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Thread: Is it time for me to leave the hobby??

  1. #1
    Boolit Master opos's Avatar
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    Sep 2010

    Is it time for me to leave the hobby??

    Just looking for some discussion in a very general way...A little background...I'm 80...have been a shooter and reloader since the late 50's/early 60's. Have hunted much of my earlier life and target shot as hunting became too much of an issue with my health as I got older...I have never had any sort of issue with loading, shooting, handling guns, teaching some friends and family to shoot, etc...In short I have been a careful, respectful, competent and safe hobbyist and sportsman with handguns, rifles and shotguns.

    I have no interest what so ever in military style interest in clothing and accessories that "speak" to agression and being a warrior...I am a gun enthusiast with a love for quality guns and a special place for beautiful wood combined with excellent "mechanicals". I enjoy (or have over the years) working with wild cat loads.

    I have no offenses...minor or serious concerning firearms, family troubles, etc and have no reason to not be able to own and shoot anything that is legal...I have no interest in modifying guns to "skirt" laws nor to build my own weapons to avoid serial numbering, etc.

    Now for the "rub"...Since the Las Vegas mess and now with the Texas shootings, along with the Fresno church shooting the other day, etc...I laid awake last night wondering if it might be time to just sell off the guns and equipment I have and move along with other hobbies I enjoy and not hear and see the daily turmoil involved in the gun sports.....No, I'm not letting anyone "scare me out" and yes I do understand the Second Amendment and what goes with it...I'm at the point that shooting is difficult at my age what with eyes going worse, difficulty walking the range to set targets, no interest in hunting any more, potential for accidents due to aging issues, etc....I guess I'm wondering if it's all still worth it?

    I find myself getting up in the morning, having coffee and heading right for the gun boards to see what the latest is and often what I see is not what I want to spend time on...everytime there is a shooting it seems the "monday morning quarterbacks" are way off in left field discussing "what if's", and all sort of conversations about how the gun owner is being abused...rather than just letting things play out and see what really happened?
    It often looks like the "gun boards" have become "excuse boards" and amateur legal boards....I see rumors being sworn to be fact and when found o be rumor, excuses are made and "it's still people out to get the gun owners" conversations..even if the particular thing has no bearing on confiscation or restriction.

    I simply don't undertand the immediate need to find some defense for things that may or may not need a defense in reality. I've watched time after time when a particular firearm or class of firearm get's restricted (I'm in California so that happens a lot)...example would be a 45 "clone" of a 1911. It's expensive to have hand guns "make the list" in California so many manufacturers may skip adding similar guns if they already have an example or two listed for legal sale. Up until a year or so ago there were a numbe of gun shops out of state that would "convert" he banned gun to a "single shot" with a longer barrel" in order to now call it a "single shot" and use an old single shot (not single action) cost a bunch of money and when it was run through the dealer as it came into the state...all the Parts" came in a bag and it could be put back together in a few minutes and voila..the "banned" firearm had been "legally imported"...sort of.

    I guess that there is nothing wrong with that kind of thing except for the loud mouth bragging about beating the Government and the libs...One board might have as many as 5 or 10 postings going all the time about how to "beat the system"....the lawmakers have folks that read these threads all the time and as expected...the law was changed and the single shot exemption is now illegal and the practice is stopped..
    No reason for any of it except too many hot shots that are hell bent on just skirting the's not about's about beating the system.

    I was a street racer as a kid...we had a drag strip where I lived but the thrill of beating the cops was what we lived for...we did anything to bet the cops at their own game and lots of folks got hurt or killed and lots of laws got changed..I guess it's a bit like that with what I see on the gun boards except the "opponent" is the whole more liberal side of the political and media environment..we holler about losing rights and then we go slap the bull on the nose and dare it to act...

