View Full Version : Computer forum

10-18-2018, 06:15 PM
Looking for a new computer forum.
I used to be with Smart Computing, but they decided to close it down.
Good people there.
Spoke common english to us non-geek people.
Missed them.
I'm with Beeping computer now, but not real happy there.
Most of them get annoyed when you ask common questions.
They assume everyone should speak geek, and know what they mean.
They act like computer "Premadonnas".
i don't need that kind of attitude when looking for help.
Been using a computer a while. I know enough to really screw things up.
When I do, I need help, not attitude.
Any suggestions on a novice computer forum????

10-18-2018, 08:59 PM
Hmmm, I mainly know where I would talk with computer nuts like me. Some computer folks, sadly, don't have much tolerance for newbies - One might say that they lack TACT, or empathy; Some coders and computer folks are just different. Partly because of people who refuse to learn anything about the computer at all, I suspect. But it'd be good to HELP them learn!

stackoverflow is for coders, I doubt you want to venture there unless you want to encounter dragons. Or at least very mean Chihuahuas.

You could ask on http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/ though that's not a low end forum, they might be willing to help though; Maybe on https://cnet.com/forums/computer-newbies/ as they seem aimed at lower level computer fiends? :) CNet probably keeps that place fairly newbie-friendly, I hope. And there are always us folks here, if they don't have an answer.

(Tho I am sometimes known to glaze peoples' eyes over, I'm trying to learn to do that less. Almost 50 years of coding now, I'm a hopeless case :p)

10-19-2018, 01:50 AM
I'd start here if it's just a glitch you're having. Computer forums are good, if you're into computers and want to talk tech, but as was said above, most won't tolerate simple, to them, questions. It's a group thing I think, get them outside that forum and they change their attitude, at least most of them. It gets the same here sometimes, but not as bad, and the others seem to rein in the others a bit. I'd also try using Google, you would be surprised how many others have the same problems.

10-19-2018, 08:00 PM
I have found this forum to be very helpful when asking computer questions. Members have been very friendly and helpful to me. As a previous poster mentioned Google can be helpful with many problems also.