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Thread: your health tip for every one

  1. #41
    Boolit Man
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    One thing. Thanks for the ''hints'', and taking the time to post them, keep at it. Much appreciated

  2. #42
    Boolit Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by NavyVet1959 View Post
    For every fad nutrition advice... SNIP
    Maybe you should stop looking at advice and start looking into actual research conclusions? Of course lots of folks seem to think whatever they think is just as good as what anybody else thinks. If that applies, carry on.

    There is a website with a staff of around 15 that reads all English language nutritional studies. There might be something on there for anyone on the forum who doesn't already know everything.
    Last edited by JonB_in_Glencoe; 03-03-2017 at 11:35 AM.
    Rule 303

  3. #43

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    Quote Originally Posted by Yellow Fang View Post
    I'm a type 1 diabetic for almost 50 years. Got sick (cold, flu, stomach bug, etc) 5 or 6 times per year all my life. Three years ago, I started taking Shaklee vitamins, and I've only had a minor cold that lasted a couple days, and a cough for a couple of days. Huge improvement, amazing stuff.
    I am a big proponent of vitimans/supplements. I take a whole food multi-vitiman, a Tumeric supplement, and a liquid mineral supplement. Really works for me to avoid colds etc. If anything seems to be coming on, I take an elderberry supplement, specifically Sumbacol.

  4. #44
    Boolit Buddy
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    The wife & I have eaten pretty much in line with the South Beach program for a couple of years- not slavishly, but use it as a guideline. We also are regulars at the local gym. I'm down about 20 lbs, and draggin' deer is quite a bit easier than before. Just wish that everything wasn't so much tastier deep fried!

  5. #45
    Boolit Master MarkP's Avatar
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    My wife and I started a Paleo / hunter gatherer type diet about 4 years ago very aggressive for first 1 yr or so then not as strict; basically no grains or processed foods. Her MS symptoms lessened and the chronic fatigue was greatly reduced. I had more energy and dropped about 25 lbs.

  6. #46
    Boolit Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by MarkP View Post
    My wife and I started a Paleo / hunter gatherer type diet about 4 years ago very aggressive for first 1 yr or so then not as strict; basically no grains or processed foods. Her MS symptoms lessened and the chronic fatigue was greatly reduced. I had more energy and dropped about 25 lbs.
    This works great for two of my aunts.

  7. #47
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    there are several good oils out there but there is only one that stands out from the rest as to living a long life and im not just going to state it what it is and leave it at that. i will tell the reason why. COLD PRESSED VIRGIN OLIVE OIL.

    the reason is,it never ever goes rancid as all the other oils that is left out in the sun or even at room is the only oil that traveled around the med. sea in clay jars in heat as high as 130 degrees and never ever went rancid. rancid oil will cause cancer and clogged anything in the body. rancid oil is BAD FOR YOU. again olive oil never ever goes rancid.

    now im going to pass on 3 things that is a common thing for those who live way past 100 years old out to 115 and 125 years old, no 4 things. olive oil, red wine chocolate and move move move. ride a bike, walk move. i ride my exercise bike a couple of time a week for one hard hour each time. i ride it so hard that if it ever came off of its stand i would probably kill my self hitting the wall infront of it.

    i also could not go through a day with out my two glasses of italian dry red wine. i will talk more about that later if you all want the facts about that.

    now hat i want to talk about to day was how the gut, stomach, and the brain are more connected than ever ever thought before. the stomach and gut are now being called in medical science the second brain. it has long been known that parts of the spinal column can act as the brain when it needs to but now science has shown the the gut and stomach and the brain are very very closely relate. it is now believed Alzheimers starts with stomach problems and when unresolved moves to the brain. so it is thought will a lot of other problems also.

    the stomach can even affect your mood or mental health. the gut and stomach and brain are so closely related that what affect one of those 3 will affect the other 2. now since this research is so new a lot about this is going to be found out but one common thing they have in common is serotonin.

    this is the link between all 3 of these body parts. when serotonin is disrupted then they cant talk to each other well and the health problems start. now how do you get a good supply of serotonin? look it up on the internet and make sure your diet includes a good supply of food every day that will keep your serotonin level at the best.

    next make sure you take at least 100 mg of vitamin B6 a day and 1000 mg of vitamin C. these 2 vitamin will help cycle the tryptophan in the food you eat into serotonin. i think it is called the krebs cycle but im not sure, college was a long time ago. also, do not be afraid to take when you go to bed to take 500 mg of L-trytophan, the pure form of trytophan. do this on a fairly empty stomach. if that isnt enough for a good sleep, do a 1000 mg. it isnt just for sleep it is to keep the talking going between the gut, stomach and the brains going as close to normal as you can get. this info is probably one of the most important health tips you will ever learn.