    My enjoyment of a couple of days at the range is becoming more and more difficult...Because the media is full of all the horror stories that revolve around the tragedies and there is a ready bunch of folks wanting to stand up and vocally defend our rights...the general public is pulled into the discussion...I used to reload in the garage...door open for fresh air..just enjoying a nice with some new laws (yes, California....but probably headed your way as well) that anyone...neighbor, delivery man, someone visiting, etc...that sees you loading or messing with your guns can call the Sheriff or police and have them come investigate and possibly restrict your's one hell of a mess when I fear the UPS or FED EX guy delivering components to my house and 'reading the boxes"....I don't want to be on guard for things all the time.

    Guess I'm just venting my frustrations a bit...I see where some guy or woman get noted as "having an arsenal" consisting of 5 or 6 guns and several hundred rounds of ammo....anyone here consider that an arsenal?? It's probably one shelf in a decent of several that most shooters have.

    Getting old is a beeeetch...I see lots of things on the horizon and while I'm "still in the fight" I do have major concerns about how long I can enjoy holding out...I can't legally carry here so other than protection within my home a gun is of little help in protection...I have to lock it down just to go to the neighbor can complain that I'm a risk...we have new laws starting January first that restrict ammo purchases and now the keyboard commandos are starting the drone about "how long before they restrict handloading?"...all the chatter will probably get the attention of the political folk and I'd not be surprised to see reloading restricted as well.....

    Don't yell too's an old man that has had decades of freedoms and has fought for decades to keep the freedoms...feeling a bit overwhelmed.

  2. #2
    Vendor Sponsor

    Smoke4320's Avatar
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    Right here least I was a minute ago
    This too shall pass ..
    There is evil all thru this world .. Do not let it get you down ..
    continue to enjoy what you have for so long
    and to put it another way there are plenty of drunk drivers... will you sell and not drive a car because of those
    there are bank robbers.... will you swear off using any money

    You are not the problem and getting rid of things you enjoy will not stop others from harm or harming
    [SIZE=4][B]Selling Hi Quality Powdercoating Powder

    I carry a Nuke50 because cleaning up the mess is Silly !!

    I am not crazy my mom had me tested

    Theres a fine line between genius and crazy .. I'm that line
    and depending on the day I might just step over that line !!!

  3. #3
    Moderator Emeritus

    JonB_in_Glencoe's Avatar
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    I hope I'm still shootin and walking the range when I'm 80.

    It seems to me, that part of your beef is with living in CA. I imagine there are some good reasons to live there? but you haven't listed any in your post.
    “If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun.”
    ― The Dalai Lama, Seattle Times, May 2001

  4. #4
    Boolit Master

    MUSTANG's Avatar
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    Staying with or leaving a Hobby is dependent on the person, their available resources, and the enjoyment one gets from it.

    I remember years ago (pre-1968) that the NRA Rifleman was almost exclusively dedicated to rifles, pistols, shooting, and some Law Enforcement training and issues sprinkled in. Now we have two NRA magazines, party filled with articles on new firearms, ammunition, etc..., Hunting articles, and lots of ads and political discussion. The Competitive Shooting articles were predominantly pushed out to other venues. As a result of this; many new magazines began to pop up, tailored to the particular "Passion" of groups of people.

    I would say, find the areas that satisfy your particular areas of interest and focus on them. If shooting and the associated "Hobby" areas no longer satisfy, then seek other new interests to fill the area.

    "In the beginning... the patriot is a scarce man, and brave and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." - Mark Twain.

  5. #5
    Boolit Master

    lefty o's Avatar
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    no one is going to tell you what to do. i say make up your mind based on your needs and desires, not because some jackholes kill people. it is after all the person, not the tool. someone mowed down a bunch of people with a truck, but no one seems to think trucks are dangerous weapons.

  6. #6
    Boolit Buddy DoubleAdobe's Avatar
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    I understand how you get locked in to living somewhere, even though it gets sour in many regards. I think you would be much happier IF you could find your way out of that repressive place. But I understand that it is not easy or sometimes not even really workable.
    "Them that don't know him won't like him and them that do sometimes won't know how to take him, he ain't wrong he's just different and his pride won't let him do things to make you think he's right"
    Ed Bruce

  7. #7
    Boolit Grand Master OS OK's Avatar
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    I think you are feeling a 'bit overwhelmed' right now.

