View Full Version : I hate SPIDERS

01-31-2016, 09:10 PM
15 days 3 times total in the hospital will do that to you

01-31-2016, 10:57 PM
Brown recluse?

01-31-2016, 11:10 PM
Three times? Yowza. Did you get staph with the bite?

02-01-2016, 05:10 AM
Brown recluse bites are nasty, lost a silver dollar sized hunk of my ankle to one and the after effects are still causing issues with infections that flare up from nowhere.

02-01-2016, 07:24 AM
Brown recluse in Minnesota?

02-01-2016, 08:01 AM
Came very close to losing my wife to a brown recluse bite 15 years ago. She still has after effects from it.

02-01-2016, 08:17 AM
Doc found the spider bites
Spider type unknown

I then got cellulitis in the leg and could hardly walk on it. Lost most of the strength in leg 3 times
Leg is still not 100%

7 days the 1st time
4 days the 2nd time. We knew what drug worked Levaquin
8 days the last time. The new Doc would not use the Levaquin because of the the new Hospital protocol
4 days I had beg them to use the Levaquin

02-01-2016, 08:45 AM
Black Widows are a threat here. See a web in the shed, there's one there. Tarantula's are here too, but they're friendly and love to be handled.

Rufus Krile
02-01-2016, 02:20 PM
Lost a friend to a Brown Recluse. Was down on his ranch when he got nailed on the back of his knee... knew it was serious so came 100 miles to town and checked into the hospital. They debrided the immediate wound and made plans to excise the surrounding area the next morning. Blood clot formed, released, and went straight to his brain. Technically the venom didn't kill him... just the results of it. The Brown has a bite every bit as bad as a rattlesnake.

02-01-2016, 02:30 PM
Doc found the spider bites
Spider type unknown

I then got cellulitis... We knew what drug worked Levaquin

Yep... done that from a spider bite. Ouch! 'Elbow looked like a football!
Levaquin fixed mine too. :grin:

02-01-2016, 02:35 PM
I was reading this post and did not know what it was till I did a search on it and found this like that help out. for those of us who do not know about it .Also show where they are know to be and also what it is like to get bite.

Ole Joe Clarke
02-01-2016, 02:41 PM
We have our share of Black Widows and Brown Recluse. I can assure you if we had Tarantulas in my part of Dixie, they would not be petted. Well, maybe with a 2 x 4, or a pick handle. :-)

Have a blessed day,


02-01-2016, 07:04 PM
Wow! What a topic for an arachnophobic like me! I have only 3 phobias - heights under 50 ft., being cut by a razor, and SPIDERS! They're silent, and thus, you can't "see them coming." Because of my fear of them, I NEVER stick my hands or fingers where I can't see. I'll stop whatever I'm doing and fine something to turn things over if needs be, to avoid reaching around and pulling something up that has ANY sort of spider or cobwebs on it. Sometimes, fears CAN keep us out of trouble! We have both the brown recluse and the black widows here. Once long ago, Dad was out looking for grubs to go catfishing with one afternoon. He came back obviously shaken. We asked what was wrong, and he said he'd turned over an old rotting log to look for grubs, and saw a shiny black marble like thing, so he picked it up. When he turned it over to take a better look, the legs spread out wide and he noticed the red hourglass shape on its belly. He'd picked up a really big black widow! Needless to say, it didn't take him long to look at it! Dad went through 3 wars, but that dang spider shook him up! Don't know where I got my fear and dread of them, but in a way, I'm glad I'm that way, because it keeps me as much away from doing something where I COULD get bit as humanly possible. For that much, at least, I'm thankful.

02-02-2016, 01:15 AM
I was tearing down an old shed, when I happened to look down, and there is a Brown Recluse (actually black) on my chest looking up at me! I literally pissed myself right then and there! I yelled at my wife, "KILL IT!!"; she did, with a shovel. True story.

02-02-2016, 01:20 AM
Brown recluse in Minnesota?


02-02-2016, 02:17 AM
If it has more than 4 legs kill it. The more legs it has the harder it gets hit.

02-02-2016, 02:54 AM
Spiders are nasty little ********, I kill every one I see, "beneficial" or not. Snakes - eh, I'll give those a second looky before I clobber them. Actually, they get to live because poisonous snakes are rare where I live. Unless they zip under the lawn mower..... We do have rattlers here, but never seen any.

