View Full Version : This has always confused me.

03-24-2018, 02:18 AM
Why/how could EB/Amazon/"XYZ" company have a stance against firearms, ban gas checks, brass, bullets, cartridges and still sell reloading equipment, bullet casting equipment, optics etc.
This just doesn't make sense to me.!!

03-24-2018, 03:08 AM
Same way actors take a stance on guns and politics and pretend to play Big Billy Baddy in a movie. All about that money. Say one thing to appease one side and then do another to appease the other and make a nice profit in the end.

03-24-2018, 07:18 AM
Because there is no sense in it.

"Policy" is written from the top, imposed on the rest. Because it comes from the top if you get caught failing to follow it, it can get you fired.

But because it comes from the top, it does not have to make sense. It just has to fit into that persons twisted political beliefs. Does not have to make sense or match reality or any of those things.

Look at what Youtube is doing, cutting their own business. Like cutting off their nose to spite their face.

All those gun people will end up someplace. And all of them are going to have a bad taste in their mouth from what Youtube did.

If your running a company like Youtube you should not let your politics influence your business.
Same for Amazon, Google.

But those over priced over educated idiots have not got enough common sense to figure that one out. So they'll learn the hard way.

Personal and business separate. Politics should not influence policy. Puts you on a steep slippery slope headed for the hot place.

03-24-2018, 10:24 AM
Citi Group.

03-27-2018, 11:12 AM
All talk and no action...... just policy for show. and to satisfy gun banners.