    We Californians are living behind 'enemy lines' politically at the moment but I really don't think this will last too much longer. With the Left and the Demoncrats falling apart and the 'good Patriots' awakening...well, we're going to take this State back one vote at a time. We are going to take back America one vote at a time, you have already seen this happening with President Trumps election...

    All it takes is prayer and participation in the system as it is.

    Remember this..."All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men (like yourself) to do nothing!"

    Stay strong in your convictions, whatever they are, even if you do quit...c h a r l i e
    a m e r i c a n p r a v d a

    Be a Patriot . . . expose their lies!

    “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” G. Orwell

  8. #8
    Boolit Master opos's Avatar
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    For years I've had the old "move out of California" line thrown at me...I've lived in Denver, Fort Collins, Albion, Ne, San Francisco, Albuquerque, Oakland, Los Angeles and San Diego...and without question any time some little item came up there were always folks that said "you should move to xXXX"..I've discovered over the years that anytime I moved...when I got there...there I was. I'm sure there might have been some folks in Texas where the shooting occured that hated big cities and might have said "move"...but maybe not so much so this morning..Forgot to add I'd lived in a small town in Nebraska of about 400-500 people on a couple of occasions..great place but it had it's problems and older folks said "best to move" when hospitls and health care talks came there was nothing there.

    No, it's not in the location and I'm not going anywhere...I love California and especially San Diego...

    I have wonderful family here..I'm involved with a group of friends that I wouldn't leave at all...I collect and restore antique farm equipment (engines, tractors, etc") and we have a terrific club and one of the finest antique equipment museums in the States here...I've spent years marlin and tuna fishing and love the ocean...Nothing "physical" going to run me out unless it's agressive tourists in the summer (but we know how to beat that system"
    No, it's about the nature of the beast.....Just as I don't play golf...I have pepole that have told me I "have to play golf" all my life...just nothing there for me....I think there are still things for me in the shooting hobby but maybe less interesting in the long run than what it has been...age has it's part in everything as do crowded conditions and changing politicial movements. I do know when I shut the computer and TV off and go putter in the garage, etc I have better days..probably that there has been such an overwhelming amount of this negative stuff lately I just feel a bit on edge....the old Johnny Carson reruns I watch nightly are kind of a tonic for me..maybe I need more tonic of the positive nature...
    Last edited by opos; 11-06-2017 at 12:00 PM.

  9. #9
    Boolit Grand Master

    dragon813gt's Avatar
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    Living in California certainly doesn't help. But living other places doesn't make you anymore immune from all the political pressure. I'm a lot younger and it weighs on me heavily. Thankfully if I don't search out the information I can stay uninformed. This only helps my mood and stress level.

    I don't have an answer for you. But if you feel like it's time to move on them move on. You can still vote which helps the cause. Or maybe it doesn't because you're in California and the state seems to be lost at all levels. Do what makes you happy and don't look back.

  10. #10
    Boolit Grand Master bedbugbilly's Avatar
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    I'm older . . not as old as you but still "older". i think that many of the thoughts that you are having are pretty typical of many of the average person that has enjoyed hunting, shooting, reloading and guns for years.

    As far as giving it up . . . we all have free will and that is an individual decision. I also suffer from health issues which prevent me from shooting in competition now - bad eyesight? Mine is limited and the open sights are pretty fuzzy now but a scope sure makes things a lot clearer. If someone thinks that I'm a "wussy" for using a scope - the heck with them. I am at least still able to shoot. If your mobility is hindering you at the range, then possibly it is time to give up the shooting but there also may be someone who would be willing to help you set your targets. Stopping the reloading? Well, if you are no longer going to shoot, then why reload. But you can still enjoy your guns even if by just looking at them, handling them and remembering all the memories they have give you of good times.

