View Full Version : A note of thanks

12-09-2012, 11:39 AM
I use Wordpress.com, a blogging site, to store my photos and post my stories. I check the stats every day to see how many visitors have dropped by.

I want y'all to know that I consider it a really nice compliment that y'all are interested enough to go look. I've had almost 400 visits just to my "A FATAL MISTAKE" story.

I didn't put a link to my target files on my signature to brag. Fact is, most of 'em ain't worth lookin' at. I photograph all my targets mostly to remind myself what's useable and what ain't worth two cents. I put the link up because I like to SEE a target. I can read data like anybody else, but to me, there's something about lookin' at a target that brings out a lot more.

Anywho, I 'preciate y'all droppin' by for a look see.

12-09-2012, 03:44 PM
Always glad to see what you're up to Jim!

12-09-2012, 08:27 PM
Always glad to see what you're up to Jim!

Right now, about 5', 2" and 130! :bigsmyl2: