View Full Version : Getting to old to have fun

07-16-2015, 02:38 PM
Well maybe the high speed variety. lol
I haven't been on a dirt bike in years, but yesterday evening a friend (much younger) came by with 2 dirtbikes loaded up, and talked me into going riding. 70 fast miles of log road later we got back close to midnight, fast forward till this morning and I am sore about anywhere it is possible to be sore. lol

I also had one very evil, angry, mean and hard stinging bee, hide out inside my t shirt until we were loaded up and almost back to town sting me in my belly button.
What kind of self respecting bee stings a person in his belly button.

07-16-2015, 02:41 PM
Well done, well done, you will live longer for this effort

scarry scarney
07-16-2015, 02:47 PM
"Getting to old to have fun" ---- NEVER!!!!!

Yes, I pay for it afterwards, but anything of value has to be paid for.

07-16-2015, 03:42 PM
The sting could be worse...

I had one land on my rear while I was bending over, and when I stood up, he ended up squished between me and my belt...

I almost went off a fourth floor deck dancing around!

07-16-2015, 04:37 PM
Sounds like a great time. Take some NSAIDS, hydrate and enjoy the memories.

07-16-2015, 05:00 PM
Sound awesome. I use love dirt biking. I'll bet any of us would feel that after that. I distinctly remember helping a freind do roof recently now that made me feel OLD. Funny thing is I did roofs for 15 years of my working years.

07-16-2015, 07:43 PM
I too used to ride dirt bikes, pretty much daily, but not at all in the last 20 years. lol
The worst thing like that I have found id water skiing, another daily exercize 30 years or so back, but I while visiting a friend in Texas went a few years ago, and finally through the rope away before I had a major crash. Didn't seem like it took long at all, till I had muscles on fire. lol

My buddy I went riding with, just called and the kings are suppose to be running, I'm headed to his place to grab his boat, so he doesn't have to go for it after he gets off work, looks like another late night again, a guy just can't get much rest at times. lol

07-16-2015, 08:06 PM
About ten years ago I stopped by to see a friend in PA. He's about 10 years younger than me, (I'm 60), and he had a couple or three dirt bikes in the garage and 100 acres of field and woods. He say's "come on", "Lets just ride around the place a little", "It hasn't been that long". Three hours later we're 50 miles away on top of some ridge when it's starting
to get dark and decide to head home. I got up the next day to finish the drive back up to Maine and I could barely even push in the clutch on the Subaru :)

big bore 99
07-16-2015, 08:52 PM
Those bees can be a real pain when on a bike. Once I had a yellow jacket get up under the full visor of my helmet while riding. They can sting more than once. Don't know how many times that bugger got me before I could safely stop. Used to ride alot, but at 67, I figured I better stop that. The bones don't heal that well anymore.

country gent
07-16-2015, 08:56 PM
While any form of motorcycles are out of the picture for me now, I know how you feel. muscles take alot longer to recoup after being used and abised for so long. As to the bee sting those are painfull where ever they get to. I was leaving the club with a Dr Pepper I had been sipping on all morning leaving the top off. Took a swallow to find that a bee had gotten in it I got stung in the back of my throat hurt like a real *****. The bigger issue was I was drooling for 3-4 hours.

07-16-2015, 10:47 PM
Hope you and your buddy have a great fishing trip tonight. Time enough to rest when you're dead!

07-17-2015, 02:16 AM
It has been a year and 3/4 since I operated any yard equipment that requires muscles. Picked up a new mini tiller to help weed the garden to make it easier on my lower back. Yeah now my upper body is telling me I was stupid yesterday! Got some of the fall garden veg in though!

07-17-2015, 03:16 AM
Well it turned out he had to work a little late, so we did a little maintenance and prep on the boat, loaded it up and put it in my shop ready for him to get off work tomorrow.
No fishing tonight, but at least now we are ready, unless I get called in to work tomorrow. lol

07-17-2015, 03:46 AM
You're not getting too old to have fun, you just had to much fun for your age.

07-17-2015, 08:15 AM
Caint see, caint hear, caint poop, caint make whoopy, caint drive, caint walk, caint have fun, THE GOLDEN YEARS CAN KISS MY @&%!!!
You're not getting too old to have fun, you just had to much fun for your age.

07-17-2015, 08:45 PM
Quick bee or wasp sting treatment: make a paste of adolph's meat tenderizer mixed with a little water, slap it on the sting site( after stinger removed if it was a honeybee) and cover with bandaid. The venom is protein, the tenderizer is a protein-dissolving enzyme. We use this in the ER and in the office.

Victor N TN
07-17-2015, 09:20 PM
In my younger days I had a bumble bee hit me on the cheek at 60 mph. I don't know how I hit it going away from me or what. But it stung me any way. That hurt.

07-17-2015, 09:51 PM
Well I can do anything I ever could, it just takes me longer to recover afterwards. Way longer sometimes and sometimes more trips but by gosh I will get it done eventually. And pay for it as long as that cost is worth it.