    When such things as Vegas and Texas happen, I don't think you are alone as it breaks the hearts of many of us. And while some may jump on the same the assault rifle band wagon immediately, I instead say quite a few prayers for the victims, their families, the first responders and those who have to do the investigating While I have never been involved with a "mass" shooting incident, I was involved in shooting situations when I worked ambulance and fire rescue - some multiple victims so I do have an idea of the effect it has on everyone involved. For those involved - families, first responders, etc. it will have an effect on them for the rest of their lives and I can assure you that they will be plagued with nightmares during the night a a frequent basis.

    There are a lot of evil people out there. There always has been and there always will be. Situations such as these will never cease regardless of what legislation is or isn't passed. Personally, I do not blame the gun. The gun does not have a free will of its own. The person behind it does and for those trying to make it a political issue is nothing more than an effort to get their agenda in to practice at the expense of the millions of law abiding citizens who just want to live their lives in peace, make a decent living and provide for themselves and their families and enjoy the hard won rights that generations of Americans, men and women, have fought for and died for.

    I, too, will be faced with some of the same decisions that you are mulling over at some point - probably sooner than later. My wife and I don't have kids to pass my guns and related items on to and I don't want them to be a burden to her to have to dispose of when I am gone. It is a point that we all have to face at some time.

    I consider myself a fairly conservative person. I usually voted for who I thought could do the best job which meant that my vote would often cross party lines. I was born and raised in a normally Democrat state (MI) which was heavy to automotive and unions - but my leanings have always been the other way. BUT, in all the years, with friends, acquaintances, neighbors, etc. - regardless of which way any of us were voting or who we backed, we could have civilized conversations about it. The key to that? We were brought up to have respect for others.

    In musing about such things, I really do fear for the direction our country is heading. We have "rights" guaranteed by the Constitution but in today's world, the politicians seem to want to rule based on "their" interpretations of the Constitution - and that goes for all political parties. Freedom of Speech? Hey, I truly believe in that as we all should and I am willing to listen to anyone's opinion. But that Amendment does not mean, nor was it intended to mean all of the vile hate spouted by those that think they can say anything that they want in trying to push their beliefs and agenda - and it doesn't matter who it is doing it - political parties, race or religion. I was brought up with "old time" values as the majority of us were who are older. Work hard, have faith in our Creator, respect others and if you couldn't say something nice about somebody, then don't say anything at all, etc. Unfortunately, those things have eroded away over the last fifty years or so and it is snowballing so fast - and I blame all the media and social media for much it, that I really fear that is beyond the point of return. Loss of "right" - just look at the state that you live in. And all of the "hate" that is being spewed by all of the various "groups" out there is only making it worse. The media does nothing but drive a bigger wedge between groups - races, religions, political parties, and on and on. Seems to me that their emphasis is more on division and pointing out differences rather than what we all hold dear in common. Personally, I judge a man (or woman) on what's in their heart, not the color of their skin, their religion, their education, etc. - but there is so much going on today, that what do people expect? With those that have mental issues and are "borderline", all of it does nothing but influence them to "cross the line" and do some of the hideous things that have been going on. IMHO

    You sound like a fine gentleman opos and I wished you lived down the street as it would be such a pleasure to gather and have a morning cup of coffee and a good conversation about anything with. I think your thoughts echo what many of us think at times and I hope that whatever you end up deciding as far as "quitting" or "cutting back", that you have other things to turn to that will provide you with as much enjoyment as what you have had over the years with your guns, shooting, reloading, etc. keeping active is the "key" to a happy life and remembering that the glass is half full, not half empty. Good luck to you sir! Just my musings . .

  11. #11
    Boolit Grand Master OS OK's Avatar
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    If movies are an escape for you...try some old Westerns, black and white. I have a collection of them and when I feel overwhelmed I watch those and stay away from the computer, don't have regular TV so that's not an issue anymore.

