View Full Version : 9-11 and unfinished business

09-11-2011, 08:38 AM
I have been watching 9-11 footage. I don’t think I can watch much more and it’s early.

It’s the 2nd day a day that will live infamy.

It got me thinking, that I had some unfinished business.
I owed my Grandson an apology. I tried and it didn’t go well
So now it’s in GODS hands

Vaya con Dios Brandon

09-11-2011, 12:06 PM
DCP - Maybe that grandson will give some thought to your apology later, and decide to let it go. The anger, that is. Hope it all works out. Mike

09-11-2011, 02:15 PM
DCP, remember the proper order of priority:

#1 God
#2 Family
#3 Work

As long as you keep this order things WILL work out as they should.