    the other thing that keeps the brain, gut and stomach going is the good bacteria in the gut and stomach. eat yogurt, drink kifer, it is better and way more potent that yogurt. eat a lot of cabbage. eat natural fermented pickles made from anything. the internet tells how to home ferment any make home fermented pickles. keep the talking going between the gut, stomach and the brain and you will greatly benefit.

    if you can find a beer brewed locally that has not been heated to kill the good bacteria in it, there you are, a pint of that a day will do the trick for a longer heathier life. also brew your own, and dont heat it to make a longer self life. drink it as you brew it. your gut, stomach and brain will love it. later i will post about the benefits of moderate alcohol every day in the diet. you will be surprised what research had shown.
    Last edited by JonB_in_Glencoe; 03-03-2017 at 12:00 PM. Reason: added paragraph spacing

  8. #48
    Boolit Grand Master GhostHawk's Avatar
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    Well I disagree about canola oil. If you are going to make a claim like that I think you need to back it up with hard data and from more than one source. We made the jump to olive oil 15 years ago. Then one day I see where canola oil has twice as much of the good as olive.

    Me I like to use a moderate amount of canola oil, and a small pat of butter together.

    Makes it taste like it was all butter, but IMO healthier.

    That being said everyone has to die from something. I'd much rather die from too much bacon and butter than too much TV or boring food.

  9. #49
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    i forgot to mention that butter is coming back as well a pure lard. the problem with most lard at stores is they hydrogenate it to make it smoother and totally ruin it as a healthy food just as hydrogenated cooking oils are ruined also. if one can find pure real lard, it isnt a bad oil as butter isnt.

    as for a canola oil, to extract the canola oil from rape seed a bunch of chemicals have to be used to make it usable because pure cold press rape seed oil may be somewhat toxic. this posts isnt about trying to convert you or convince you of anything.

    i really dont care what you eat or do, that is your freedom. i dont have to prove anything, take what i put here and go do the research to see what i say is valid or not. here are the facts. you say olive oil is only around for 15 years, maybe in fargo n.dak but the large part of the rest of the world has been useing it long before the Lord Jesus Christ. and the reason they are useing it is because it never goes rancid when transported.

    the chemical breakdown of canola oil may look favorable but try and transport it in clay jars around the warm part of the world and you would kill off all who used it. there is a much better oil for the body to use than even canola oil. it is the oil from flax. would taste terrible on for and some people use it as a supplement.

    that is dangerous to you because it goes rancid faster than any other oil known, can even turn into a being dangerous to take into the human body. you cant taste the oil being rancid but most oils with too much water in the oil get rancid fast. a way to get around this if you a special like for a certain kind of oil other than olive oil is to add a little vitamin e to that oil. that will help keep it from going rancid for quite a while.

    you sound angry about something, cant figure our what that could be. not trying to convert anyone here. dont read anything i print if it makes you angry and to honest you are your own master and i dont want any part of being that to you. and by the way nothing i print here is B.S. i gain nothing by that. i just want to help people make better choises for them self. why be angry at that?
    Last edited by JonB_in_Glencoe; 03-03-2017 at 12:02 PM. Reason: added paragraph spacing

  10. #50
    Boolit Grand Master in Remembrance

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    What do I eat, I pay attention to what my Dr. tells me and I take the meds he perscribes.

    I survived polio at the age of 13/14, parents were told I'd never live or not be normal if I did, I was told later I'd never walk again, well I spent 6 yers in the U.S. Army, at the Pentagon BTW.

    I survived cancer 20 years ago, was told I had a 30% chance of living, well I'm still here!

    I now have failing kidneys, going in in 4 days for operation, and again in a little over a week for another operation.

    At present I enjoy life, but guess what folks, no one is going to live forever, and I'm now 73, and life gets harder by the day!

    I smoked most of my live, quite 20 years ago, stopped smoking my pipe 25 years ago, I have returned to my pipe gain as I enjoy the smell & taste, not going to my grave wishing for one more pipe full, or one more red steak, or one more whatever that I enjoy.
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  11. #51
    Boolit Master
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    We use real butter and high quality (Spanish when possible) olive oil when cooking. Margarine is composed largely of hydrogenated oils. Hydrogenated oils can't be broken down by the body and leave much of them-self behind which the body can never expel.

