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Thread: GOD , please let me be just half the man I once was .

  1. #81
    In Remembrance / Boolit Grand Master Boaz's Avatar
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    OK ! You wonder why I brought this old thread back ..........don't blame ya . After the 'spell' I had down back by the shed I have had to get off the diet to an extent . I have been eating 'normal' since then to kind of get back .
    BUT I am ready to commence the diet again . Weighed this morning and weighted 249.2 by my Walmart electronic scales . I'm hoping you keep me straight ! I'll start posting my weight daily , when I fail torment the heck atta me ! Giving you a shot , put on the pressure ! Make me hold to the furrow ! Throw a binder on me . MAKE ME SUFFER !
    The Texas summer is bout here , I don't have air conditioning were I work and need to LOSE .
    I weigh when I get up .Present weight ;

    249.2 pounds !
    Last edited by Boaz; 05-25-2016 at 07:37 PM.

  2. #82
    Boolit Master

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    Doc's say divide your body weight in half - That number equals the number of ounces of good clean water you should drink each day. It'll help you loose - And you will be P ing all day. Just thought I would irritate you a bit. You asked for it. Smiles....
    Being human is not for sissies.

  3. #83
    In Remembrance / Boolit Grand Master Boaz's Avatar
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    I start the day at 4am and got a pot of coffee in me when I leave the house . Make another pot soon as I get to the shop . PLUS I'm on water pills .....Yes ! That is putting a fine edge on insanity ! I pee plenty ! But I evaded your recommendation , I don't drink enough water...........I'll work on that , got a Texas summer comin . If I don't lose weight one day (which is inevitable) Start your comment with ...HEY ! Pork butt ! Get my attention .

    We live out of town , power went off 1;30 am Monday morning . Dug my sterno stove out from under the counter and my old percolator I carried in my truck while in the oilfield . Ain't nothin keepin me from getting my coffee .

  4. #84
    In Remembrance / Boolit Grand Master Boaz's Avatar
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    Ate really light yesterday , no salt .


  5. #85
    Boolit Master Pine Baron's Avatar
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    Hey pork butt (you asked for it) drink water, cut out all sugar. Be careful, your body needs the salt especially when your sweating like a pig.
    For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. — Ephesians 6:12

  6. #86
    In Remembrance / Boolit Grand Master Boaz's Avatar
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    I appreciate that pork butt greeting Pine Baron ! Apply the pressure !
    Thanks !

  7. #87
    Boolit Mold
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    Dad told me about his post to get ya'll to help him lose weight, and I think it is a great idea! Please call him a pork butt as much as possible when necessary!!! Maybe it would be a good idea for him to change his forum name to pork butt... Since yesterday I have been calling him pork butt at the house and at work. I am out of school now, so I can watch him like a hawk! Hey Pork Butt, I'm watching you!!!

    Dad has come a long way since the beginning of this diet that we have been on, and I am very proud of him for losing all the weight he has. He just needs to lose the rest of what he wants to lose to be able to weight the amount that he wants to weigh. He says his goal is a long ways off... but he can do it even if he is a pork butt! Thank ya'll for helping him! I'm sure he appreciates it! -Becky

  8. #88
    Boolit Grand Master in Remembrance

    jcwit's Avatar
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    Losing weight is a real job to say the least. I too am on water pills, but am restricted to 1 cup of coffee a day, why, I have no idea. I'm guessing most of my weight is retained water as my kidney's are down to around 25%, not good.

    Best of luck to you pork butt, may you win the race.
    Lets make America GREAT again!
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    Keep your head on your shoulders
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  9. #89
    In Remembrance / Boolit Grand Master Boaz's Avatar
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    lol , thank you jcwhit .

  10. #90
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    I'm on some meds myself, including Lasix. Sure keeps a fella' busy, and always concerned about where the closest bathroom is. Also, I've been directed to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. I almost always have a glass of ice water with me or nearby, and just sip it all through the day. Take bottles of chilled water with me to town. It's an aggrevation in a way, but if it's what it takes to keep me on this side of the grass, I consider it a privilege.