All I did was get annoyed at work all day, few aches from mowing the lawn a day or so ago - You got to ride dirt bike! Much better reason for taking an Advil. I hate you. :-p

07-18-2015, 12:00 AM
Having rode motorcycles for years I have quite a few bee and wasp sting stories myself, but the most amusing one that I can recall actually happened to my riding buddy while we were commuting home from work one day.

He pulled up to a stoplight, and simply stepped off his motorcycle letting it fall straight to the pavement. This would have been curious enough just by itself, yet it was followed by him flailing his arms around, and striking at his helmet with his hands like a man possessed, almost like he was trying to drive the demons directly out from his head using only his fists.

Eventually he managed to get his helmet strap undone while I watched in befuddlement as he threw his very expensive helmet on the ground, and proceeded to run away from it.

At this point I was quite curious as to what was actually going on with him. I had put my kickstand down, gotten off of my bike, and picked up his motorcycle.

He finally responded to my increasingly loud queries if he was OK with
"*darn* Yellow Jacket in my helmet!" Except he didn't actually use the word darn.

It may have been somewhat funny to watch this all happen at his expense, but it's a lot less fun when it actually happens to you. Those little buggers can keep stinging or biting or whatever it is they do to you over and over again.

It's remarkably unpleasant to drive over a yellow jacket hive with the tractor as well. Speaking from unpleasant experience here. However fast you think you can get off of a still moving tractor, trust me it's not quite fast enough.

- Bullwolf

07-18-2015, 01:04 AM
I know what you mean when I was about 19 I borrowed a friends enduro bike and ran a local motocross track they had just built with the permission of the guy who built it he only had a 4 wheeler and was interested in seeing how it ran , I ran it for about 2 hours the day before they were to have races , I wasn't Mr invincible the next morning I found muscles that even my high school wrestling days hadn't found, I would really be hurting if I tried that now.

I have also experienced a wasp down my shirt while driving , how i go there I don't know but I couldn't get the truck pulled over fast enough and get out and rip my shirt off

07-18-2015, 01:07 AM
We have Yellow Jackets and even more Mud Daubbers here and i've been nailed by both. The daubber is a vindictive and stealthy little prick and they HURT! Wholly cow when I got lit up by them, the sting site is about as unpleasant as any but for the following week or so it feels like someone swung a hammer at me. When something like that plays nasty with me, I dish the nasty back! Promptly grabbed a can of brake cleaner and the torch and unleashed a stream of roasty hydrocarbons to all the insurgents and their casa's.

07-18-2015, 01:53 AM
I hired someone to paint my house a couple years ago, ladders and my numb feet from bad nerves in my spine are a bad combination(I managed to miss the bottom step of the step ladder a few days ago, can't feel my left foot some days). I saw wasps flying out of a crack in the front porch roof and told him to hang on I will get some spray to hose inside it. He said he was fine and started slapping paint over the hole... yeah he stepped back off the scaffolding, landed flat on his back from 6 feet up, then jumped up and ran screaming "get the spray..." he had 25 bites and ended up in the ER for an EPI shot. Wasps got hosed with 2 cans of spray then I foamed whatever was left of them inside the roof!

07-18-2015, 02:30 AM
I hired someone to paint my house a couple years ago, ladders and my numb feet from bad nerves in my spine are a bad combination(I managed to miss the bottom step of the step ladder a few days ago, can't feel my left foot some days). I saw wasps flying out of a crack in the front porch roof and told him to hang on I will get some spray to hose inside it. He said he was fine and started slapping paint over the hole... yeah he stepped back off the scaffolding, landed flat on his back from 6 feet up, then jumped up and ran screaming "get the spray..." he had 25 bites and ended up in the ER for an EPI shot. Wasps got hosed with 2 cans of spray then I foamed whatever was left of them inside the roof!

Sounds like a textbook "I told you so"..... But i'm sure he has an adequate reminder of that moment in the form of some pain! Ouch!

07-18-2015, 05:25 AM
We were clearing 28 miles of powerline right of way up at lake limestone a few years back. I had an operator we called Happy,I don't remember his real name, that I relived to give him a coffee break. I noticed quite a few honey bees flying around the dozer, but didn't pay them much mind till they started stinging me. I run that 8 as fast as it would go to the fence, then just stepped out on the track and jumped the fence and kept running. I don't remember how many stingers my wife pulled out of me that night, but it was a lot. After they calmed down I went back to see what was up with that, and one of the trees I had pushed down and was headed to the burn pile with was a bee tree, so I just left it alone. When Happy came back in my pickup, I showed it to him, and told him just to push it 15 or 20 feet at a time till he got it to the burn pile. He said he was alergic to bees, and if I wanted that tree in the burn pile do it myself. lol

