View Full Version : hydro dipping stocks

02-03-2016, 07:25 PM
I've watched a lot of youtube videos on hydro dipping rifle stocks. My question is, if I don't have a tube large enough for a stock, can this be dipped by halves or does the whole stock need to be covered? Most that I have watched are dipping nearly horizontally. Could this be done by using a garbage can and dipping vertically? I have an ugly cheapy Savage stock that I can't stand to look at any longer!!

02-03-2016, 07:54 PM
You'll never get enough surface area to dip a stock vertically in a garbage can. There's a reason they are doing it horizontally - and that's it. Just slap together a plywood box and line it with plastic.

02-04-2016, 07:55 PM
the film lays on top of the water, as you lower the part into the water it pulls the film around the part.
trying to do it horizontally would pull too hard on the film [coating] and tear.