the toxic farmed Atlantic Salmon, I found some Steelhead Trout fillets, these are farm raised in the US, and are pretty dang healthy eating from what I could find online. I chose a large fillet that wasn't all pink, it was striped with the lighter fattier portions and that's the one I bought. I'll probably blacken it in a little olive oil and butter, serve it with some fresh asparagus or microwaved fresh corn on the cob, maybe a green salad with pineapple chunks in it.

    For breakfast most days I will have one sausage patty, one or two eggs, and a bowl of grits or lately oatmeal with raisins, dried tart cherries and a little brown sugar. No toast and jam, no cinnamon roll, the sausage I found is Swaggerty Farms in walmart, it has no fillers in it and it cooks up without much grease in the pan at all. I add sage and red pepper.

    This is how I eat these days, a fatty meat, good veggies, some canned stuff like soups and a sandwich for lunch or a chili dog. I don't think i am a high cholesterol risk, it may be higher than my cardiologist wants but hey I am not going to starve my body into looking like Twiggy to make somebody else happy. I eat to maintain a slim physique, 6'0" 180-185lbs usually, and I can keep it around there. I can eat a small bowl of ice cream at night several nights a week, if I need to drop off a few pounds I take a week off the ice cream.

    I did lose weight a few years ago by mixing my International Delights coffee creamer 50/50 with Cashew milk. Cut the calories in half. I still do this, it works.
    Last edited by DougGuy; 06-18-2019 at 11:10 AM.
    My parkinsonism that controls walking and balance has made me unable to work in the shop. VOTE RED * PRAY OFTEN You are welcome to message me here or send email to

  5. #25
    Boolit Grand Master Tripplebeards's Avatar
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    You’ll save on TP as never hardly go number #2

  6. #26
    Boolit Mold
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    If it works for you, OP then follow through. I’m not much of a meat eater, but I can eat a whole chicken with no complaints!

    Currently I’m reducing carb intake and come July, my next step will be more intense. Focus is on vegetables and lean protein. I’ve also found that my body responds well to intermittent fasting, so I guess that’s also going to be part of it.

  7. #27
    Boolit Buddy

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    Couple of years ago watched a program on local PBS tv, about fasting, intermitting fasting is suppose to be really good for your health according to this program. If memory serves me right, a couple of days a month was what they were advocating for. This study was done in Europe and the US. One of the most interesting things to me was the amount of prescriptions the average male in Europe was on, believe they claimed it was six. That is a lot of prescriptions.

  8. #28
    Boolit Master Shawlerbrook's Avatar
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    I prefer the omnivore diet.

  9. #29
    Boolit Master
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    I know this is an older thread, but I have been on a meat diet since May. I've eliminated all vegetable seed oil and all carbohydrates. That's rite! I eat no sugars or grain, and no plant matter. You do not need to eat carbohydrates, your body can actually produce them! I also only eat twice per day in an 8 hour period and water fast 14 to 16 hours. I've lost 60lbs so far, stopped high blood pressure medicine, and my blood work is fantastic! A1C is 4.6. I'm 59 and feel like I'm 30 again. The kicker is I actually don't eat much more meat than I did before, but do eat far more saturated fat. There is more and more independent research showing a ketogenic diet is an optimal human diet, and that carbs are killing us! There is a lot of research pointing to vegetable seed oil as the real cause of heart disease and body inflammation that is the root cause of all kinds of disease processes!

  10. #30
    Boolit Master

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    About 6 rs ago, I was 283 lbs. A friend had talked about his low carb dieting and I jumped in. No bread, rice, pasta etc. Meat , veggies and cheese. This I can handle. Lost 65 lbs in first years. My Doctor is very happy with me and so am I. Weighed in a 195 last week. Feeling great except for back problems. GW

  11. #31
    Boolit Grand Master Tripplebeards's Avatar
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    I’m with you. I eliminated carbs staring 2 years ago on thanksgiving. Haven’t deviated from eating more than 20 carbs or so a day since. Very easy to do. I’ve dropped over a foot off my waist and feel like a kid again! Walking up ridges, sitting in tree stands, loading big bucks in pickups, and riding bikes are easy to do again! I feel as healthy as an Ox. I get low carb bread products and other lo carb alternative foods. More expensive but what isn’t. I started because of a herniated disc. Figured if I lost weight it would not heal. It’s about 99% gone now and without surgery. Since I’ve been doing it so long now my body never seems hungry. Started out with omelets every morning. Now it’s just coffee. With bow hunting the last couple months I normally forget to eat till I get home in the afternoon…and still not hungry. Gun season I packed a peanut butter sandwich with lo carb keto bread. Plenty of “real looking” type foods available that have lo carb counts. Same with noodles. Just depends on how bad you want to loose weight and feel healthy. I’d rather be able to tie my shoes and feel “normal again” when I’m out in public not having a “muffin top” hanging over my pants and looking bigger than everyone I see. I’m down to a loose fitting 38” jeans and 6’2”. Was down to 32” about 10 years ago. I’ll be excited when I’m down to 34” size jeans again and call it good. I’ll still control my carb intake when I’m down to that size. I’m more active now so the additional “normal now” exercise will help maintain my weight. Been down this road before. Lost a 131 pounds in 8 months on nutrisystem back in the 80’s. The program never taught me how to eat properly. But I was a kid and my metabolism took over. Never had an issue till I got older. Could eat crap because I was soooo active after I lost weight that it didn’t come back on easily. Just didn’t care about my eating habits in the last decade and wasn’t as active. I let myself go. I’m back on track again.
    Last edited by Tripplebeards; 11-29-2022 at 09:16 AM.

