View Full Version : Use of SP vs LP primers

11-02-2019, 11:07 AM
I came across a quantity of 1f 45ACP brass primed with SP primers. Are there any loading changes using traditional 45 accuracy loads with SP primed loads vs LP primers? The manufacturers seem to be OK with them. I have a large cache of SP primers as opposed to a limited supply of LP primers so for me it is an issue of economics and supply. I would rather conserve my LP supply for brass that requires them. I am sure some members here have the answers and would appreciate their comments. Thank you.

11-02-2019, 11:13 AM
Topic has been around for a while. Not enough difference to matter... https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS776US776&ei=i5y9XffPMKjC0PEP3-S0mA4&q=small+pistol+vs+large+pistol+primers+45+ACP&oq=small+pistol+vs+large+pistol+primers+45+ACP&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i299l2.9310.13060..15369...0.2..0.125.789. 0j7......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i22i30j33i22i29i30j33i160.A6NSsO5F i7k&ved=0ahUKEwi3wdDv58vlAhUoITQIHV8yDeMQ4dUDCAs&uact=5

11-02-2019, 04:31 PM
I use the same loads interchangeably.

11-02-2019, 07:20 PM
Many target shooters claim improved accuracy with small pistol primers in 45ACP. They seem to give better groups for some reason.
I personally, have no experience with them. Just running on reports.

11-02-2019, 07:55 PM
No change is required , use your pet loads as they are .