View Full Version : California Raisins Beat Feds at U.S. Supreme Court

06-22-2015, 03:25 PM

Why should you care? A rare victory for folks loosing property to the Feds without compensation.

Too late for Kelo, but you gotta start somewhere...

"You may have heard it through the grapevine: the California raisin farmers who challenged the federal government’s power to seize a substantial portion of each year’s crop as part of a New Deal price-floor scheme had a very strong case (http://www.breitbart.com/california/2015/04/23/scotusblog-cal-raisin-farmers-had-a-good-day-at-the-u-s-supreme-court/) under the Fifth Amendment’s takings clause. On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed, overturning the Ninth Circuit’s decision in Horne v. USDA (http://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/14pdf/14-275_c0n2.pdf), ruling the farmers could not be fined for keeping their crop, and that they were due fair compensation."

06-23-2015, 12:23 AM
didn't we have a rebellion that just about ruined our country over something somewhat similar to this?
whiskey I believe it was.

06-23-2015, 12:33 AM
This is a pretty interesting case. The part that totally blows my mind is what the dessenting member of the court said: "Justice Sonia Sotomayor was the only dissenter. She said the program did not deprive the Hornes of all their property rights; it just limited the amount of potential income they could earn from it."

So what does she set as an acceptable limit for the government in this case? How much can your income be "limited" and still be OK? As long as they have "some" property rights they are good to go. This just shows you how nuts those on the left have become. How anyone could think this was right needs to have their heads examined.

06-23-2015, 12:33 AM
Now for Obamacare subsidies to go down!

06-23-2015, 05:06 AM
The only thing that is wrong with this decision is that it is only raisin growers... Most of the other agricultural is the same way.

06-23-2015, 06:07 AM
There is precedent set now. Other growers will have better luck in similar suits.