    I drink at least one cup of Malbec (very dry, high tannins) wine each day. Usually also drink a bottle of beer each day. Take in some form of citric acid for the vitamin c and also for the diuretic value. Mornings can't start without at least 2 cups of coffee.

    I have a history of kidney stones so while keeping anti-oxidants up, I minimize my intake of foods high in oxalic acid. Oxalic acid binds with calcium to form kidney stones.

    Nearly 10 years ago, I started in with chest pains. Saw the doc, she checked me and said it was probably an ulcer. She sent me to a cardiologist just to make sure my heart was okay. Cardiologist told me my heart was okay, but it wouldn't hurt to take fish oil and go on low dose aspirin. I also went on Ranitidine (acid reducer) for my ulcer.

    In addition to the above, I take krill oil and CoQ10
    A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms *shall not be infringed*.

    "The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution."
    - Thomas Jefferson

    "While the people have property, arms in their hands, and only a spark of noble spirit, the most corrupt Congress must be mad to form any project of tyranny."
    - Rev. Nicholas Collin, Fayetteville Gazette (N.C.), October 12, 1789

  12. #52
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    there is a lot of real stuff coming in now and smokey wolf, i like your approach. you are your own doctor with the help of others. i suspect you have a lot more to say and go ahead and do it, you may help someone here way more than you think. i can tell you have looked at the approach to good health from about every angle it can be looked at. i could comment on many other post as many of them have what i call real meat and potatoes facts behind them and not pop culture cotton candy. thanks every one and keep them coming.

  13. #53

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    I am not a doctor, but I say everything has a genetic link. If second hand smoke can cause lung cancer, why are there people that smoke two packs a day, and live to a ripe old age with no serious health problems. Other people have never smoked and still develop lung cancer. I am not advocating smoking, even though I smoked a pack a day for 50 years.

    Another issue is diesel soot. According to some studies I have read, diesel soot is one of the leading causes of lung cancer. It's hard to find, because the US Government has the largest diesel fleet in the world.

    Metformin has another side effect. I took it for 3 months, enduring constant nausea and diarrhea, and lost 38 pounds. Finally convinced the Dr. to change me to something else.

    I state this to urge you to know your family medical history.

    Live long and prosper!

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  14. #54
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    when the dr. says your blood count(hemoglobin) is low, i will tell you how to raise it to the highest natural level possible.

    for men- 100 mg. of zinc a day with your largest meal along with 1000 mg of vitamin C.

    for women- 50 mg of zinc a day with your largest meal along with 1000 mg. of vitamin C.

    i have done this for years and my hemoglobin levels run over 16 to 18 all the time. that is the highest they can go naturally. the red blood cell to be perfect should carry 4 atoms of iron and be perfectly round in shape. alcohol will make it oblong in shape. not to worry, there is a easy fix for that. 5 mg of vitamin B12 daily will make a perfectly shaped round red blood cell and the zinc and vitamin vitamin c will pack the red blood cell with 4 atoms of iron. there you are a little know secret that will get you leaping buildings in a single bound.

    how to increase bone density
    1. vitamin D3-5000 units a day along with 3mg. of boron
    now the answer. the 3 mg of boron will take all the minerals of every kind you ingest every day and supply your blood with the perfect natural top level it can hold of them. the vitamin D3 with take those minerals from the blood and put them into the bone as needed. there you a really really powerful little know fact that can change many many people lives in a positive way. many of you have a large breed pet dog that is a close friend to you. do him or her a favor and give him or her a 3 mg. tablet of born a day. you will keep them with you alot longer and it will remain mobile a lot longer. make sure the supplement feed you give your cattle or horses has boron in it. they will be bigger and stronger and live longer. also buy it at the fertilizer store and put in your garden soil. it his cause your plant to have more minerals in them.
    Last edited by JonB_in_Glencoe; 03-03-2017 at 12:06 PM. Reason: added paragraph spacing

  15. #55
    Boolit Bub
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    This a bullet casting forum with some tangential topics.

    Be careful of anything you see on the Internet, verify the sources.

    We are all entitled to our opinions but not to the facts.

    Yes, some drinkers and smokers live to ripe old ages in relatively good shape, most don't.

    Your healthcare professionals attended school and have to maintain certification and regular knowledge updates, start there.

    The NIH and the USPSTF are an unbiased source information to help you decide what is best for yourself.

    You would rarely ask a florist for weapon or munition advice, so be careful about health advice from non-professionals.