    In the old Westerns the good folk are always being taken advantage of but in the end evil is triumphed over by good!
    That always reinforces my basic belief in humanity even though lately it's been running pretty thin!
    a m e r i c a n p r a v d a

    Be a Patriot . . . expose their lies!

    “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” G. Orwell

  12. #12
    Boolit Master quail4jake's Avatar
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    It would be unfortunate to see you leave the fold but I can understand your sentiments. We need folks like you and in 5 years you will join the ranks of the few, the illustrious...Boolit casters over 85!

  13. #13
    In Remembrance
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    Sir, I feel your concern. Take comfort in the fact that You have conducted yourself as an honorable man. You had nothing to do with the recent events. I, as you, feel great sorrow for the families affected by these acts. Your collection of firearms have not injured anyone. I too am getting on in years, but still like to let one go. I like to retire to the gun room and remember the days gone by. Cleaning, oiling, and caring for my "babies" is a pleasant way to pass a good time. I will not allow myself to be shamed out of my rights or possessions. If you still enjoy 'em, keep 'em. They will not harm anyone by themselves. It is impossible to legislate right or wrong for an inanimate object. An old man once told me to never make decisions when you are upset about something, your hungry, or your tired. Sleep on it a while before making a decision. Whatever you choose to do, you do because it is your decision. Fare well my fellow shooter. Best wishes to you and yours. Iron Whittler

  14. #14
    Boolit Buddy
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    I know what you mean opos. I'm only 72 and find I just can't do what I did. I still reload and cast but not as much. I guess that means I shoot less. I used to shoot Bullseye but can't do much good with it now and can't even shoot the 45 with one hand, too much arthritis and just getting weaker. I still try to shoot Service Rifle and M1 matches but they are getting a bit tough now to score well. But I will still do it once I get over the reactions to the several different prostate cancer treatments. What I did find was how much I really like rimfire benchrest. I started these matches at my club recently and got a good turnout. Guess from who? All white haired guys. Rimfire doesn't beat you up and you can sit down. Doesn't get much better than that. The equipment can get pricey depending on how well you want to do but who cares? Sell off some of that stuff you don't shoot and get a good rifle, scope and rests. All you need. If you do want to do that PM me and I will let you know what we do at our club. There is USBR, ARA, and ABRA programs. Just pick a target or two and shoot.

    Like someone just told me, getting old ain't for the faint of heart. I try to tell myself too, it's not what's behind me it's what's ahead. But shooting BR can be a blast.

  15. #15
    Boolit Master opos's Avatar
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    The replies are interesting and have a decidedly "adult" nature which is refreshing...I was thinking way back (still got one whale of a memory) to my days as a teen when I spent some time in the small town in Nebraska...the son of the Mayor of the county seat was my age...we did what teen agers do in sneaking a beer, hanging around, etc...he was just an average teen age boy..then I heard he news..his girlfriend had been fooling around with a town kid so Kermit ( the frog) shot and killed the girl and boy and tried to shoot the girls mother and then himself..He spent the next 35 or 40 years in prison in Lincoln and when released became a local character in Lincoln around the UN campus and on the streets dowtown....He contracted cancer a few years ago and went to his cousin's house in Idaho to die.

    I never did understand his insane motivation....but it was there...I don't recall one person wondering if it was an assault type weapon..I don't recall anything much in the local paper except that it had happened and the results of the trial..Just an insane teenager that reacted to his insanity...I do recall the confusion and hurt it caused....his dad died soon after and his sister left the country and married a man from another place...i think his mom moved and died a widow woman.

