View Full Version : My state senators response

10-04-2012, 03:22 PM
I e-mailed my state senator about the bills loosening up the registration and permit to purchase requirements in Michigan. This is the response I got. I hope it passes as it is a pain to have to go to the police station when they are open and someone is there who knows what they are doing and beg for permission to go buy a pistol. It has always seemed like it should be less like asking for permission.

Dear Mr. Kelly:

Thank you for contacting my office with your concerns regarding HB 5225, 5498, and 5499; legislation that would amend current handgun purchase requirements. Based on research, testimony from committee, discussions with my colleagues, personal experience, and information from constituents I voted in favor of this legislation when it came up for a vote in the Senate Committee on Judiciary of which I chair. I am looking forward to discussing and supporting this legislation with my colleagues.

The current process Michigan residents are required to go through is lengthy and can be expensive for residents who simply wish to enjoy their 2nd Amendment rights as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. This package of legislation offers a means of easing restrictions against law-abiding gun owners and a way for our state to prevent the waste of taxpayer dollars.

Thank you again for emailing my office.


Rick Jones
State Senator
District 24

I guess he is an alright guy.

10-04-2012, 03:29 PM
Sounds like somebody you want to re-elect!

We continue to roll back these unconstitutional anti-gun rights laws, a very
good trend.


10-04-2012, 04:26 PM
rEMEMBER TO VOTE FOR HIM!!! He sounds like a keeper. Maybe persuade him to run for National office....

10-04-2012, 04:42 PM
Wow! Would be nice to have many of his ilk, in California.

10-05-2012, 12:23 PM
Bill still in committee often get sqashed by those who say they are for the bills. Email back and tell him you are watching committee action, if that is possible in your state. Ask him for minutes or comments, usually an aid can get you this. Don't wait for the final vote, the action is behind closed doors.

10-05-2012, 01:23 PM
More people on this forum should be corresponding with their senators and reps.
They should also pay attention to who the NRA suports.