View Full Version : Need a formula

11-27-2008, 09:57 AM
I usta know the formula for determining the weight of a round ball of pure lead based on the diameter. Can of of y'all post it for me?
Seems the older I get, the more ustas and shouldas I have.

11-27-2008, 11:29 AM
I don't have a formula but if you have a Dixiegunworks catalog they have a chart in the back that has the weights of RB's per caliber from .200 - .920. I like having a Dixie catalog around just for the little tid bits of odd info they have in the back. Looking for a particular size?

11-27-2008, 11:36 AM


Volume of sphere = 4/3 • pi • r³

use 3.14 for pi

use 1/2 the bullet diameter for radius (r) in units of inches

a 1" diameter ball of pure lead would have a volume of 4/3 • 3.14 • 1/2 ³ = 1.333 • 3.14 • .125 in³ = 0.523333... cu in.

~2878 grains per cu in of pure lead so 2878 grain/cu in • 0.52333 cu in = 1506 grains = weight of a 1" round ball in pure lead.

at leest dat'z how ah seez it.

11-28-2008, 09:29 AM
Thats how it is calculated. Impurites and inclusions will give you different answers than published data for various ball weights. I have a spreadsheet using the same formula. It gives very close results. Also a .445 ball may come out from one mold as .4443 and another as .4455, so there is that also.
