View Full Version : need help

09-01-2009, 11:20 PM
Well I thought I would ask here as there seems to be people a little more progressive than some other forums.
I have 2 GEW 88 commission rifles that I have restored.(God I hate that word).
The metal work is OK but the stocks are something else.
They came up from South America where they were stored in a cave I am told.
The stocks when I got them were disasters .A lot of wood rot and both looked like they had been used more as clubs than guns. One was broken at the wrist.
To shorten the story I have over 2 months used almost $30.00 worth of acraglass and a lot of dowels to make them usable . A lot of impregnating the wood with acraglass to stabilize it.

Personally I think the stocks look like crap and wanted another opinion.
As I make stocks from scratch I was going to make them one of my winter projects (it's a little too hot in the Garage to work right now).
Any way here are some pic ( I'm not a very good photographer) so let me know what you think.


09-02-2009, 01:01 AM
IMHO, considering your description of what you started with, the wood looks pretty darn good to me. Are they shooters, hangers, or safe queens? :?:

09-02-2009, 01:28 AM
.............I recall when those were 'found', and there were pictures of'em. I think that's also where the big batch of M71/84 Mauser repeaters came from several years back. They were in what were open fronted buildings setup like stalls, with wood or concrete block dividers. Kinda like parking spots for equipment? Pretty much open on the front to the elements. The photos showed actual PILES of rifles in each stall, spilling out the front. It was like a truck had backed up and just dumped them into each stall.

From what I can see in the photo's the stocks appear to be very nice.
