View Full Version : The "Ultimate" in Cast Boolit accessories :)

12-12-2005, 04:36 PM
http://jitcrunch.cafepress.com/jitcrunch.aspx?bG9hZD1ibGFuayxibGFuazoxNTJfRi5qcGd 8bG9hZD1MMCxodHRwOi8vem9vbS5jYWZlcHJlc3MuY29tLzAvO Tg1NDk5MF96b29tLmpwZ3x8c2NhbGU9TDAsMTcxLDYzLFdoaXR lfGxvYWQ9dG0tTDAsYmxhbms6MTUyX0ZfdG1hc2suanBnfGNvb XBvc2U9TDAsdG0tTDAsVGV4dHVyZU1hc2ssLTE1NSwtMTA1fGN vbXBvc2U9YmxhbmssTDAsQWxwaGFCbGVuZCwxNTUsMTA1fGNwP XJlc3VsdCxibGFua3xzY2FsZT1yZXN1bHQsMCw0ODAsV2hpdGV 8bG9hZD1zYW1wbGUsaHR0cDovL3d3dy5jYWZlcHJlc3MuY29tL 2NvbnRlbnQvZ2xvYmFsL2ltZy9zYW1wbGVfY3J1bmNoX292ZXJ sYXkuZ2lmfHNjYWxlPXNhbXBsZSwwLDQ4MCxXaGl0ZXxjb21wb 3NlPXJlc3VsdCxzYW1wbGUsQWRkLDAsMHxjb21wcmVzc2lvbj0 5NXw=

I am going to look so cool in this... :redneck:

12-13-2005, 01:39 AM
..........That's a good looking T shirt. I should breakdown and get a few.


12-13-2005, 01:54 AM
Why that shirt would look far better than the ascot traveling the open roads of the west. With a nice black shoulder holster bulging with a sidearm and a black hat trimmed with silver you would be nearly comic book hero material. :D

12-13-2005, 08:07 AM
Methinks a coffee mug and the stein would look good too.

Not to mention a calendar and the wall clock for the shop!

12-13-2005, 08:55 AM
Why that shirt would look far better than the ascot traveling the open roads of the west. With a nice black shoulder holster bulging with a sidearm and a black hat trimmed with silver you would be nearly comic book hero material. :D

And A nice Kimber 1911 in the shoulder holster full of "Cast Boolits" :grin:

12-13-2005, 09:39 AM
Yeah--LOTS better mental picture than the ascot, for sure.