View Full Version : sight rules/classifications

12-23-2014, 07:06 AM
The club which I belong to holds informal shoots during the course of the year. The shooters are divided up by classification depending on what type of sights their rifle has, irons/open sights and scoped. The open sights class includes any type of peep/aperture/tang sight. There have been some 'suggestions' given lately that those using a peep sight be included in either their own class or with the scoped class.

I'm trying to find basis in rules or regs that might support, or not, those 'suggestions'. So far my Google searching has shown me anything of use either way. So, if someone could point me in the right direction here it would be appreciated.


12-23-2014, 08:34 AM
I'm guessing that you are asking about muzzleloaders? If so go to the NMLRA home site and look up Rules & Regulations there are a whole bunch of rules on sights. You will see that there is a difference between "open" and "aperture" sights and even rules on the distance that the open sight may be placed on the barrel. It does get quite complicated and with all the different matches involved a guy really has to be knowledgeable about what is to be used and where.


12-23-2014, 08:34 AM
Aperture sights are not considered to be open sights, as they are not open on top.

12-23-2014, 09:14 AM
I did check out the rules & regs on the NMLRA site, bottom of page 8, which describes the type of sights but found no mention as to what class a type of sight might fall into.

I may be making more of this than I need to. I shoot against myself so if there's anyone's butt I'm trying to kick, it's my own.