View Full Version : source of pure lead

03-25-2009, 12:26 AM
I haven't seen anybody mention this before so i thought i'd share it with yall, i work in the pipe department of a constuction company out of new orleans and we always dig up old lead pipe when we work in the city. its not uncommon to dig up a couple hunderd pounds a day. if no one on the crew casts boolits or sinkers it gets thrown away. just use common sense when you go talk to the crew about saving it for you and wait untill lunch or knock off time when the equiptment is parked and you wont be in the way.

03-25-2009, 10:11 PM
This has been beat like a red headed step child. Ron

03-26-2009, 01:23 AM
bcaill4, thanks for the tip. I ran across a phone co. guy at a garage sale who led me to his truck, gave me a bunch of cable sheathing, said the same thing you did, just make friends with a crew if you run across them. Red headed or not.


03-26-2009, 01:55 AM
The pipe is not pure lead but close to it. Since we are here Go to your area plumber. All plumbers save the scrap to sell for partys or beer . ask to buy the lead from old cast iron pipe. They only get about .10 or .15 alb so you can pay a little more and get it first