    As to the eating, I'm kind'a lucky in that I like ALL food. Can't eat biscuits, grits or potatoes - some of my traditional favorites! That's really got my lips pooched out, but again, if that's the price for staying on this side of the grass, and keeping my eyesight, feet, etc., I'll take it. A lot simply has to do with attitude. Once I got over the "pain" of not being able to have some of my favorite foods that pleas me SOOOO much, I got a handle on reality, and just found out after a little consideration that I've been so lucky, really, that lamenting these things too much seemed rather un-honorable on my part. So, I just set about finding ways to stay close to the doc's directions. I avoid beef usually, but allow myself a bit now and then. Cut down on all my meat intake - and THAT was hard too! Always been a "meat and potatoes" kind'a guy, mostly. But I love my veggies, too, though, and I've been experimenting with substituting things like eggplant, squash, zuccini, etc. where I might have used potatoes previously. The taste isn't the same, but well done, it's good, and kind'a interesting to boot.

    Being one who's able to resist anything but temptation, I've kind'a had to become more honest with myself than I'd really like to have to be, and more judicious than my nature generally tends to display, but what's life without a challenge, and something to set our shoulders against and push, so we can get stronger? it's actually become a bit of an adventure learning to adapt what I can eat to making up some really enjoyable meals that satisfy without violating my health's requirements now. Like I said, it's all about the attitude. And once in a while, allow yourself some guilty pleasure. One of my docs, and one who's given me a lot of very good advice and offered a lot of insight, told me this. Just be HONEST about how often you do this, though! Whenever you do it, you're really kind'a playing with fire. I've been kind'a shocked, really, at how much difference there really can be in different forms of carbs in veggies. And it really DOES make a difference. And I usually eat a lot of salads, which I'm fortunate to really love. Lettuce, cucumber, tomato, coarsely grated carrots, bell pepper (usually finely diced, more as a spice than it's usually used), broccoli, and some grated cheese is my normal choice, and I never seem to tire of these. Changing dressings helps with this, I think.

    Just find what you like, AND what fits into your diet and workday well, and use spices to make it more "interesting" and satisfying, and it's really not that heavy a burden to bear - certainly nothing like what our Lord bore for us! It really IS possible to eat well and still keep within a reasonable diet. Crash diets just don't work because they just simply demand of us more than we can long withstand. Just lay in for the long haul, and you'll get there, kind'a like in the story about the tortoise and the hare.

    I learned early after being diagnosed that the endocrine system, of which the pancreas is only one part, is a very complex system, and all the hard and fast "rules" we hear for diabetics just don't quite cut it in actual practice, and my doc gave me the best advice I could ever have received when he told me to use my meter & to let IT tell me what I can eat and what I can't. Just avoid the things that it showed me spike my blood sugar the worst, and keep the stuff that spikes it less as limited as I can. There are actually some good stuff you can eat to avoid eating something else. Dill pickles is one, but I like the sweet gerkins more, of course. Keep mixing up things so you don't get bored with what you eat, and never forget that image of yourself weighing 600 lbs.

    You'll make it. Guys like you who've been where you have and done the things you've done aren't pushovers to temptation ... at least not always or consistently! Now get your attitude straight, Fatso, and ENJOY what you CAN have!

  11. #91
    In Remembrance / Boolit Grand Master Boaz's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Blackwater View Post
    I'm on some meds myself, including Lasix. Sure keeps a fella' busy, and always concerned about where the closest bathroom is. Also, I've been directed to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. I almost always have a glass of ice water with me or nearby, and just sip it all through the day. Take bottles of chilled water with me to town. It's an aggrevation in a way, but if it's what it takes to keep me on this side of the grass, I consider it a privilege.

