I have owned a pair of L.L. Bean Shoe Pacs (12-inch, non-boot insert Thinsulate®). Living, hunting, hiking, fishing in west central Montana, terrain and climate kind've like I imagine upstate New York, circa 1759 was - with a terrible attitude - Bean Shoe Pacs were and are unacceptable.

Three replies have mentioned Schnee's (pronounced Shnay's, rhyming with days). I presently own a pair of 14-inch with several quilted Thinsulate booty inserts that I switch out as needed. This boot is satisfactory for pretty much everything doable during our 6-month winters. One particular that allow me to use this heavy boot is its Air Bob sole. This sole provides the terrain grip of lugged soled boots, but it retains very little snow and mud. Stuff that sticks to boot soles that increases the boots' real or "using" weight, and makes walking in the house filthy mess to clean up, becomes a minor inconvenience. This sole is orders of magnitude superior to Bean's ripple sole that I think has a similar purpose.

The downsides are Schnee's boots' initial cost. A secondary problem might be buying the correct boot size and boot height. Their staff via telephone or online does an excellent job. Boot maintenance and/or repair is reputed to be outstanding. One more thing. Schnee's does not offer any insulated boot that they make in Bozeman, Montana, that does not require using using a booty insert. Translation might resemble the adage of never sending a boy to do a man's job.

Hope this helps.