View Full Version : NRA Supported Case Calls for Suspension of Illinois’s FOID Act

06-05-2019, 11:06 PM
Sure hope that the Illinois SC rules to set aside the FOID in Illinois......

NRA Supported Case Calls for Suspension of Illinois’s FOID Act
An NRA-supported case in Illinois is asking the Illinois Supreme Court to suspend the state's Firearm Owner's Identification (FOID) Act.

06-05-2019, 11:27 PM
Just another example of the NRA fighting for you!

06-06-2019, 10:38 AM
'Bout time they got on board. This case goes back almost two years with the groundwork done by IllinoisCarry, the ISRA, and the Second Amendment Foundation. Ms. Brown has already won her case twice...Circuit and District Courts...but those verdicts are under appeal to the IL Supreme Court by the Attorney General. Probably going to get some national attention so the NRA sees it as an opportunity to whine for more money.


06-06-2019, 11:00 AM
I am not familiar with the case. But as far as the NRA goes if you don't want to give then don't. But don't whine and cry when you lose your rights. I have no idea of your situation or things you have done to keep your rights. But round here the ones who complain about loosing there rights and how bad the NRA is haven't done a dog gone thing to keep them. Call your representatives write letters sign petitions go to rallies when possible. If reps don't here from you how are they to know what you think. And by all means vote in all elections for those who believe like you. As far as the NRA asking for money all of this court action is funded by donations. I find it a bit ironic for those who choose not to give complain they aren't doing enough. I don't give what i would like but i do give what i can.

lefty o
06-06-2019, 11:45 AM
dont forget, someone has to pay for lapierre's suits! about time they got off their duff with this illinois **.

06-06-2019, 12:02 PM
Gentlemen, if you want to see what the NRA is doing to fight the anti-gunners in court, look to California. The NRA with the California Rifle and Pistol Assc. have filed many lawsuits in CA. I still contribute to the NRA. If you do not want to contribute to the NRA, find a local state group and contribute to them to fight for your rights. If you do neither, as far as I am concerned you do not have the right to complain and are helping the anti gunners with your non support.

06-06-2019, 12:13 PM
I am not familiar with the case. But as far as the NRA goes if you don't want to give then don't. But don't whine and cry when you lose your rights. I have no idea of your situation or things you have done to keep your rights...

Just FYI, I've been an NRA member for almost 60 years and I'm a working member of Illinois State Rifle Association who keeps all his elected local, state, and federal officials on speed-dial. I contribute regularly to the 2nd Amendment Foundation, DU, and the ILA and have marched on the capitol, circulated petitions, and been known to harangue fellow gun club members to get off their keisters and make themselves heard. However, I truly believe that the current leadership (LaPierre & Co) have sold out the welfare of the general membership for the benefit of the big bucks firearms industry and, therefore, decline to offer any additional support to the organization's general funds.


06-06-2019, 12:14 PM

Talk to the ISRA today. I ask them what is the NRA going to do about all this

Nothing the NRA only works on Federal legislation. ISRA said they need more members.

06-06-2019, 12:20 PM
I donate to GOA, SAF, and JPFO. NRA will never get my money again after the bump stock ban, IIRC when FOID was being drafted NRA supported the law. NRA is the doctor that gives a disease then gets paid to maintain it.

06-06-2019, 12:20 PM
Here is the lawsuit


06-06-2019, 12:21 PM
While I'm a Life Member of the NRA and do send donation monies to them, I'm also a life member of the Second Amendment Foundation.

I find I'm donating a lot more money to the SAF based on the type and number of lawsuits they are filing.

As Bill pointed out, the NRA tends to jump on lawsuits after the SAF or other organizations file them.

I read the same News article this morning that Wally posted on and was disappointed that it leads people to believe the NRA started this, they did not.

06-06-2019, 01:50 PM
Mr Kraschenbirn you will note i did say i didnt know your situation . I am glad you are a member just wish you were more of a supporter.

06-06-2019, 02:10 PM
Mr Kraschenbirn you will note i did say i didnt know your situation . I am glad you are a member just wish you were more of a supporter.

Should someone propose a viable (and legal) way to rid the NRA of Wayne LaPierre and his crew without destroying the organization, I'll be in the front rank with bells on.

06-06-2019, 02:56 PM
I also would like to see Wayne LaPierre kicked out and no more money being paid to him. It strongly appears that Wayne is for his own pocketbook instead of fighting the anti gun crowd.

lefty o
06-06-2019, 03:28 PM
I also would like to see Wayne LaPierre kicked out and no more money being paid to him. It strongly appears that Wayne is for his own pocketbook instead of fighting the anti gun crowd.

its my understanding he has a stipend, he gets paid as a consultant when he retires or is removed, and its not a small amount.

06-06-2019, 06:30 PM
lefty 0, that is my understanding also. Old Wayne made sure he would be taken care of like numerous Democrats in Congress. The NRA board would need to make changes to try not paying Wayne his blood money. Even then I am not sure they could do it based on the contract that Wayne has with them.

06-06-2019, 07:08 PM
NRA salaries

As for salaries, fifty-six people in the organization earned more than $100,000 in 2010—and 10 made more than $250,000. Lapierre does not top the list. Kayne B. Robinson, the executive director of general operations does. He was paid just over $1 million. Lapierre was second, pulling in $970,000 in reportable and estimated comp.

Chris W. Cox, the executive director of the group’s lobbying efforts, was third. He earned just over $666,000.