  12. #32
    Boolit Buddy
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    This is my second time with the Atkins type diet. Low carb, high protein and veggies. Down from 240 to 188 and off all meds. Hard to maintain during the holidays.

  13. #33
    Boolit Master

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    I am using a combination of interval fasting (12-16 hours no intake most days) and eating a higher protein, lower carb diet all over an 8 hour period. My goal is 25% calories from carbs, whereas most "normal" people eat as much as 75% calories from carbs. I feel so much better without the blood sugar swings, and have lost over 50 lbs. The last piece of the puzzle I recently started was a medication called Mounjaro, which is designed to address your A1C1 pre-diabetes but also has the side effect of weight loss. It contains artificial enzymes that make you feel full and they don't break down like naturally produced enzymes. If I eat some lean protein I'll feel full within a few minutes no matter how much I've eaten. I lost about half of the weight before getting on this medication and now it much easier. My A1C1 is better and I've cut one of my two BP meds in half already.

    Without going into too much detail, I need to improve my pre-diabetic situation, and lose over 100 lbs to enable me to get surgery to repair a surgical hernia from when my cancerous kidney was removed. They said I'm too fat to fix it currently and fella's it's incredibly debilitating and painful. To the point that I will try anything to get to the point that it can be fixed. The diet part is easy, its just the amount of food that I need to address, and the meds are helping a lot with that. I have a weight doctor and a nutritionist now on my side as well. Maybe this will help one of you.
    "Is all this REALLY necessary?"

  14. #34
    Boolit Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by bmortell View Post
    I guess this is the right place.
    Uhh? Carnivores eat everything by definition Eh?

    Duh just what do you mean????

  15. #35
    Boolit Master scattershot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WebMonkey View Post
    Just remember, whatever diet plan you choose, you MUST eat fewer calories than you burn
    That’s the God’s honest truth. All the fad diets in the world can’t replace this simple truth.
    "Experience is a series of non-fatal mistakes"

    Disarming is a mistake free people only get to make once...

  16. #36
    Boolit Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by WebMonkey View Post
    Just remember, whatever diet plan you choose, you MUST eat fewer calories than you burn to lose weight.

    I did keto with 1400 calories a day.
    Lost 17 pounds.
    It is still lost.

    This has been, and is being proven wrong by 1000s of people every day! A calorie isn't a calorie isn't a calorie! The way those calories affect and influence your blood glucose levels and insulin levels are key to health! The body doesn't "burn" all calories the same, the human body isn't a flame, and doesn't consume things like a flame "this is how a calorie is determined". Don't believe me? Eat 2000 calories in pastries, the next day eat 2000 calories of olive oil and see how your body handles those different calories!

  17. #37
    Boolit Buddy 414gates's Avatar
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    I see the thread is old, but I'll share my experience.

    I was diagnosed with insulin resistance. It got to the point where my liver function was being affected, as diagnosed by my doctor with blood tests. High insulin, according to my doctor, also results in high cholesterol levels. Insulin is a fat storage hormone, the first place the fat accumulates is the liver, too much of which for too long causes irreversible liver damage. My fasting insulin level was 19, normal is about 5. I am not diabetic or pre-diabetic, my sugar levels are always good.

    I did a bit of research, and decided to try a simple diet and eating habits change for my particular condition.

    First, I stopped eating concentrated carb and sugar sources. Meaning all beans, starchy vegetables, rice and sweets. The second part was extending the time between my last meal of the day, and my first meal of the next day. The idea was to give the body less time to produce insulin, and enough time for the insulin levels to subside after eating.

    I did that for six months, and went back for the tests. My doctor wanted to know what meds I was on. I told him none, I was running an experiment. He was impressed, The results were good, liver function is almost normal again, he said to carry on, it's working. Fasting insulin levels are down to 4.

    After two months, I lost ten percent body mass. After six months I gained one percent back and it's stable since. About three weeks in, I came down with sever flu like symptoms, which is a known side effect of liver detox, but it may have been actual flu, I don't know, it was over in about 4 days.

    I eat everything except the foods I listed, as much as I feel I need to. I do have about two tablespoons of boiled rice once a week, I find that my body does need the occasional carb fix. I will also have a chocolate on occasion, I may have had five small chocolate bars so far this year.

    In my opinion, the carnivore diet alone is not healthy, because one of the major things your liver needs to function properly is sulphur, and you get that from green vegetables.

    Before you decide to follow any diet, make sure you know what condition you body is in first. That can be determined with blood tests, and interpreted by a competent endocrinologist.

    Never launch yourself onto a diet without understanding exactly what your health problems are first, you may just end up committing slow suicide.

  18. #38
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    I tend to lean towards a lot of meat and a huge green salad for supper. If I have a carb it is a small baked potato.

  19. #39
    Boolit Master
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    Not sure what percentage I am at on the carnivore diet

    I have lost 30 LB but Now weigh 165-170 Just shy of 60 Years old

    I have a 1/4 C of cooked rolled oats in the Morning (Carbs) with about 1/2 a pound of BACON .... Yes Bacon it some times varies with ham other Breakfast meat

    I have Gluten allergy that I only found out about 4 years ago ....... IT Explains my life

    4 years a go I was having Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms ...... Every joint in my Body

    I would get up in the morning and would start to limp with the Joint pain

    To day 95% Plus pain free with NO Pills, No Limping even after a 9h day at work. If I over do it I get some pain the next day

    If I cheat and eat something My body does not like ..... But tastes so Good I pay for it for several days

    One thing I get is / have is sinus infections (and other symptoms)..... I had a 4 inch square of Pizza Last night and paying for it today

    Want to try the 100% carnivore diet

    Have not had a Vegetable in over 2 years

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LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check