    As to the eating, I'm kind'a lucky in that I like ALL food. Can't eat biscuits, grits or potatoes - some of my traditional favorites! That's really got my lips pooched out, but again, if that's the price for staying on this side of the grass, and keeping my eyesight, feet, etc., I'll take it. A lot simply has to do with attitude. Once I got over the "pain" of not being able to have some of my favorite foods that pleas me SOOOO much, I got a handle on reality, and just found out after a little consideration that I've been so lucky, really, that lamenting these things too much seemed rather un-honorable on my part. So, I just set about finding ways to stay close to the doc's directions. I avoid beef usually, but allow myself a bit now and then. Cut down on all my meat intake - and THAT was hard too! Always been a "meat and potatoes" kind'a guy, mostly. But I love my veggies, too, though, and I've been experimenting with substituting things like eggplant, squash, zuccini, etc. where I might have used potatoes previously. The taste isn't the same, but well done, it's good, and kind'a interesting to boot.

    Being one who's able to resist anything but temptation, I've kind'a had to become more honest with myself than I'd really like to have to be, and more judicious than my nature generally tends to display, but what's life without a challenge, and something to set our shoulders against and push, so we can get stronger? it's actually become a bit of an adventure learning to adapt what I can eat to making up some really enjoyable meals that satisfy without violating my health's requirements now. Like I said, it's all about the attitude. And once in a while, allow yourself some guilty pleasure. One of my docs, and one who's given me a lot of very good advice and offered a lot of insight, told me this. Just be HONEST about how often you do this, though! Whenever you do it, you're really kind'a playing with fire. I've been kind'a shocked, really, at how much difference there really can be in different forms of carbs in veggies. And it really DOES make a difference. And I usually eat a lot of salads, which I'm fortunate to really love. Lettuce, cucumber, tomato, coarsely grated carrots, bell pepper (usually finely diced, more as a spice than it's usually used), broccoli, and some grated cheese is my normal choice, and I never seem to tire of these. Changing dressings helps with this, I think.

    Just find what you like, AND what fits into your diet and workday well, and use spices to make it more "interesting" and satisfying, and it's really not that heavy a burden to bear - certainly nothing like what our Lord bore for us! It really IS possible to eat well and still keep within a reasonable diet. Crash diets just don't work because they just simply demand of us more than we can long withstand. Just lay in for the long haul, and you'll get there, kind'a like in the story about the tortoise and the hare.

    I learned early after being diagnosed that the endocrine system, of which the pancreas is only one part, is a very complex system, and all the hard and fast "rules" we hear for diabetics just don't quite cut it in actual practice, and my doc gave me the best advice I could ever have received when he told me to use my meter & to let IT tell me what I can eat and what I can't. Just avoid the things that it showed me spike my blood sugar the worst, and keep the stuff that spikes it less as limited as I can. There are actually some good stuff you can eat to avoid eating something else. Dill pickles is one, but I like the sweet gerkins more, of course. Keep mixing up things so you don't get bored with what you eat, and never forget that image of yourself weighing 600 lbs.

    You'll make it. Guys like you who've been where you have and done the things you've done aren't pushovers to temptation ... at least not always or consistently! Now get your attitude straight, Fatso, and ENJOY what you CAN have!
    I am cursed with liking pretty near all food , sugar is not a weakness but don't wave a fried pork chop in my face . When I was a kid you ate what was put on the table and better not say anything about it except it was good . Kind of encourages a lot of 'acquired' tastes .
    After being on this weight loss journey for a year and a half my eating habits have changed a LOT . Only thing I miss is fried food , we fry a little but danged little . Have discovered a lot of lower cal food and seasonings , seasonings make or break it . I don't feel cheated in the least , being able to walk far outweighs a piece of pecan pie (can't believe I said that). My lifestyle as far as eating has defiantly changed . GOD enabled me to do it , part of the reason I dug up this old post, the explanation is in there . All credit goes to him and it has been easy , he will help if you let him believe me . I would be dead by now if he hadn't . I get NO credit . There are a lot of folks out there with the same or similar problem . If I can help by showing that it can be done why would I not . I want no compliments or self glorifying praise , I do not deserve or warrant it . To him goes the glory of his blessings to us . We are suppose to help one another .