The last day of that job, I had Happy and one swamper finishing up an area alone, we were having a pretty big shindig, but when I drove up to get him, he had left one tree right out in the middle of about 5 acres. He told me it was a bee tree, and they had stung the swamper bad enough that he was laying over in the shade under some trees. I told him not to worry, I would get it, but first I was getting some honey from this one. I grabbed a 5 gallon bucket and a knife and walked out to it, when I got there there was a hornets nest close to three feet around that had busted open when he had pushed the tree down.
I went back and said you crazy yankee, why didn't you tell me they were hornets and not honey bees, he said all he knew about them, was they had stingers. lol

The second worst time I was ever stung, was driving a truck at Clear Lake Texas. I had the drivers window down and drove through a swarm. They filled the cab up till I couldn't even see the windshield, but bees will not sting you when they are swarming, so the only ones that stung me were the ones that got between me and the back of the seat and got mashed, I had 18 stings on my back that time.

07-18-2015, 05:30 AM
Oh yea, we just got in off the river, we stayed till midnight and it started sprinkling. I didn't get the first bite, my friend only got one good strike, but was turned around talking to me when it hit, so he missed it. We saw one nice king jump within just a few minutes after we anchored, so had our hopes up, but never saw another one, probably try again tomorrow evening.

07-18-2015, 10:16 AM
Better luck fishing tonight! I don't have any bee or wasp stories, the mud dauber variety we have around is pretty docile and yellow jacket or bee stings don't bother me much. In the case of bee stings I just scrape the stinger off if necessary. Don't get me wrong, they light me up pretty good but it goes away pretty fast. Fire ants around here are a real nuisance but even they don't bother me like they used to. I just scrape the blisters off after a few days and I'm good. Think I'll load up the golf cart and do a drive-by on all the mounds on my little place. I had a bunch more before all the rain but seem to have quite a few less these days. Hopefully will have a bunch less by next weekend.

mold maker
07-18-2015, 12:29 PM
Macho me (60 yr ago) cleaning a ditch bank in shorts, stepped knee deep in a hole. When I pulled it out it looked like yellow smoke boiling out, and I was covered.
Now I'm a modest person, but hit the basement door just like I entered this world.
I've been allergic ever since, and have to carry the shot just in case.

07-18-2015, 01:09 PM
Yea, dirt bike riding, skiing, water or snow, pretty much history now. Sure was fun. Bees and yellow jackets never bothered me much but the asp (puss moth caterpillar) was like getting smacked on the finger with a sledge hammer.

07-18-2015, 01:25 PM
LMAO, I will take any type of be or wasp sting over asps ANY day. lol

Funny story about an asp was, I had one get in my shirt collar while talking to a city inspector on a job in Houston. The first TWO times it got me I waved it off thinking it was some kind of wasp or something. The third time I ask the inspector if he could see something. lol
I was a newly wed at the time, and my wife had never been to Texas before., the bites looked like hickeys by the time I got home, and since she had never heard of asps, she wasn't going for that story. lol She even called my grandmother to ask if there was such a thing. She still did not completely belive it for a couple of days till the skin started coming off. lol

07-18-2015, 02:40 PM
"Getting to old to have fun" ---- NEVER!!!!!

Yes, I pay for it afterwards, but anything of value has to be paid for.
I fully agree .At 67 I feel like a newborn baby,no hair,no teeth and I just filled my pants!!!! Cheers and never surrender,Mike

07-19-2015, 05:28 PM
Starmac - not bites, toxic barbed hair-like spines. I just tried to flick one off a mulberry tree branch. NEVER AGAIN. I didn't know what they were either. Scotch tape is supposed to be good at removing the spines. As a city boy, thought the snauzer had killed a possum. I kicked and stepped on it, tossed it by the tail over the fence. Told my wife and she just laughed.

07-20-2015, 12:13 AM
Yes, I'd rather caress a power line at the entry box than an asp. For me at least, the sensation is quite similar.

07-20-2015, 12:40 AM
Worst shock I ever got was from a 50 inch tube type monitor at the casino(took 5 of us to move it!). It quit working was all they knew. So I took the back off powered it up and found out the HV wire to the anode had broken off right in a spot you couldn't see it and was laying over the power entrance connector... 65KV jumped to the power cord and then to my fingers on the power strip switch... I couldn't move for 3 days without massive pain from that one.

07-20-2015, 01:18 AM
Starmac - not bites, toxic barbed hair-like spines. I just tried to flick one off a mulberry tree branch. NEVER AGAIN. I didn't know what they were either. Scotch tape is supposed to be good at removing the spines. As a city boy, thought the snauzer had killed a possum. I kicked and stepped on it, tossed it by the tail over the fence. Told my wife and she just laughed.

I just called it a bite. lol Cow killers are the same way, you just have to touch their hair to feel massive pain.
Asps have got me several times over the years, but the worst was when we had our youngest daughter outside in a playpen. One got inside of her diaper, and at that age she couldn't tell us what was wrong.