View Full Version : natural diasters:Being Prepared

07-13-2007, 02:59 PM
Last winter there was some discussion on how to be prepared for a natural disaster.

Popular Mechanics magazine has a feature story on the subject in the Augest issue. A lot of sound of information most people over look.


Larry Gibson
07-13-2007, 05:34 PM

Back in the late '70s and early '80s if you mentioned such such things as stock piling food and other necessities for a disaster you were called a "survivalist". Disdained publicly as a "cultist" and sometimes investigated by the local authorities or even the FBI as a "domestic terrorist". Having had their peepee's wacked by a couple of disasters now these same hypocritical a$$h*les are espousing the very same thing. Was the same wih camoflage. Back then if you wore or camoflaged anything you were chastised as some kind of war mongering crazed psycho. Now days you can camo a dog turd and sell it as "trendy" on Rodeo Dr.

Larry Gibson

07-14-2007, 08:53 AM
If you really want to get into this stuff there are dozens of websites devoted to survival and preparedness. A member here recently turned me on to his favorite. I have to admit it's interesting, but some of the tin foil helmet crowd (one guy knows the date and time the Earths poles will shift!) gets annoying and the constant doom and gloom is a bit depressing.

Since the internet will be DOA when SHTF on the day TEOTWAWKI I can recommend something called "a book". Specifically "Carla Emerys Cookbook". Pretty much anything you need to know about the non-military/anarchist/bomb making/EMP type stuff is there. It's a homsteading book you could say. Good stuff.

07-15-2007, 08:51 AM

07-17-2007, 06:19 PM
After Katrina, and seeing that fiasco on TV. I think people that live in those areas prone such things as huricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis should be prepared.

You cant count on the guberment to do any thing but misspend your tax dollars. The only people you can count on is your family, and maybe a few friends and people next door.

The magazine is a good read, and thought provoking.


07-18-2007, 08:52 AM
After Katrina, and seeing that fiasco on TV. I think people that live in those areas prone such things as huricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis should be prepared.

You cant count on the guberment to do any thing but misspend your tax dollars. The only people you can count on is your family, and maybe a few friends and people next door.

The magazine is a good read, and thought provoking.


And they re-elected the guys that left them stranded. Ya gotta wonder....

07-18-2007, 12:00 PM
They probably voted on single issues...Doesn't everyone?