    I still need help , basically 50 lb.'s to go . It's not over yet , he is with me and I am determined . I messed up and tried to lose to quick and cut the meds too soon a while back . He has made it clear to me what to do and I tried to speed it up . Had to take a break but it's time to do it and I'm ready . I would like you to be there and help me finish this .

  12. #92
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    Yep. Kind'a reminds me of the old story about the fellow who prayerd for patience, and ended his prayery with "... and I want it right NOW!" We're all like that, Boaz. The only thing that varies is the degree at any given point in time and situation. Self discipline will NEVER come to us easily or well, but it's been our salvation in so many ways. It's really all God wants of us, in at least a way, really. We just don't LIKE having to forego our own will, even when we know we really, really need to. Sure keeps a fella' humble, don't it?

  13. #93
    Boolit Buddy pcolapaddler's Avatar
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    Encouragement to you guys. Sticking to more healthy eating is tough. Ditto with regular exercise.

    I had bypass surgery about 2 1/2 years ago. At first the diet changes and exercise was pretty easy to do. I tend to stress eat and work in a stressful business - a bit of a bad combo. When work pressures increase, I also tend to neglect exercise - a perfect storm of sorts.

    Tell you what... let's pray for each other in this regard. Hold each other up and accountable.

    Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk

  14. #94
    In Remembrance / Boolit Grand Master Boaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pcolapaddler View Post
    Encouragement to you guys. Sticking to more healthy eating is tough. Ditto with regular exercise.

    I had bypass surgery about 2 1/2 years ago. At first the diet changes and exercise was pretty easy to do. I tend to stress eat and work in a stressful business - a bit of a bad combo. When work pressures increase, I also tend to neglect exercise - a perfect storm of sorts.

    Tell you what... let's pray for each other in this regard. Hold each other up and accountable.

    Sent from my HTCD200LVW using Tapatalk
    I'm in total agreement on helping each other . Prayer will be offered !

  15. #95
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    Stop the carbs! Eat all the meat and veg you want. I lost a lot of weight that way. Gained it back the last 2 years do to the neck injury and fusion.

    And I know the pain of hard work all your life! My right foot has been broken so many times the last doc panicked when he saw the xray, rotator cuff both shoulders(right one surgery twice...), carpal tunnel both wrists, knees are chewed, bone spurs in all my joints and especially my spine... all the medical issue forced me to retire at 46... felt useless until I figured out a part time business that brings in a little extra each month.

    Lower back lumbar decompression surgery in 2008, neck fusion in 2015, low back needs a fusion, repaired right shoulder in 2006 and 2007(exactly 1 year apart), right wrist rotator cuff repaired twice, left hip I had a nerve sheath tumor removed that left me with nerve damage, right knee scoped to remove bone spurs and chewed cartilage, right thump the bottom joint opened and cleaned and the tendon shortened and reattached... Still have the left wrist carpal tunnel and left should 80% rotator cuff tear.

    I finally settled into a simpler life, I get by on very little(SSDI of $1266 a month), I garden in summer to get exercise and keep my joints moving, do a little laser engraving... and decided to just enjoy what life brings. I have cut way back on the narcotics because they aren't doing much anymore and just learning to live with the pain. If I have a bad day no big deal anymore, I watch movies, read, tinker with the radios(ham radio)... I do something that doesn't require me to do physical activity. Collecting tools to do leather working so I have another winter hobby... I stay busy, I raise most of my own veg now, considering raising chickens for meat...