  16. #56
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    i see your point but to be honest if you check out all the weight watches cook books there are some really tasty meals planned by them. hundreds of them. tell us what you think is tasty in a meal? it may be to many of us but to others it may not. as for me i eat meat but can not get down more than 4 oz. of any kind of meat.

    some like the 1 pound steaks and that is not enough. i agree with you as to food should be enjoyable, but what is enjoyable for one isnt always so for others. what i really really like for a home lunch and i think is heaven to me is this and it may turn you really off. fresh green onions, lots of them large salty oily black fat greek olives, lots of them. a semi soft good tasting cheese. boiled shrimp, a glass of a good semi sweet white wine from germany and the rhine valley. i sit there by my self and think im already in heaven. you would probably say, yuuuuuuk. oh yes, a piece lemon pie for desert.
    Last edited by JonB_in_Glencoe; 03-03-2017 at 12:07 PM.

  17. #57
    Boolit Master

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    Quote Originally Posted by johnson1942 View Post
    i see your point but to be honest if you check out all the weight watches cook books there are some really tasty meals planned by them. hundreds of them. tell us what you think is tasty in a meal? it may be to many of us but to others it may not. as for me i eat meat but can not get down more than 4 oz. of any kind of meat. some like the 1 pound steaks and that is not enough. i agree with you as to food should be enjoyable, but what is enjoyable for one isnt always so for others. what i really really like for a home lunch and i think is heaven to me is this and it may turn you really off. fresh green onions, lots of them large salty oily black fat greek olives, lots of them. a semi soft good tasting cheese. boiled shrimp, a glass of a good semi sweet white wine from germany and the rhine valley. i sit there by my self and think im already in heaven. you would probably say, yuuuuuuk. oh yes, a piece lemon pie for desert.
    I prefer something more like:

    16-oz steak (beef), 1" (preferably 1.5") thick, good marbling, extremely rare, but charred on the outside (i.e. extremely hot grilling surface)
    large baked potato with Tony Chachere's seasoned salt, tons of buffer, cheese (preferably grilled on top), pickled jalapenos, and a hot & sweet BBQ sauce on it
    pecan pie
    dark beer (e.g. Guinness Stout) or a double IPA

    Nawh... I eat the animals that eat the veggies... Although corn on the cob, smothered in butter and Tony Chachere's seasoned salt is a nice change sometimes.
    Last edited by NavyVet1959; 02-26-2017 at 03:05 PM.

  18. #58
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    this next tip sort of goes along with what navy vet and i have just talked about. for anyone that is interested, go to the internet and research what kind of diet and what kind of foods are compatible with your blood type. it is different for every blood type. when i looked my blood type up(B positive) i found i had figured out the same diet for me that was recommended for a B positive diet. B positive should stay away from wheat and i had already done that because of a very strong gluten allergy i have. my wife is O neg. and here desire for red meat is much stronger than mine as it says for the diet of O neg. you may learn much about your self with this information.

  19. #59
    Boolit Master
    smokeywolf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RugerFanOH View Post
    This a bullet casting forum with some tangential topics.

    Be careful of anything you see on the Internet, verify the sources.

    We are all entitled to our opinions but not to the facts.

    Yes, some drinkers and smokers live to ripe old ages in relatively good shape, most don't.

    Your healthcare professionals attended school and have to maintain certification and regular knowledge updates, start there.

    The NIH and the USPSTF are an unbiased source information to help you decide what is best for yourself.

    You would rarely ask a florist for weapon or munition advice, so be careful about health advice from non-professionals.
    I agree with you for the most part.

    Couldn't agree with the first line in bold more.

    Couldn't agree with the second line in bold less.

    Glean knowledge from the internet; filter it, compare it to other sources. Never believe any source 100%. That includes your doctor. Even the best doctors make mistakes. You don't want to be one of those mistakes. I'm not dissing doctors. I've had one who was a miraculously good diagnostician. I've had two who obviously loved what they did, were really, really good at it and when you were in their exam room, they weren't through with you until you were through with them.

    As far as .gov sources of medical info., don't discount what they say, but all are suspect, as they are routinely influenced by the commercial medical and pharma industries.
    A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms *shall not be infringed*.

    "The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution."
    - Thomas Jefferson

    "While the people have property, arms in their hands, and only a spark of noble spirit, the most corrupt Congress must be mad to form any project of tyranny."
    - Rev. Nicholas Collin, Fayetteville Gazette (N.C.), October 12, 1789

  20. #60
    Boolit Master
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    Moose meat, mashed potatoes and cream corn-----food for the Gods!!!!!

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Abbreviations used in Reloading

BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check