  16. #16
    Super Moderator Emeritus
    Preacher Jim's Avatar
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    I totally understand your feelings. I have reduced recoil, shoot less build fewer and load less. that said I enjoy the fellowship at the range. teach a lot of younger fellows to do the things I love to do. I have expanded the things I can do and shoot when I can get to the range. My wife sets targets because I can't walk the range and helps me load and unload the toys. we both enjoy getting out and relaxing.
    I am a young fellow to you at 74 with bad knees and one lung but I will quit when I can no longer pull the trigger.
    you may not do what you once did but you can still help others learn what is only in your head. Books don't do what experience does.
    do not get to shoot matches any more cause they are on Sunday and I am in the pulpit on Sunday morning. I figure God gave me this hobby and I use it for His glory. tell a lot of young fellows about Jesus at the range or LGS when I am there. Because I am using this hobby for a tool to reach the lost it is important to me and the political hacks can cry all they want my guns are a tool in my ministry.
    Last edited by Preacher Jim; 11-06-2017 at 01:16 PM.

  17. #17
    Boolit Buddy RGrosz's Avatar
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    I'm only (or should I say old) 65. I've been shooting since I was about 12, walked 8 miles to Anthon to buy my first gun. A 22 and a couple of boxes of shells that my dad didn't know I had, he thought that 22's were too dangerous. Finely at 15 got to hunt with Grandpa's 410 on his farm and told Dad about the 22. I've had guns ever since, Started reloading in the '70's, and casting shortly after that. There was a time in the 90's when I didn't touch any guns or fishing tackle, I was too busy trying to survive and make a living. It took all my time living pay check to pay check. Eventually things got better and I could afford some of the things again. Now that I can it seems that in the last 6 mouths to a year, arthritis has gotten worse and it's sometimes kind of hard to do some of the things I really enjoy. Don't know why I've told you (and the world) that but IO do hope that at 80 I'm still going like you. You have earned the right to live your life how you see fit, what ever makes you happy and what ever you want to do.
    That's my 2 cents in this discussion.

  18. #18
    Boolit Master

    Finster101's Avatar
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    It's a very personal decision that is yours alone to make. I do understand enjoying certain things less as we age. I'm only 57 but there are things that I was once really into that I just simply care nothing about anymore. You also have no need to justify your decision to anyone but yourself.

  19. #19
    Boolit Buddy fivefang's Avatar
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    Iron Whittler, as a 83 yr. young guy I thank you for posting what a Old Man once told you, Our Creator has blessed me 100% of my life, yet I ask for more, not just for soothing my emotions which are stressed right now, Thank YOU FiveFang

  20. #20
    In Remembrance

    aspangler's Avatar
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    I am only 65 but I too feel the strain. I have degenerative disk desease, stenosis, and arthritis in my back. I have been told "no more deer hunting, You can't drag a deer, you can't lift anything more than 10 pounds, etc." I still do those things and more. I have seen too many people just quit and they sit down and do nothing and the next time you hear about them they are bed ridden or dead. Not saying that is going to happen to you but just to say, as long as you possibly can, keep on keeping on. Do something for exercise and enjoyment. It will help to keep you young. My dad died at 91 and walked everyday untill about a week before he passed. That was what he liked to do and I went with him many times. I treasure those memories. Maybe you can make some memories with your family. It would mean much to them and would help you too.

    Just my 2 cents worth.
    Tennessee Hunter Education Instructor

    “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to
    restrain the people; it is an instrument for the
    people to restrain the government-lest it come to
    dominate our lives and interests"
    Patrick Henry

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Abbreviations used in Reloading

BP Bronze Point IMR Improved Military Rifle PTD Pointed
BR Bench Rest M Magnum RN Round Nose
BT Boat Tail PL Power-Lokt SP Soft Point
C Compressed Charge PR Primer SPCL Soft Point "Core-Lokt"
HP Hollow Point PSPCL Pointed Soft Point "Core Lokt" C.O.L. Cartridge Overall Length
PSP Pointed Soft Point Spz Spitzer Point SBT Spitzer Boat Tail
LRN Lead Round Nose LWC Lead Wad Cutter LSWC Lead Semi Wad Cutter
GC Gas Check