  16. #96
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    Eat less food,move around great secret.yes processed sugar is bad and so are animal fats but in moderation you can still enjoy them.
    I'm 50 and was crushed in an auto accident 10 years ago and got out with most bones damaged and a ripped aorta.I'm a mess and if I don't keep my weight in check and exercise I am in pain.

    Hang in there, get on the scale everyday and it will.come off.

  17. #97
    In Remembrance / Boolit Grand Master Boaz's Avatar
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    Weight today (5-28-16)

    Last edited by Boaz; 05-28-2016 at 05:54 AM.

  18. #98
    In Remembrance / Boolit Grand Master Boaz's Avatar
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    I thank you for the encouragement . I would also encourage anyone with a weight problem to get on the wagon . It can be done . With GOD and your friends helping it is easy .

  19. #99
    In Remembrance / Boolit Grand Master Boaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaryB View Post
    Stop the carbs! Eat all the meat and veg you want. I lost a lot of weight that way. Gained it back the last 2 years do to the neck injury and fusion.

    And I know the pain of hard work all your life! My right foot has been broken so many times the last doc panicked when he saw the xray, rotator cuff both shoulders(right one surgery twice...), carpal tunnel both wrists, knees are chewed, bone spurs in all my joints and especially my spine... all the medical issue forced me to retire at 46... felt useless until I figured out a part time business that brings in a little extra each month.

    Lower back lumbar decompression surgery in 2008, neck fusion in 2015, low back needs a fusion, repaired right shoulder in 2006 and 2007(exactly 1 year apart), right wrist rotator cuff repaired twice, left hip I had a nerve sheath tumor removed that left me with nerve damage, right knee scoped to remove bone spurs and chewed cartilage, right thump the bottom joint opened and cleaned and the tendon shortened and reattached... Still have the left wrist carpal tunnel and left should 80% rotator cuff tear.

    I finally settled into a simpler life, I get by on very little(SSDI of $1266 a month), I garden in summer to get exercise and keep my joints moving, do a little laser engraving... and decided to just enjoy what life brings. I have cut way back on the narcotics because they aren't doing much anymore and just learning to live with the pain. If I have a bad day no big deal anymore, I watch movies, read, tinker with the radios(ham radio)... I do something that doesn't require me to do physical activity. Collecting tools to do leather working so I have another winter hobby... I stay busy, I raise most of my own veg now, considering raising chickens for meat...
    MaryB sounds like a lot of us have a similar problems . I have talked to many that enjoyed or did hard work all their lives and slowly put on pounds as they became less able to do hard labor . As I accumulated medical problems and had to slow down I ate more out of boredom or just having to do something when sitting . The weight compounds the problem causing MORE sitting so therefore MORE snacking . It snowballs before you know it , it's a common story .

    I gave up starch and sugar a year and a half ago except in very limited amounts . Will not hardly eat a sandwich because of the bread . I have never had a weakness for sugar which is a great blessing (it's what makes most fail). Biggest thing I tend to or would overeat would be 'down home' style food .

  20. #100
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    Pcola, great idea! I don't believe there's a one of us here who doesn't need prayer of some kind. Being diminished in stamina and capacity makes us HAVE to use whatever wisdom we've managed to accrue along our ways, and that's not our favorite thing to do. Most of us got this way from challenging ourselves just a step or two TOO far. It's said that judgment is gained from experience, and most experience is gained through bad judgment. Are we humans a willful lot or what??? Sure keeps me humble thinking of all the things I assumed I could get away with, and couldn't. It seems almost all of us wind up starting to try to take care of ourselves AFTER we've damaged ourselves. Ain't it funny how that works? But mostly, it's our passions and determination that makes us this way, and what would we be without those? I've long thought that God particularly loves those who are passionate, like Kings David and Solomon rather especially, even if we don't always use those passions very wisely sometimes. I think this explains why He dealt with both David and Solomon, as well as us, in the way which He does. Truly, he is one more marvelous God, is He not?

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BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check