View Full Version : Colorado dems bribed by obama

03-10-2013, 10:47 AM

Recall them!

03-10-2013, 10:57 AM
They all should be tried for treason, they are listening to DC, not the People they actually work for and were elected by. There should be protests that fill Denver with people of common sense. Many of our Legislators in NY are now rethinking there Vote on the Unsafe Act.

Laos Deo,


03-10-2013, 12:33 PM
Packed up and moved out about 6 months ago, after a lifetime of residency.

Looks like my timing was about right. I hope all my friends survive the idiots in the driver's seat.

03-10-2013, 12:36 PM
I hope any of you that are thinking of coming to CO to hunt/fish/vacation will change your minds and stay away. Don't spend any money here and reward the Bozo's in Denver

Love Life
03-10-2013, 12:40 PM
Dang. Them Colorado Dems have stones!! I mean, even big Reid has been very quiet on this gun control garbage, and that is saying a lot!!

03-10-2013, 12:40 PM
It angers me when an elected official gets "public servant" confused with "ruling class".

03-10-2013, 12:48 PM
It is called lobbying. If you don't like what your legislator votes for vote him out of office. Who ever made the video is not the most politically aware individual. John Lott is a very pro gun person and should have been identified as such. Obama and Biden are not doing anything illegal. They are doing what politicians always do ,thist arm to convince people to vote their way. That is the same thing we do as pro gun. Screwbolts you may want to read the Constitution to find out what treason really is. You may not like the results but lobbyiung and listening to lobbyists is not treason.