And tarantulas "love to be handled"? Um, I've seen their fangs, I'll pass on the handling jazz.....

02-02-2016, 03:05 AM
Towards the end of my parents lives, when they were alone, their 2-car garage in the backyard didn't get used much and the recluses took it over. When they died and my brother was cleaning the garage out, he said he had to close it up tight and set off a half dozen spray bombs in there to fog it enough to kill them all.

I was in mom's kitchen once and found a recluse that had gotten trapped in a soup bowl and couldn't get out. That vicious little bastard rared back with its front legs up and snarled at me, announcing his intent to kick my ***. He got to swim in a pool of flaming lighter fluid!

It's a miracle nobody ever got bitten there, the stinkin' things were very common. Haven't seen any here in CO, but we do have the black widows. They pop good when ya squish 'em.

02-02-2016, 03:09 AM
Came in a box shipped up from Oklahoma, I saw a spider hop out and lost sight of it. Bit me on the ankle an hour later.

Brown recluse in Minnesota?

02-02-2016, 03:09 AM
Came in a box shipped up from Oklahoma, I saw a spider hop out and lost sight of it. Bit me on the ankle an hour later.

Brown recluse in Minnesota?

02-02-2016, 07:59 AM

Note: The brown recluse has been collected in other areas (e.g., in northeastern Illinois) but should be considered rare outside its range as shown above.Many brown recluse bites result in only redness and swelling around the bite and are no more serious than a bee sting. The severity of the wound may depend on the amount of venom injected. Male brown recluse probably account for most bites because they roam more than females and are often encountered. Males possess about half as much venom as females, and may produce bites that are less severe.
Most brown recluse bites do not result in the large, necrotic wounds often depicted as the typical outcome of brown recluse bites. More severe necrosis probably occurs in less than 10 percent of cases. Horrific tales of rampant necrosis from brown recluse bites causing the amputation of arms, legs and noses are undoubtedly exaggerations or attributable to uncontrolled bacterial infection or other unrelated conditions. Death from brown recluse bites has been reported, but is extremely rare and probably occurs only in very young or infirm individuals.
The brown recluse’s bite is usually painless and not felt by the bitten person. Symptoms of the bite vary but generally include the following: redness, swelling and a burning sensation developing around the bite within one hour. The red area may enlarge over the next eight hours, and the bite may blister to resemble a bad pimple. Within 24 hours the wound becomes a hardened lump up to 2 inches in diameter, and a scab forms. The wound typically heals within eight weeks.

02-02-2016, 09:15 AM
I would get medical treatment if something got serious, but from all I have read, the following is a good home treatment approach. There is no antidote and little that can be done other than treat the damage.
I am sorry for all you have endured with this, it sounds like an ordeal.

Seeking Emergency Medical Care

A brown recluse spider bite could easily be considered an emergency condition, so a hospital visit may be essential to ensure that the victim is stabilized. Be forewarned that there is very little that orthodox medicine can do to stop the regional damage that is caused by a bite. Doctors typically give antibiotics and anti-histamines in the hope that regionalized damage can be somewhat minimized. These are truly desperate measures that yield very little success. Therefore, we recommend that you follow our alternative treatment recommendations.


02-02-2016, 10:00 AM
I set off bug bombs yearly to clear out the spiders.

Walked in to the storage area attached to my garage and saw a half dollar sized spider of some sort(wolf most likely)...did an about face, grabbed a blow torch, and killed it with fire!

Black widows are the main issue around here. May cause pain, but unless you are a kiddo, not likely to be deadly. The recluses though, different toxin, that when left UNTREATED, can be bad. Unless you see the spider bite you, and are able to capture it for your trip to the ED, treatment is empiric at best.

02-02-2016, 07:07 PM
When I was in So Cal, had Black Widows up the wazoo. Would go out at night and look around the outside of the house and in the barn for their asymmetrical/messy webs and there they be. I used starter fluid to kill them, nice strong stream and not too toxic, mostly ether. Takes a little bit, but they die quick enough.

02-02-2016, 09:00 PM
OH HELL YA Those bad brown spiders .I've gotten bit on my shoulder the burn then its the nastiest pimple you've ever tried to get rid of ..

02-02-2016, 11:59 PM
Had one of the BR bite me on the back of the head. Think it too almost a year before it seemed like the crater went away

02-03-2016, 10:15 PM
I hate spiders too. Have a UAW committee man named spider, worthless ***