I bought a sawzall from Harbor Freight a couple (maybe 3) decades ago, and needed it today. The snow load was such that a couple of limbs on a native Palo Verde tree broke, and are hanging down. I figured I would charge up the battery for the sawzall, so plugged it in yesterday. Today - no joy. Battery took no charge. So I hied off for Harbor Freight - and found that they don't carry that 18-volt battery anymore. Dang! Went to Batteries Plus - and they have none, nor do they even carry it anymore. The only solution they could come up with was to rebuild this battery - I asked how much, and he said "Seventy-five dollars". Mercy.
I went to Amazon, and they had some 18-volt batteries, but none like mine. Samo w/eBay.
OK, guys (& Gals). Any ideas? The best I can come up with is give it to Goodwill and go buy a new one, with modern battery design.