View Full Version : Scam Alert

08-11-2017, 01:37 PM
Got an email this a.m. and it appeared to be from Hughes Net which is our supplier. The note said that they attempted to do their August draw for their services and that our credit care was not valid anymore. They instructed me to go to the supplied site to update my information......

I looked at the "FROM:" part and it said the email was sent by: Hughesnet<dtartt@cableone.net>

Called Hughes Net and spoke with Billing and was told that they draw later on in the month and that our account is current; further they said that they do not send email....be aware....this is a scam.

08-11-2017, 01:50 PM
I totally concur with Paul.

If any email asks for/demands money or personal information

check for a phone number, most legitimate companies include phone numbers with emails like this.

check the e-mail address and look up the company's email online

Like Paul did, get the phone number and contact the company directly

Other tell tale signs, the spelling, and grammar are wrong/bad

08-11-2017, 01:58 PM
Yep if you don't look up the phone number online or on your bill and confirm the contact and situation by reaching out to that known good phone number there is a good chance of you being on the short end of a scam.

08-12-2017, 12:19 AM
Standard phishing email, I get 2-3 a day. Most are caught by my spam filter but now and then one gets through.

Email words of advice:

NEVER open an attachment unless someone you know said they are sending you one. Even then stay away from the jokes etc because many are viruses

Never give personal information, check the email address, in the above case it would have came from hughes.net and they would never ask for info. Most you will get is a bill is due reminder. No company asks for credit card or bank account info via email.

Never give your email address to a random web site, chances are you are signing up for spam and your inbox will be flooded. If it is a giveaway/sweepstakes verify it by going to the website via a google search. If the addresses are different they are just trying to harvest valid emails to be sold to the scammers.

If it sounds to good to be true it usually is a scam!

Big Boomer
08-12-2017, 02:46 AM
Recently received several e-mails supposedly from some of my not too regular e-mail friends and they were all bogus. I talked with one of them today via the phone and he said he had not sent me an e-mail in the recent past ... period, of any kind. Even if you know someone and do not communicate regularly, its probably a phishing expedition and may contain a virus. Big Boomer

08-12-2017, 06:18 AM
I hit the delete button,it may take a few days but if they are legit they will sent you snail mail or a telephone call,but some try to scam you with the phone we had a code six try to get my wife to send money to an address claiming we owed back taxes,even went into a rant about seeing that we would go to court and be sentenced to a prison term,the wife turned this over to the sheriff's office but we haven't hear any thing as of yet.

08-12-2017, 07:10 AM
Hughes Net is a scam. Slightly faster than dial up, no streaming movies etc. We finally got a local provider with real high speed and no Gig limit.

08-12-2017, 07:31 PM
I received an email from powder valley advertising Tac on sale. I went to their site later and it wasn't even the same web address. I ended up calling and they verified there are 2 websites operated by them. Weird.

Moral is always stay on your toes.